“By 2024, Malian people, particularly the most vulnerable, participate in the economy and benefit from the benefits of strong, inclusive and resilient growth that creates decent jobs Related.
It is about to improve the business environment and to strengthen SMEs / cooperatives capacities; including those in the informal sector for women and young people, National authorities and actors will have strengthened capacities in the area of design, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of gender-sensitive, equity-sensitive measures, crises and shocks in economic policies and strategies.
“By 2024, Malian people, particularly the most vulnerable, participate in the economy and benefit from the benefits of strong, inclusive and resilient growth that creates decent jobs Related.
Common indicators are those that appear verbatim the same in at least two entities' results frameworks and are drawn, where possible, directly from other globally agreed frameworks.
CommonComplementary indicators are identified as those in the results framework that are not repeated verbatim in the results framework of another United Nations entity, but are related or provide different but complementary lenses or insights into the same issue, high-level result and/or area of complementary work, such as a Sustainable Development Goal target.
ComplementaryUN Women reports on this indicator in a global scope, signified by "(Desk Review)" at the end of the indicator statement (see the Our Global Results page for the global result)
UN Women reports on this indicator in a global scope, signified by "(Desk Review)" at the end of the indicator statement (see the Our Global Results page for the global result)
Common indicators are those that appear verbatim the same in at least two entities' results frameworks and are drawn, where possible, directly from other globally agreed frameworks.
CommonComplementary indicators are identified as those in the results framework that are not repeated verbatim in the results framework of another United Nations entity, but are related or provide different but complementary lenses or insights into the same issue, high-level result and/or area of complementary work, such as a Sustainable Development Goal target.
Complementary“By 2024, Malian people, particularly the most vulnerable, participate in the economy and benefit from the benefits of strong, inclusive and resilient growth that creates decent jobs Related.
The National government has seen a renewed engagement for gender equality specifically in the area of women economic empowerment. Despite the difficult situation in Mali, the local authorities have work toward the adoption of more gender sensitive macroeconomic policies and strategies. Hence, in collaboration with various ministries and national technical services, UN Women has supported key players such as the contracting authorities and technical advisors of 19 key ministries in integrating gender into public procurement and facilitating gender-sensitive reforms in public procurement. The Ministry of National Entrepreneurship, Employment and Vocational Training is in the process of adopting a gender-sensitive National Strategy for the Development of National Entrepreneurship, and has also had its most senior executives in 26 directorates and attached programs strengthened to integrate gender in national and sectoral policies and programs. UN Women has also worked alongside the Malian government, through the ONDD and the Ministry of Population, to adopt measures to recognize and value unpaid care work. In partnership with ONDD, UNFPA and UN Women's regional office, a policy dialogue process for the recognition of unpaid work was launched with the development of a roadmap for the recognition of unpaid work by fifty-four (54) representatives of various technical structures and ministries following the workshop to disseminate the report of the ONDD study on unpaid work and the policy brief produced by UN Women. UN Women and its partners have enabled two thousand five hundred and sixty-eight women owned businesses and women entrepreneurs acquired skills to expand their economic opportunities, business development and market potential through organizational capacity building, digital marketing skills, procurement procedures and e-procurement trainings and through the set up of a stone polishing worshop to promote women positionning in the mining industry. They have improved their structuration and organizational capacities, acquire more information and opportunities on accessing public and private procurement opportunities both at national level and on exporting markets and on how to better evolve in the formal economy. In 2023, as a result of UN Women assistance, at least 30 women owned businesses have had access to new procurement opportunities and fifteen women owned businesses have secured 17 new UN and private procurement contracts for a total value of 745 977.48 USD and one ongoing subscription contract with Cigna insurance through the UN Clinic. Also, as part of the AGCI initiative, fifty young girls acquired skills in robotics, coding and ICT, with the aim of encouraging girls to enter the scientific professions and supporting the creation of entrepreneurial initiatives in the field of technology. The Malian private sector has also improved its engagement toward gender mainstreaming through more engagement in the WEPS.Disclaimer and notes
References to Kosovo shall be understood to be in the context of United Nations Security Council resolution 1244 (1999).