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Since the start of the Strategic Plan 2022-2025, UN Women has expanded and deepened partnerships with government, civil society, private sector and United Nations partners to increase its global reach. Below is a summary of the aggregate results achieved over the past two years.

Laws and Policy_Woman and Decree
women and girls

in 78 countries now have a more supportive legislative and policy environment

Gender Equality_Man Equals Woman

have strengthened national mechanisms, processes and/or guidelines for the achievement of gender equality, including gender-responsive national reviews, financing assessments and inclusive peacebuilding processes

Support Network_Women Linking Arms.svg
partner organizations

in 92 countries have increased capacities to safeguard women’s rights, including delivering quality goods, services, and resources for women in humanitarian and development settings

Women's Empowerment_Woman with Arms Up
gender-responsive services

as well as products, tools and initiatives in 73 countries were developed and/or implemented, including innovative financing tools, multi-stakeholder initiatives and platforms for disseminating gender statistics

Global normative frameworks, and gender-responsive laws, policies and institutions

Laws and Policy_Woman and Decree

across 39 countries, home to 1.4 billion women and girls were adopted, revised or repealed with UN Women’s support


national and local multi-sectoral policies, strategies and/or plans were adopted in 58 countries, with the potential to benefit 2.6 billion women and girls

Leadership_Woman Giving Presentation.svg
partner organizations/institutions

in 82 countries have increased capacities to influence gender-responsive legislation, strategies, policies, action plans and/or institutional reforms

Financing for gender equality

Economic Empowerment_Woman Leader With Money.svg
partner organizations/institutions

in 53 countries now have strengthened capacities to apply newly-obtained knowledge and technical skills to effectively mainstream gender into fiscal laws, policies and standards, in areas including taxation, trade and decentralization

Positive social norms including by engaging men and boys

Violence Against Women and Girls_Lightning Bolt

have adopted comprehensive, coordinated strategies for preventing violence against women, with dedicated focus on transforming inequitable gender norms

Women’s equitable access to services, goods and resources


across 79 countries, including many survivors of violence and internally-displaced women and refugees, accessed information, goods, resources and/or services with support from UN Women


have implemented systems, strategies and/or programmes to advance women’s equal access to and use of services, goods and/or resources (including social protection)

Violence Against Women_Lightning Bolt

have strengthened protocols, guidelines and initiatives to prevent and respond to violence against women

Refugees_Woman and Family at Camp

across 87 countries have enhanced capacities to deliver and/or monitor essential services, goods and resources for women and girls in humanitarian and development settings

Women’s voice, leadership and agency

Economic Empowerment_Woman Leader With Money.svg

across 57 countries to civil society organizations working towards the achievement of women’s rights, including through the Spotlight Initiative, the UN Trust Fund to End Violence Against Women (UN Trust Fund), and the Women’s Peace and Humanitarian Fund (WPHF)

Leadership_Woman at Podium
civil society organisations

or mechanisms, across 84 countries, enhanced leadership capacity and enabled meaningful and safe engagement in decision-making

Violence Against Women_Lightning Bolt

in 25 countries were developed and implemented to prevent, monitor and mitigate violence against women in politics and public life

Production, analysis and use of gender statistics and sex-disaggregated data


UN Women worked to ensure statistical systems do not turn a blind eye to women, supporting 76 gender statistics/data initiatives to inform policy, programming and budgeting and/or develop national plans and strategies, and 31 countries used the data for policies and programmes

UN system coordination for gender equality

United Nations.svg
of United Nations Country Teams

that developed Cooperation Frameworks in 2023 prioritized gender equality (72 per cent in 2022) with UN Women’s support

UN SWAP greyscale
United Nations entities

(73 in 2022) reported on the System-wide Action Plan (UN-SWAP 2.0)

Gender Equality_Man Equals Woman
United Nations Country Teams

reported on the UNCT-SWAP (76 in 2022) on their gender mainstreaming performance

Organizational efficiency and effectiveness

Economic Empowerment_Woman Leader With Money.svg
was implemented

by UN Women between 2022 and 2023, all directly linked toward the achievement of results for women and girls

Budgeting and Accounting_Woman With Calculator.svg
growth in regular resources

received in 2023, outpacing growth in other resources (1.7 per cent) for the second time since 2014

Social Media
social media reach

achieved by UN Women effectively leveraging partnerships and communication (188.5 million in 2022)

Women's Empowerment_Woman with Arms Up
of Women’s Empowerment Principles signatories

in 2023, totaling 8,917 signatories in over 160 countries

Business_Woman With Briefcase
unqualified audit opinion

received from the United Nations Board of Auditors in 2023. Similar to 2022, UN Women in 2023 met both milestones for internal and external audit recommendations, as well as the performance of its enterprise risk policy and framework; demonstrating UN Women’s financial stewardship and operational maturity

Due to recent circumstances experienced by the UN Women office in the State of Palestine, the office’s 2023 results are only partially included in this report, to the extent they could be quality assured.

Progress against 2023 milestones

In 2023, UN Women supported 99 countries and territories (100 in 2022), including high-income countries, to advance gender equality and women’s empowerment. At the midpoint of the Strategic Plan, overall progress towards targets is positive. 

UN Women achieved good performance (reaching at least 90 per cent of 2023 milestones) for 85 per cent of indicators with data available at the development results output level, up from 77 per cent in 2022. Early achievement of 2025 targets across 31 per cent of indicators stems from various factors; the midterm review will allow UN Women to raise ambition in these areas.

Please note: This figure excludes 39 indicators that are only monitored at component or disaggregated levels or that are not assigned a 2023 milestone.


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