Region:Asia Pacific
Current UN Women Plan Period Afghanisthan:2018-2022
outcome XM-DAC-41146-SLB_D_1.1
By 2027, more people, especially those at risk of being left behind, contribute to and benefit from sustainable, resilient, diversified, inclusive and human-centred socio-economic systems with decent work and equal livelihoods opportunities, reducing inequalities and ensuring shared prosperity [PCF Strategic Priority 3: Prosperity]
In 2023, efforts to enhance sustainability and resilience in marketplaces in the Solomon Islands became paramount, especially amidst diverse risks and challenges. Led by local and provincial governments, initiatives within market operations and management showcase a dedicated drive towards compliance, diversification, and inclusivity. This concerted effort has cultivated more equitable marketplaces, offering enhanced economic opportunities for women. In addition, collaborative partnerships led by Market Vendors Associations (MVAs) underscore a steadfast commitment to advancing decent work and equal livelihood opportunities across the market and agricultural sectors, while nurturing social cohesion within vendor communities. Rooted in a human-centered approach, these endeavors champion fairness, inclusivity, and empowerment for all stakeholders, laying a sturdy groundwork for the resilience and sustainability of marketplaces in the Solomon Islands. The collaboration between provincial governments and UN Women is reshaping the policy landscape of marketplaces in the Solomon Islands, fostering greater gender inclusivity. Through a comprehensive review of market ordinances in Western Province, Malaita Province Town Council, and Honiara City Council, with a focus on gender and inclusivity, draft ordinances have been crafted to address critical issues such as violence against women, including bullying within marketplaces, and to publicly declare a zero-tolerance stance on such acts. These drafts also encompass a wide array of concerns, ranging from food safety to waste disposal. In addition, drafts are also now in place for the disaster response plans for the Gizo Market and the Munda Market, through the support and leadership of the Solomon Islands National Disaster Management Office. While these ordinances and action plans were not adopted in 2023 due to changes in local government administrations and other market priorities, they remain instrumental in prioritizing safety, disaster preparedness and universal access standards. This approach carefully considers the diverse needs of market vendors and the public they serve, exemplifying a human-centered approach to policy development. MVAs have seen notable growth in their collective influence in 2023, progressively honing their leadership capabilities. Tailored initiatives, such as the Market Vendors Forum for executive MVA members showcased the women’s strong leadership presence and potential. They championed transparency, and accountability, and advocated for regulatory reforms while prioritizing the economic prosperity, well-being, and rights of vendors. Democratic leadership renewal took place for the Munda and Auki MVAs, reflecting the essence of democracy and the market vendor's active participation in shaping leadership at decision-making levels. A total of 64 women makes up 80% of the total number of Executive positions across the MVAs. This majority bloc in decision-making roles play a crucial role in shaping MVAs into inclusive, efficient, and representative advocacy groups for gender equality and women's empowerment. Furthermore, market vendors are demonstrating the tangible benefits of capacity building, particularly in financial management and disaster preparedness, enabling them to take control over the decisions and actions that influence the outcomes of their businesses. Moreover, the promotion of cooperative models, diversification, and value chains amongst the vendor community is fostering collaboration and sustainability within the agricultural and market sectors, ultimately contributing to the economic empowerment and long-term success of women in these fields. In 2023, a total of 445 women market vendors were reached to access information, education, key resources (finances, technological tools), services, and protective goods to advance their economic potential and adaptiveness in crisis. These initiatives ensure equal access to resources and opportunities, contributing to the diversification of income streams and market offerings.
