An enabling environment is established to promote economic empowerment and decent employment for women
An enabling environment is established to promote economic empowerment and decent employment for women
UN Women reports on this indicator in a global scope, signified by "(Desk Review)" at the end of the indicator statement (see the Our Global Results page for the global result)
Common indicators are those that appear verbatim the same in at least two entities' results frameworks and are drawn, where possible, directly from other globally agreed frameworks.
CommonComplementary indicators are identified as those in the results framework that are not repeated verbatim in the results framework of another United Nations entity, but are related or provide different but complementary lenses or insights into the same issue, high-level result and/or area of complementary work, such as a Sustainable Development Goal target.
ComplementaryStrategic national initiatives on Women’s Economic Empowerment (WEE) are implemented to strengthen the policy framework promoting WEE
In addition to results reported by UN Women field offices (shown here), results achieved in countries and territories through the United Nations Trust Fund to End Violence against Women (UNTF) are included in a non-duplicative manner in the global reporting on this indicator (see the Our Global Results page).
In addition to results reported by UN Women field offices (shown here), results achieved in countries and territories through the United Nations Trust Fund to End Violence against Women (UNTF) are included in a non-duplicative manner in the global reporting on this indicator (see the Our Global Results page).
In addition to results reported by UN Women field offices (shown here), results achieved in countries and territories through the United Nations Trust Fund to End Violence against Women (UNTF) are included in a non-duplicative manner in the global reporting on this indicator (see the Our Global Results page).
Local initiatives to secure sustainable income and decent employment for vulnerable women are implemented
Data reported for 2022 results against this indicator was obtained as part of a learning process on social norms and therefore may not accurately reflect the results obtained. Internal reviews of data collected on social norms across relevant indicators, coupled with external reviews, are informing the design of UN Women’s principled approach to social & gender norms change. This will be reflected in changes to the indicators to be introduced in the Mid-Term Review of the Strategic Plan. In addition to results reported by UN Women field offices (shown here), results achieved in countries and territories through the United Nations Trust Fund to End Violence against Women (UNTF) are included in a non-duplicative manner in the global reporting on this indicator (see the Our Global Results page).
In addition to results reported by UN Women field offices (shown here), results achieved in countries and territories through the United Nations Trust Fund to End Violence against Women (UNTF) are included in a non-duplicative manner in the global reporting on this indicator (see the Our Global Results page).
In addition to results reported by UN Women field offices (shown here), results achieved in countries and territories through the United Nations Trust Fund to End Violence against Women (UNTF) are included in a non-duplicative manner in the global reporting on this indicator (see the Our Global Results page).
In addition to results reported by UN Women field offices (shown here), results achieved in countries and territories through the United Nations Trust Fund to End Violence against Women (UNTF) are included in a non-duplicative manner in the global reporting on this indicator (see the Our Global Results page).
An enabling environment is established to promote economic empowerment and decent employment for women
Significant progress has been made towards the achievement of outcome 2.1 in 2022. During 2022, the Ministry of Solidarity and Social Inclusion, National Women's Machinery, continued the operationalization of Maroc-Attamkine – the National Integrated Program for Women’s Economic Empowerment (WEE) , developed in 2019 in partnership with UN Women Morocco CO, at the national and territorial levels. The National Commission for Women's Economic Empowerment, chaired by the Head of Government and coordinated by the national women’s machinery, formed as a result of Maroc-Attamkine. Fourteen (14) ministerial departments and national entities developed actions plans that include measures aligned with the areas of interventions identified in the multi-stakeholders National Program for WEE. This helps formalize the commitment of the different stakeholders towards WEE and facilitates the monitoring of Maroc-Attamkine. The women’s machinery, with the technical support of UN Women, enabled the inclusion of these WEE measures. . Two MoUs, developed with the support of UN Women, were signed at regional level to initiate the implementation of Maroc-Attamkine at the territorial level. Regarding gender-responsive sustainable finance , The Ministry of Economy and Finance (MEF) began a public-private partnership through the signature of an MoU on financing equality with the Women's machinery, the Moroccan Banking Association (GPBM) and a public guarantee fund (Tamwilcom). The aim of the MoU is to accelerate realization of governmental objectives on WEE and engage the private sector to commit to increasing women's economic inclusion in Morocco. The MoU constitutes an integrated multi-partner framework (PPP) for promoting financing for gender equality in Morocco. UN Women provided technical and advisory support to the development of this partnership and associated advocacy for the establishment of a national sustainable finance mechanism. Significant progress has also been made in the area of the care economy , a necessary part of the economy for women's employability and economic inclusion. Five (5) relevant ministerial departments increased their prioritization of the care economy as an intrinsic factor for WEE in their strategic planning following exposure to preliminary findings from two strategic studies. These studies highlighted the need for inclusive recovery policies and the potential of care economy, particularly the early childhood education and care (ECCE) sector. UN women carried out these studies in the reporting year. Building upon this momentum, a third study will be conducted in 2023, exploring the budgetary spaces available for public investments in the care sector. This will generate quantifiable data to further advocate for WEE through care economy. The MoU on gender-responsive sustainable finance is expected to be operationalized in 2023 and will develop a gender-sensitive guarantee mechanism as well as a gender-sensitive financial debt instrument that will have a real impact on women’s lives and significantly contribute to improving women’s economic participation. The production and use of data on the care economy will support advocacy initiatives aimed at enhancing women’s economic empowerment and inclusion through the care economy.Disclaimer and notes
References to Kosovo shall be understood to be in the context of United Nations Security Council resolution 1244 (1999).