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Our Results Highlights
our story Stronger pivoting to regions and countries image
our story Investing for future impact image

Stronger pivoting to regions and countries

Location Global

In 2023, the second year of the 2022-2025 Strategic Plan, UN Women has continued its efforts towards pivoting towards regions and countries. As part of this, the organization has revitalized its business transformation support in offices, such as the efforts in Kenya, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Sudan, Egypt, and Afghanistan amongst others. While there is much more work to be done, 2023 saw an improvement in terms of increasing the overall sustainability of the portfolio of offices in the organization

Investing for future impact

Location Jordan

UN Women Jordan Country Office continuously invests its efforts to enhance its ability to deliver impact at scale, demonstrating agile and ethical leadership while fostering a culture of continuous improvement in the pursuit of Gender Equality and Women's Empowerment (GEWE). This is evident through its strong presence being a Tier 1 office. The Jordan Country Office during the Strategic Note period will ensure to continue adapting, learning and fostering innovative thinking.

our story Stronger pivoting to regions and countries image

Global: Stronger pivoting to regions and countries

Location Global

In 2023, the second year of the 2022-2025 Strategic Plan, UN Women has continued its efforts towards pivoting towards regions and countries. As part of this, the organization has revitalized its business transformation support in offices, such as the efforts in Kenya, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Sudan, Egypt, and Afghanistan amongst others. While there is much more work to be done, 2023 saw an improvement in terms of increasing the overall sustainability of the portfolio of offices in the organization

our story Investing for future impact image

Jordan: Investing for future impact

Location Jordan

UN Women Jordan Country Office continuously invests its efforts to enhance its ability to deliver impact at scale, demonstrating agile and ethical leadership while fostering a culture of continuous improvement in the pursuit of Gender Equality and Women's Empowerment (GEWE). This is evident through its strong presence being a Tier 1 office. The Jordan Country Office during the Strategic Note period will ensure to continue adapting, learning and fostering innovative thinking.


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Question 01