Former FARC combatants in the process of reincorporation and their families have access to a comprehensive and effective reincorporation with the support of the UN Country Team in coordination with the Presidential Council for Stabilisation and Consolidation and the Agency for Reincorporation and Normalisation, in addition to the efforts of the Colombian Government (UNSDCF 1.1)
Reincorporation of Farc ex-combatants
Former FARC combatants in the process of reincorporation and their families have access to a comprehensive and effective reincorporation with the support of the UN Country Team in coordination with the Presidential Council for Stabilisation and Consolidation and the Agency for Reincorporation and Normalisation, in addition to the efforts of the Colombian Government (UNSDCF 1.1)
UN Women reports on this indicator in a global scope, signified by "(Desk Review)" at the end of the indicator statement (see the Our Global Results page for the global result)
Support for the set-up and implementation of strategies and initiatives for the economic and social reincorporation of women, with an emphasis on productive projects, employment opportunities, solidarity economies, care economy, prevention of gender-based violence; and comprehensive care in sexual and reproductive health, as well as care for children, adolescents, and youth
Former FARC combatants in the process of reincorporation and their families have access to a comprehensive and effective reincorporation with the support of the UN Country Team in coordination with the Presidential Council for Stabilisation and Consolidation and the Agency for Reincorporation and Normalisation, in addition to the efforts of the Colombian Government (UNSDCF 1.1)
In 2023, UN Women Colombia made significant progress on outcome 1.1 (on track). Thanks to UN Women contribution in partnership with MPTF, beneficiary women report a reduction of 13.3% of the time they use for care-work . Alongside, five (5) Territorial Spaces for Training and Reincorporation (AETCR) have updated Community Care Plans which include a Communitarian Care Network for the Prevention of GBV and a strategy for institutional strengthening. The methodology implemented in this project was shared with the team of the Care National System –as part of the Ministry of Equality—and to strategic partners that will be replicating the experience in three (3) pilots in rural areas of Colombia. The results regarding economic empowerment will be published as a result of UN Women’s coordination with the Kroc Institute. The CO has also incorporated the disability approach in its work with ex-combatants in reincorporation process thanks to a UN MPTF JP. Via an Integral Care Model with a community approach that promote the participation of persons with disabilities, 458 women, 357 men, 440 young persons, and 49 girls and boys now have a holistic understanding of care that goes beyond child related care-work. Finally, UN Women continued to support organizations of ex-combatant women in Cauca through the implementation of a small grant that strengthened the organizational, technical, and methodological capacities of the CSO.Disclaimer and notes
References to Kosovo shall be understood to be in the context of United Nations Security Council resolution 1244 (1999).