Women and girls in armed conflict and protracted crises meaningfully participate in peace and security processes, from formal peace talks to local peacebuilding efforts, advocate effectively for women’s rights and gender equality in prevention and reconstruction efforts, and benefit from the implementation of WPS commitments across the Arab States region
Women and girls in armed conflict and protracted crises meaningfully participate in peace and security processes, from formal peace talks to local peacebuilding efforts, advocate effectively for women’s rights and gender equality in prevention and reconstruction efforts, and benefit from the implementation of WPS commitments across the Arab States region
Regional inter-governmental bodies, national stakeholders and UN partners have increased capacities and ownership of the WPS agenda to implement and localize women, peace and security commitments in the Arab region
UN Women generates timely, evidence- and data-based knowledge products that inform programming and advocacy on WPS across all peacebuilding tracks
Women civil society and women peacebuilders in the region are enabled at all levels, including in both formal and grassroots processes, to advocate for women’s rights, and for gender-responsive peacebuilding, reconstruction, and conflict prevention
Women and girls in armed conflict and protracted crises meaningfully participate in peace and security processes, from formal peace talks to local peacebuilding efforts, advocate effectively for women’s rights and gender equality in prevention and reconstruction efforts, and benefit from the implementation of WPS commitments across the Arab States region
During the reporting over 100 women and young women peacebuilders, human rights defenders and activists from the region, increased their capacities, and accessed knowledge and networking opportunities to actively participate in peace and security issues in the region . Additionally, through UN Women regional programming, national stakeholders enhanced their capacities for the implementation of the WPS agenda at country level in 5 countries in the region. National stakeholders across the region benefitted from technical support for the development, adoption and implementation of National Action Plans on UNSCR 1325. In 2022, one member state in the region adopted a new NAP (Morocco), bringing the total number of NAPs in the region to 8. Finally, national and international stakeholder, civil society actors and women peacebuilders can now access information on women’s participation in local mediation efforts in the region as well as on the interlinkages and integration of transitional justice and NAPs 1325. To achieve these results, UN Women continued to support the meaningful participation of women and girls in peace and security processes in the Arab region through 1) knowledge production on WPS issues in the region, 2) direct capacity building support to women and young women involved in peace and security, 3) strategic partnerships with regional and global stakeholders to strengthen the implementation of the WPS agenda in the region. Additionally, UN Women supported national stakeholders in the implementation of the WPS agenda regionally. Further, UN Women continued to deliver on conducting cutting edge research on WPS issues in the region in order to better inform UN Women work on WPS going forward as well as to provide knowledge to national and international stakeholder, civil society actors and women peacebuilders themselves across the region.Disclaimer and notes
References to Kosovo shall be understood to be in the context of United Nations Security Council resolution 1244 (1999).