By 2026, gaps in key socio-economic indicators are reduced, reflecting greater gender equality and progress in the empowerment of youth, women and girls, and other vulnerable groups, including in humanitarian contexts. (Outcome 2.2 /UNSDCF)
By 2026, gaps in key socio-economic indicators are reduced, reflecting greater gender equality and progress in the empowerment of youth, women and girls, and other vulnerable groups, including in humanitarian contexts. (Outcome 2.2 /UNSDCF)
By 2026, gaps in key socio-economic indicators are reduced, reflecting greater gender equality and progress in the empowerment of youth, women and girls, and other vulnerable groups, including in humanitarian contexts. (Outcome 2.2 /UNSDCF)
Complementary indicators are identified as those in the results framework that are not repeated verbatim in the results framework of another United Nations entity, but are related or provide different but complementary lenses or insights into the same issue, high-level result and/or area of complementary work, such as a Sustainable Development Goal target.
ComplementaryData reported for 2022 results against this indicator was obtained as part of a learning process on social norms and therefore may not accurately reflect the results obtained. Internal reviews of data collected on social norms across relevant indicators, coupled with external reviews, are informing the design of UN Women’s principled approach to social & gender norms change. This will be reflected in changes to the indicators to be introduced in the Mid-Term Review of the Strategic Plan.
Complementary indicators are identified as those in the results framework that are not repeated verbatim in the results framework of another United Nations entity, but are related or provide different but complementary lenses or insights into the same issue, high-level result and/or area of complementary work, such as a Sustainable Development Goal target.
ComplementaryComplementary indicators are identified as those in the results framework that are not repeated verbatim in the results framework of another United Nations entity, but are related or provide different but complementary lenses or insights into the same issue, high-level result and/or area of complementary work, such as a Sustainable Development Goal target.
ComplementaryComplementary indicators are identified as those in the results framework that are not repeated verbatim in the results framework of another United Nations entity, but are related or provide different but complementary lenses or insights into the same issue, high-level result and/or area of complementary work, such as a Sustainable Development Goal target.
ComplementaryComplementary indicators are identified as those in the results framework that are not repeated verbatim in the results framework of another United Nations entity, but are related or provide different but complementary lenses or insights into the same issue, high-level result and/or area of complementary work, such as a Sustainable Development Goal target.
ComplementaryUN Women reports on this indicator in a global scope, signified by "(Desk Review)" at the end of the indicator statement (see the Our Global Results page for the global result)
Common indicators are those that appear verbatim the same in at least two entities' results frameworks and are drawn, where possible, directly from other globally agreed frameworks.
CommonComplementary indicators are identified as those in the results framework that are not repeated verbatim in the results framework of another United Nations entity, but are related or provide different but complementary lenses or insights into the same issue, high-level result and/or area of complementary work, such as a Sustainable Development Goal target.
ComplementaryUN Women reports on this indicator in a global scope, signified by "(Desk Review)" at the end of the indicator statement (see the Our Global Results page for the global result)
Common indicators are those that appear verbatim the same in at least two entities' results frameworks and are drawn, where possible, directly from other globally agreed frameworks.
CommonComplementary indicators are identified as those in the results framework that are not repeated verbatim in the results framework of another United Nations entity, but are related or provide different but complementary lenses or insights into the same issue, high-level result and/or area of complementary work, such as a Sustainable Development Goal target.
ComplementaryNational and local actors are better able to prevent violence against women and girls and deliver essential services
Through the actions of UNWOMEN and his partners ,A pool of 30 trainers (20 women and 10 men) was set up with the support of MINPROFF during the "training and setting up of the pool of local and national trainers on Gender Based Violence in humanitarian contex59 magistrates and lawyers,45 (27 men, 18 women) police officers from the North West, South West and Far North region of Cameroon have been trained on Gender based violence, the concepts, the international, regional and national normative frameworks on GBV in the context of crisis and these magistrates, lawyers and police officers are actively engaged in their regions protecting the rights of women and girls, bringing perpetrators to justice and providing legal aid to victims. 147 (27 women and 120 men) gendarmes and military personnel were trained on protection and gender-based violence’s on humanitarian context.04 gender desks were created by police officers that is 2 in the far north and 1 each in the north and south west were cases are being reported and perpetrators are punished. Also, UN Women brought together 55 actors from civil society organisations ,institutions and United Nations agencies so as to revise the national strategy to fight against GBV and the national action plan to fight against female genital mutilation which led to the production of the second version of the national strategy to combat GBV, the second version of the national action plan to combat FGM and the first draft/version of the terms of reference for local communities to combat FGM which is used by all in the various regions of implementation today. Also 80 women staffs from WLOs and WROs capacities have been built in the Northwest and South West and they have a greater knowledge on Gender based violence, types, how to identify them and are actively engaged in their communities in identifying, fighting GBV and doing referrals.Disclaimer and notes
References to Kosovo shall be understood to be in the context of United Nations Security Council resolution 1244 (1999).