Region:Asia Pacific
Current UN Women Plan Period Afghanisthan:2018-2022
outcome XM-DAC-41146-JOR_D_1.1
Enhanced accountability and responsiveness of Jordanian institutions and their partners, and, especially women youth are increasingly and meaningfully involved in policy choices and decisions that affect their lives
Progress towards the achievement of the outcome is on track. The Government of Jordan and official institutions demonstrated increased accountability to gender responsive policies and plans. This has been evident through their endorsement of a number of national plans and mechanisms that were developed in a participatory approach. Women from different governorates, young females and women with disabilities participated in the development of these plans and mechanisms and ensured that their needs were reflected. This included the IMC's endorsement of the Jordanian National Action Plan on the implementation of UNSCR 1325 on Women Peace and Security, the GBD's endorsement of the gender responsive budgeting approach, methodology and tools which reflects increased commitment to utilize efficient financial allocations to better adhere to GEWE obligations and priorities, in addition to the IEC's increased accountability and commitment to the principles of inclusive electoral processes with specific attention to creating an enabling environment for women’s effective engagement in elections and political parties. UN Women intends to leverage its support to national partners in the field of gender-responsive governance, especially after the institutionalization of this program through successful resource mobilization efforts of JCO.
outcome XM-DAC-41146-JOR_D_2.1
Enhanced inclusive, gender-responsive and green growth in Jordan that provides access to entrepreneurship and decent work opportunities, life-long learning, and market-relevant skills with a focus on LNOB
Progress toward the achievement of this outcome is on track. Women’s access to Entrepreneurship and decent work opportunities has been enhanced following the adoption of gender responsive national legal frameworks. The Ministry of Labor developed a Gender Mainstreaming Policy, with the technical support of UN Women, aligned with the Economic Modernization Vision (EMV) to inform the design of plans and interventions addressing female unemployment rate of 31.7%. Additionally, women have enhanced employment opportunities as the private sector developed policies to address gender discrimination in the workplace with the technical support of UN Women (sectors covered are; Telecom, Industrial, Engineering, Services and Hospitality). The policies focused on addressing gender-based violence, implementing gender-responsive marketing strategies, fostering equality in procurement processes, embracing gender-inclusive recruitment practices, and prioritizing impactful programs for promoting and mentoring individuals. Through their commitment, these organizations are not only reshaping workplace dynamics but also contributing significantly to the broader societal advancement of gender equality. Through their dedicated commitment, these organizations are not only transforming workplace dynamics but also making substantial contributions to the overall societal progress in achieving gender equality and women's employment.
outcome XM-DAC-41146-JOR_D_3.1
Enhanced access to quality social services, protection and self-reliance opportunities for all people living in vulnerable situations in the country
The Jordanian government has increased ownership of opportunities, women living in vulnerable situations in the country have enhanced access to social protection services and self-reliance opportunities, and men can engage in social norms and behaviour change trainings as a result of the redesigned Oasis programme. UN Women JCO took significant steps to refine its humanitarian programme aligning it with the broader goal of sustainability, resilience, and the long-term impact of Oasis activities. The redesigned Oasis programme represents a transformative LEAP towards sustainability and development, addressing the evolving humanitarian landscape in Jordan. Rooted in findings from the Country Portfolio Evaluation, conducted in 2022, and extensive discussions with key stakeholders, this redesign strategically aligns the programme with the priorities of the Jordan Priority Response Plan (JPRP) and the UN Sustainable Development Framework 2023-2027. Recognizing the ongoing Syrian crisis and the national triple reform agenda, the programme emphasizes resilience and development-based responses grounded in social and gender equality. Beneficiaries actively participate in centre administration and service design, fostering community ownership. Additionally, through the continued strategic partnership with the Ministry of Social Development in Oasis centres in non-camp settings, the programme is able to target vulnerable districts and emphasize community ownership, reflecting a crucial shift towards long-term stability, resilience, and community-driven development. The Women Peace and Security projects have enhanced protection and respond to SGBV for women, through expanding SGBV protection services in different areas in Jordan.Showing 1 - 3 of 3
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The boundaries and names shown and the designations used on this map do not imply official endorsement or acceptance by the United Nations.
References to Kosovo shall be understood to be in the context of United Nations Security Council resolution 1244 (1999).
References to Kosovo shall be understood to be in the context of United Nations Security Council resolution 1244 (1999).