Region:Asia Pacific
Current UN Women Plan Period Afghanisthan:2018-2022
outcome XM-DAC-41146-KAZ_D_1.1
By 2025, all people in Kazakhstan, especially the most vulnerable are empowered with knowledge and skills to equally contribute to the sustainable development of the country (UNSDCF Outcome 1.2.)
The outcome has not been achieved yet, however, UN Women Kazakhstan made substantial progress on the outcome in 2023 using its convening power and creating regional platforms that reemphasised GEWE and Sustainable development agenda importance. Women parliamentarians and women activists significantly strengthened regional cooperation in GEWE through the Dialogue of Women of Central Asia chaired by Kazakhstan in 2023. The Dialogue is a platform for discussing topical development issues and strengthening cooperation between women parliamentarians and women activists in the region, supported by the UNRCCA, UNDP, and UN Women. During 2023 the Dialogue delved into the role of women in innovation and technology, emphasized the critical importance of women’s participation in building Peace and Security in the region, and joined voices and committed to combat gender-based violence. UN Women contributed significantly to the results of the Dialogue by leveraging its convening power, and strong partnership with the Parliament, the Government, Civil Society Organisations, and the UN Entities. Civil Society bridged their vision and messages with the agenda of women at the decision-making level through the Dialogue, ensuring that voices were heard and considered during the development of legislation, policies, and programmes, as a result of UN Women support. Moreover, UN Women has strengthened regional cooperation in addressing GBV. Through the creation of the Central Asian Alliance to End GBV. Created under the Spotlight Initiative, the Alliance initiated joint efforts in combatting GBV through strengthening institutional capacities, contributing to changes in legislation, addressing social norms, improving gender-sensitive statistics and ensuring Civil Society central role in these processes. UN Women ensured the sustainability of the alliance by mobilizing resources from the Government of Kazakhstan (USD400,000). In November 2023 over 150 representatives of Civil Society, international and governmental organizations from Central Asia convened in Astana to take stock of the Spotlight Initiative results and shape the Alliance’s vision and initiatives for 2024 and 2025. UN Women played a pivotal role in building a cooperative environment, strategically guiding partners to a vision leading to robust results to be achieved during 2024 and 2025. In addition, in 2023 more than 60 rural women in four regions of the country enhanced practical competencies in cheese-making, felt needlework, and hop cultivation and production with the support of UN Women, therefore boosting their economic capabilities. The initiative was implemented jointly with rural local administrations and the National Women’s Machinery. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan, and the National Women's Machinery highly recognised the role of UN Women's significant contribution in supporting the Government of Kazakhstan and national partners in effectively bringing to reality and implementing the crucially important strategic initiatives such as the Dialogue of Women of Central Asia and the Central Asian Alliance to End GBV. In addition, UN Women successfully cooperated with the Parliaments and Senates of Central Asian countries, as well as the representatives of Civil Society Organisations, law enforcement bodies, Ministries, National Women’s Machineries, expert communities, diplomatic missions, and the UN entities. Thus, the original strategy and ToC for this outcome is still largely applicable.
outcome XM-DAC-41146-KAZ_D_1.2
By 2025, all people in Kazakhstan are protected and enjoy full realization of human rights and gender equality and a life free from discrimination, violence and threats, and equally participate in decision-making (UNSDCF Outcome 2.1.)
