By 2023, women and girls’ safety, physical and mental health and security are increasingly assured and their human rights increasingly respected
By 2023, women and girls’ safety, physical and mental health and security are increasingly assured and their human rights increasingly respected
Data reported for 2022 results against this indicator was obtained as part of a learning process on social norms and therefore may not accurately reflect the results obtained. Internal reviews of data collected on social norms across relevant indicators, coupled with external reviews, are informing the design of UN Women’s principled approach to social & gender norms change. This will be reflected in changes to the indicators to be introduced in the Mid-Term Review of the Strategic Plan.
Complementary indicators are identified as those in the results framework that are not repeated verbatim in the results framework of another United Nations entity, but are related or provide different but complementary lenses or insights into the same issue, high-level result and/or area of complementary work, such as a Sustainable Development Goal target.
ComplementaryBy 2023, women and girls’ safety, physical and mental health and security are increasingly assured and their human rights increasingly respected
During the reporting period and funded by CERF, the joint GBV prevention and response programme with UNFPA, reached 16,053 women, as direct beneficiaries in a coordinated humanitarian response. Moreover, included in this number are 1,290 GBV survivors and women and girls at risk who reported having access to GBV information, legal advice and assistance, psychosocial support, and referrals to GBV services. A total of 811 female headed households reported having received GBV services including mental health and psychosocial support through the GBV referrals. 811 women head of households received with cash for protection and food services. The CERF joint programme implemented jointly with UNFPA yielded several learnings that informed successful resource mobilisation and project design for a France funded and EU-funded GBV prevention and response programme (2023 – 2025). Lessons learned included a) the need to do a demand-side market analysis to inform livelihood and skill development activities; b) address business continuity in a complex and complicated context and c) safety and security of partner organisations; d) the need to address gender norms even in conflict settings.Disclaimer and notes
References to Kosovo shall be understood to be in the context of United Nations Security Council resolution 1244 (1999).