Region:Asia Pacific
Current UN Women Plan Period Afghanisthan:2018-2022
outcome XM-DAC-41146-BRB_D_2.1
More productive and competitive business ecosystems designed to improve people’s standards of living (MSCDF Outcome 1)
Gender Responsive Budgeting was mainstreamed by Government in 2023 for application in the 2024 budget with “all line ministries providing expenditure estimates that adequately reflect gender priorities and considerations.” This exceeded the target from four (4) Ministries to all twenty-eight (28) ministries and departments of Government, and promises to be the most systematic way to sustain the results and take further action on GEWE and EVAWG. During the first quarter of 2023, the Government issued a Gender Budget Statement identifying priorities for gender mainstreaming and budgeting across several Ministries. In August, the Ministry of Finance set out the Budget Framework Paper 2024 which stated that: “The Government is keenly aware that the implementation of projects, programmes, and policies that are financed by public expenditure has differential impacts on women and men. As such, the Budget will be prepared taking into consideration gender issues and priorities in various sectors and factoring in relevant cost implications in the Budget estimates.” In the guidance issued regarding the preparation of the budget, the Ministry of Finance instructed all Ministries and Departments to “include gender-related statements in their strategic objectives and performance measures”. This milestone follows a pilot project that was undertaken by the Programme with the Government of Grenada using GRB tools and a manual to assess the national budget allocations dedicated to addressing VAWG across four (4) Ministries and Departments. Other development partners, such as the World Bank, were also undertaking activities in support of GRB in Grenada. The separate but complementary work by different partners contributed to this significant outcome which will be sustainable, and it is expected that the strengthening of the NGM and its network including the gender focal points, Gender Equality Commission and National Coordinating System on EVAWG through this Programme will contribute significantly to the effective application of GRB on Grenada.
outcome XM-DAC-41146-BRB_D_2.2
People in the Caribbean equitably access and utilize universal, quality and shock-responsive, social protection, education, health and care services. (Outcome 4)
The results of the a gender gap analysis of social protection policy and legal frameworks 4 countries: Dominica, Grenada, St. Lucia and St. Vincent & the Grenadines) have identified inequalities throughout the life course in this sector. The results of this research are now available to inform the development of multi-sector interventions, policies and programmes, across the life course to narrow inequalities by women and women in this sector.
outcome XM-DAC-41146-BRB_D_3.2
Regional and national laws, policies, systems and institutions improve access to justice and promote peace, social cohesion and security (MSCDF Outcome 7)
UN Women MCO - Caribbean supported regional and national entities and governments with the finalisation and approval of national plans and policies on gender and GBV in Jamaica, Trinidad and Tobago, and regionally with the development of a revised CARICOM Gender Equality Policy. UN Women supported capacity building on gender-responsive budgeting, and national GRB assessments in 3 countries to provide evidence for decision-making and sustained financing to address VAWG. The office continued to support institutional strengthening, through the rollout of the gender-responsive policing programme in Trinidad and Tobago, and support for Parliamentarians to increase their joint advocacy on issues related to Gender and GBV. UN Women continued to utilise evidence-based approaches toward the prevention of VAWG, including the rollout of the Foundations Programme in Guyana, Grenada, Jamaica and Trinidad and Tobago, and the rollout of the Partnership for Peace (PfP) rehabilitation programme in Antigua and Barbuda. The PfP programme also benefitted from a major overhaul and update, to address new and emerging issues related to VAWG, since its inception over 15 years prior, and to address lessons learned including operational constraints in its implementation. This programme is being adapted and implemented by Judiciaries within the region, following several successful workshops and sensitisation efforts in 2023. Significant strides were made in data availability and capacity, including the development and approval of CARICOM guidelines and protocols on the collection and use of administrative data on VAWG, and a multi-country study on the Economic Costs of Violence Against Women and Girls, launched in Jamaica, and completed in Guyana and Grenada. The MCO also worked to support 23 civil society organisations in prevention and response efforts, through the small grant funding modality aimed at increasing technical substantive capacity of organisations working on EVAWG. The office also convened regional networks of civil society through intergenerational dialogues and fora, and supported Civil Society Reference Groups to produce sustainability plans during UN Women-funded workshops and by providing technical expertise. The MCO strengthened multi-sectoral partnerships, including supporting 15 new WEPs signatories in Guyana with the development of Gender Action Plans, and 8 signatories with the development of Domestic Violence policies. The MCO was successful in launching the concept of Women, Peace and Security to the Caribbean region by supporting Trinidad and Tobago's membership in the global WPS Focal Point Network and hosting a National Workshop on WPS in collaboration with the Governments of Trinidad and Tobago and Canada, to address growing security concerns within the region, and to support women's active participation in peacebuilding and social cohesion. The Government of Trinidad and Tobago invited UN Women to join the special advisory group on WPS, to develop the first National Action Plan on Women, Peace and Security, in 2024.
outcome XM-DAC-41146-BRB_D_4.1
Caribbean people, communities, and institutions have enhanced their adaptive capacity for inclusive, gender responsive Disaster Risk Management and climate change adaptation and mitigation. (MSCDF Outcome 5)
Things are on track to significant progress being achieve towards Caribbean people, communities and institutions having enhanced their adaptive capacity for inclusive gender responsive DRM and CC adaptation and mitigation. With the focus of most of the prorgess during 2023 being on institutions that themselves engage with people and communities, this provides great scope for furtehr scaling across the Caribbean, across other instituions and for providing support to people and communities as they themselves also strengthen their own capacity.
outcome XM-DAC-41146-BRB_D_6.1
Regional institutions, national governments and civil society in CARICOM generate, analyse, publicise and utilise gender statistics to design and adopt laws, systems and policies to eliminate discrimination, address structural inequalities and promote the adoption of attitudes, norms and practices that advance gender equality and women’s empowerment in the Caribbean.
Notable impact has been made by regional institutions, national governments and civil society to in using data towards the enhancement of policy, legislation and systems to address issues of gender equality. UN Women MCO provided support to the Caribbean Court of Justice (CCJ) as amicus curiae in an Appeal which led to a ruling promoting a human rights sensitive approach in the interpretation of provisions in the Domestic Violence Act of Barbados and has sustained work with civil society and national gender machineries (NGMs), a key success of which has been the Ministry of Culture Gender Entertainment and Sport of Jamaica championing amendments to the Domestic Violence Act which was approved in 2023. The MCO continues to provide sustained support to countries in the implementation of their CEDAW obligations, and other human rights obligations towards advancing gender equality. The MCO has supported the following: 1. Costing of the National Police for Gender Equality for Jamaica 2. Drafting and providing technical support for the development of a Gender Policy for the Turks and Caicos Islands 3. Begun engagment to support the Gender Policy for British Virgin Islands 4. Partnered to support a Gender Review of Belize , including the development of a Gender Analysis and the review three sector plans/strategies to integrate gender equality and preventing and responding to gender-based violence 5. Promoted the development of a Women, Peace and Security National Action Plan in Trinidad and Tobago . 6. Technical support was also provided in the drafting of the National Gender Equality and Equity Policy for The Bahamas. Where there have been areas where no significant impact was made, the MCO has continued to lay the foundation for interventions, programmes and technical support that will advance gender equality in the region in coming years.Showing 1 - 5 of 5
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The boundaries and names shown and the designations used on this map do not imply official endorsement or acceptance by the United Nations.
References to Kosovo shall be understood to be in the context of United Nations Security Council resolution 1244 (1999).
References to Kosovo shall be understood to be in the context of United Nations Security Council resolution 1244 (1999).