The outcome has not been achieved, however, UN Women Kazakhstan made substantial progress on the outcome in 2023. The country office actively promoted the equal participation of women in all spheres of life, with particular attention to strengthening women's leadership and participation in society; involving women in solving a whole range of issues to ensure stability in communities; and empowering women in politics. UN Women’s interventions included development of a joint vision as aftermath of parliamentarian elections together with women who participated in elections, UN, diplomatic corps, and human rights mechanisms. Moreover, peaceful and constructive dialogue of women in Central Asia allowed to build the basis for regional initiatives. Early parliamentary elections in March 2023 resulted in a 9% decline in women’s representation in the lower chamber of the Parliament. Out of 98 deputies, there were only 18 women (slightly more than 18%). In the upper house of the Parliament, the situation is slightly better: out of 50 seats, women occupy 11 (22%). Public awareness of key actors, including the Government, human rights mechanism, women activists and member of the Parliament has been raised and barriers for women and lessons learned have been identified through the dialogue organised by UN Women in cooperation with OSCE, the Commissioner for Human Rights, Dutch, and British Embassies, and the EU delegation for Kazakhstan. Moreover, 20 women leaders from 17 regions of Kazakhstan built their capacity and more actively participated in political life, as a result of the UN Women and Government’s initiative on advancing women’s leadership and political participation. Women activists working in the GEWE are able to bring transformative changes at the decision-making level through the Dialogue of Women of Central Asia. Although the Dialogue was initiated in 2020, in 2023 Kazakhstan expanded its participation for women activists. UN Women succeeded in bridging the vision and plans of Civil Society representatives and women-national leaders of all five Central Asian countries. As a result, a regional initiative in technology and innovation “Technowomen Central Asia” will build the capacity of women and girls in Central Asia in 2024. In addition, partners will continue deliberations on the development of the Regional action plan for implementation of UNSCR1325 “Women, Peace and Security”. Also, using the exchange of experience in the GBV area, in January 2024 Kazakhstan submitted the new draft law on combatting Gender-Based Violence to the Parliament to strengthen national legislation and provide quality support to survivors of violence. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The Ministry of Culture and Information, the National Women’s Machinery and representatives of Civil Society Organisations highly recognised the role of UN Women in organising the Dialogue of Women of Central Asia. An added value of this initiative was strong support for the strategic vision of the Heads of State of Central Asia in their concept of “One Central Asia”. In 2023, UN Women's startegic vision was focused on women's role in national and regional political processes, their leadership skills for active engagement in political reform, including in elections. Therefore, the original strategy and ToC for this outcome are still applicable. The Country Office will continue Women’s leadership and Political Participation interventions during the implementation of the Strategic Note for 2022-2025.
outcome XM-DAC-41146-KAZ_D_1.3
By 2025, state institutions at all levels effectively design and implement gender-sensitive, human rights and evidence-based public policies and provide quality services in an inclusive, transparent and accountable manner (UNSDCF Outcome 2.2.)
The outcome has not been achieved, however, UN Women Kazakhstan made progress on the outcome in 2023. Local government institutions in three regions of Kazakhstan increased their awareness about gender-specific needs of women living with HIV and importance of coordination among the stakeholders, as well as issues of reduced opportunities, stigma and discrimination against women living with HIV, with UN Women support. Informed by the rich discussions and insights gained from these meetings, participants collaborated to formulate actionable plans ensuring that the voices and experiences of women living with HIV remain central in future interventions. Also, Kazakhstan further implemented the National Action Plan of UNSCR 1325, with UN Women contribution. 105 female military personnel, law enforcement agencies, as well as peacekeeping units of the Ministry of Interior and the Ministry of Defence, and 292 representatives who participated online (45% women and 55% men) strengthened their capacity in women’s role on preventing and resolving conflict situations, ensuring peace and security Officials of the Ministry for Emergency Situations, the senior management of local administrations, and the deputy director of the Academy of Interior highly recognized the knowledge and skills obtained by the personnel and decision-makers in the field of Women, Peace, and Security. Furthermore, in Kazakhstan, the Ministry of Culture and Information and other partners increased their awareness about the high demand for changes in the national legislation for the development of the creative industry with UN Women support. UN Women conducted an analysis of women employed in the arts and culture sphere and developed recommendat ions for addressing barriers and normative gaps. Moreover, 54 representatives of the creative industry in 8 regions of the country increased their capacities through a series of training and seminars aimed at raising awareness of the target audience for coordinated actions. Moreover, national partners in implementation of international commitments under the auspice of the Generation Equality Forum’s Action Coalitions significantly increased their engagement and capacity. UN Women contributed to this result through the guidance and coordination of GEF Hub as well as technical support to various government bodies and civil society on the implementation of the GEF commitments. During the reporting period, 17 representatives (89% women and 11% men) of the National monitoring group comprising 10 government and non-governmental sector organizations strengthened the interdepartmental coordination towards institutionalizing the country's GEF commitments. Moreover, over 80 representatives of government representatives, private sector organizations, CSOs, academia, and youth activists accessed a platform for the Regional GEF Midpoint Event in Almaty that reinforced cooperation in the field of “Technology and Innovation for Gender Equality”. Stakeholders from diverse sectors across Europe and Central Asia took stock of the progress and enhanced existing commitments under the UN Women’s Global Generation Equality initiative. The midpoint event welcomed new 15 commitment-makers from 7 countries to the Generation Equality journey and spotlighted their commitments. UN Women in cooperation with the Government of Kazakhstan, as well as youth organizations and expert communities, will continue the further promotion and localization of the GEF movement in 2024, thus the original strategy and ToC for this outcome is largely still applicable.Showing 1 - 3 of 3
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The boundaries and names shown and the designations used on this map do not imply official endorsement or acceptance by the United Nations.
References to Kosovo shall be understood to be in the context of United Nations Security Council resolution 1244 (1999).
References to Kosovo shall be understood to be in the context of United Nations Security Council resolution 1244 (1999).