Economic and productive policies have a gender approach and promote more economic, decent work and care opportunities for women and LGBTIQ+.
Economic and productive policies have a gender approach and promote more economic, decent work and care opportunities for women and LGBTIQ+.
Complementary indicators are identified as those in the results framework that are not repeated verbatim in the results framework of another United Nations entity, but are related or provide different but complementary lenses or insights into the same issue, high-level result and/or area of complementary work, such as a Sustainable Development Goal target.
ComplementaryComplementary indicators are identified as those in the results framework that are not repeated verbatim in the results framework of another United Nations entity, but are related or provide different but complementary lenses or insights into the same issue, high-level result and/or area of complementary work, such as a Sustainable Development Goal target.
ComplementaryEconomic and productive policies have a gender approach and promote more economic, decent work and care opportunities for women and LGBTIQ+.
The main outcomes at the national level are: - The regulation of article 179 of the Labor Contract Law, which obliges the employer sector to provide childcare spaces for children from 45 days to 3 years of age, in establishments with more than 100 employees. The advocacy UN Women together with other UN agencies contributed to the regulation of article. - The parliamentary discussion in the Congress of the Nation of the chapter on leaves of absence contemplated in the bill Cuidar en Igualdad. The bill was discussed in the committee of the Chamber of Deputies, among others, and awaits its treatment in the plenary of that Chamber. UN Women contributed to the drafting of the bill, through the hiring of a consultant for the elaboration of the section on care for older adults, and through the elaboration of a joint document between the agencies of the System where an exhaustive analysis of the Project was carried out and recommendations for its improvement were provided. At the subnational level, Neuquén expanded its competencies for the formulation of public policies that contribute to accelerate the implementation of the SDGs with a strong component dedicated to integrated and coordinated development. In particular, UN Women along with the United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-Habitat) and the United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS) developed the program Development of sustainable and resilient cities and communities in Neuquén wich contributed to strengthening local agencies in the fulfillment of SDG 11, SDG 12 and SDG 5. Neuquén is the first province in Argentina to: Conducting training on gender mainstreaming in public works at the provincial level and with a presence in the territory, adapted to its needs and delivered to all groups involved in construction simultaneously. Develop the adaptation of UN Women's costing methodology for care infrastructure at the municipal level, which provides a tool to be used and redefined by the municipalities involved and leaves installed capacities to give continuity to the cost estimation and the possibility of expanding its scope. Setting an important precedent for inter-agency work. As a result, new spaces for participation and engagement in urban planning have been achieved for the local population targeted by the initiative -women and diversities- through 2 major strategic objectives. 1.Participation in the construction sector: Formalization of a platform created by the Ministry of Women and Diversity: The website functions as a self-management portal to encourage the inclusion of women in the construction industry to offer their work, as well as a useful tool for those who want to hire women to work in their construction sites. New alliances that scale the impact of the project from the provincial level to the national level through key meetings that allowed to strengthen the efforts and previous work between UN Women, the Ministry of Public Works of the Nation and UNOPS to formalize the participation of the province of Neuquén, the Ministry of Women and Diversity of the Province and different provincial agencies dedicated to construction, to the Gender and Diversity Network of the Ministry of Public Works of the Nation. The replicability of the contents of the training courses to be included in those given by the province within the framework of the Micaela Law. 2. Participation in the expansion of coverage and improvement of care services. This is the first time in Argentina that this costing is anchored at the local level through these 13 municipalities that are being costed and is part of a regional strategy in Latin America and the Caribbean carried out by UN Women in different countries of the region; a national and provincial strategy that is costing more than 8 provinces, in alliance with the International Labor Organization. In this context, we worked with the municipal areas in the participatory collection of information, and listening to the priorities and different realities detected in each context in care, attending to urban and rural contexts. As a result of the study, in 2030, it is estimated for 13 municipalities: 71,477 beneficiaries; a percentage of coverage of care services that will reach 84%; 16,593 direct jobs generated by the expansion of coverage that will represent 5.5% of the provincial GGP and 38.3% self-financing of the total costs of coverage. Although there are no estimates that allow us to state how many of these jobs will benefit women, paid work in the care sector - particularly direct care - is mainly carried out by the female sector. The study focuses on teachers and assistants in Extended School Hours, educators in Child Development Centers, and kitchen staff.Disclaimer and notes
References to Kosovo shall be understood to be in the context of United Nations Security Council resolution 1244 (1999).