outcome XM-DAC-41146-SLB_D_2.1
By 2027, more people, particularly those at risk of being left behind, benefit from more equitable access to resilient, and gender-responsive, quality basic services, food security/nutrition and social protection systems. [PCF Strategic Priority 2: People]
This outcome is on track. Women and girls in the Solomon Islands benefited from improved access to quality services addressing gender-based violence, through reinforced capacities of institutions, enhanced cooperative initiatives, and increased community participation. This was evidenced by two capacity assessments which were conducted with Honiara SAFENET members which indicated a 19 percent increase in the overall technical capacity of SAFENET members. Members capacity was highest in having a common understanding about SAFENET’s mission and GBV followed by good understanding of referral systems in place data systems for data collection in place. This increased quality was also supported by the implementation of key initiatives such as the Solomon Islands SAFENET Guidebook, Domestic Violence (DV ) counselling guidelines, and the Family Support Centre (FSC ) Supervision Guidelines advanced the standardization and quality of Gender Based Violence (GBV) response services. The Solomon Islands SAFENET is a referral network made up of organisations (government ministries and NGOs) that provide essential services to victims/survivors of sexual and gender-based violence. SAFENET's Role in Data Management SAFENET's commitment to ethical data management has strengthened trust and coordination among GBV service providers, enhancing decision-making and policy development. The establishment and adherence to the SAFENET Data Management Protocol underscored a commitment to ethical and responsible data handling, promoting privacy, trust, and coordination among service providers. The protocol’s emphasis on sharing and utilizing anonymous, aggregated data facilitated informed decision-making and policy development, demonstrating the critical role of data in enhancing GBV response services. UN Women funded the consultant who provide the analysis and review of the Solomon Islands GBV Administration Data, and who supported the development of the new forms, tools and systems as well as GBV admin data training sessions. Enhanced Institutional Capacities and Service Quality The SAFENET Guidebook implementation ensured the adherence to standards across organizations involved in addressing GBV , fostering a consistent and effective approach to supporting survivors. UN Women staff attended and assisted with these meetings providing technical support. The accreditation of eight GBV counsellors following the DV counselling guidelines training marked a significant improvement in the quality of counselling services and adherence to national standards. UN Women provided essential technical support in GBV counselling training and assisted the government in assessing the technical skills of the GBV counsellors, determining their eligibility for accreditation. Furthermore, the implementation of the FSC Supervision Guidelines through monitoring and refresher training enhanced the overall GBV service delivery and supervision quality. Integration of Service Referral Pathways SAFENET's decision to integrate standard service referral pathways with those for human trafficking has streamlined support for survivors, ensuring cohesive and comprehensive care. This approach, facilitated by the inclusion of the Immigration Department in SAFENET, underscores a unified and effective response system for all survivors of violence. The Immigration Department, a new SAFENET member focusing on human trafficking, explored the integration of SAFENET referral pathway with the human trafficking referral pathway. This consolidation avoids confusion caused by having two separate referral systems. This approach ensures that services provided to trafficked women and girls are cohesive, working in a ‘do no harm’ manner and promoting a comprehensive and unified support system. Sub-national Mechanisms for Enhanced Safety The establishment of sub-national mechanisms, such as the Honiara and Guadalcanal Protection Committees, and the training provided to their members, reflected a proactive approach to ensuring safer responses during national emergencies and disasters. The GBV in Emergencies Subcommittee comprises all SAFENET members. The training aimed to enhance their capacity to respond effectively during emergencies. The focus was on reviewing their referral pathways to ensure their robustness in emergency situations. Additionally, the data system was thoroughly reviewed to ensure its effectiveness in emergencies. The training included preparations for response plans that might be necessary during the Games, ensuring that the committees were well-equipped to handle any emergencies that could arise during the event. During the GBViE Training from 16-19 October 2023, there was a notable improvement in participants' understanding of GBV topics, with knowledge on the definition of Gender Based Violence increasing from 60 percent to 80 percent and understanding of its root cause growing from 40 percent to 85 percent. Awareness of SAFENET rose from 85 percent to 95 percent, knowledge of at least one GBV rapid assessment tool improved from 40 percent to 70 percent and understanding of sexual exploitation increased from 40 percent to 80 percent. In the subsequent session from 23-26 October 2023, similar gains were observed: comprehension of Gender Based Violence rose from 40 percent to 75 percent, insight into its root cause increased from 35% to 80%, familiarity with SAFENET grew from 65 percent to 90 percent, knowledge of a GBV rapid assessment tool went from 25 percent to 65 percent and understanding of sexual exploitation improved from 25 percent to 70 percent. UN Women provided financial and technical support towards both training events, including facilitating at sessions. Regional Collaboration The Directors of Women Learning Exchange, a platform for professionals across the Pacific working in GBV services, supported and grew regional collaboration and learning, showcasing the Solomon Islands’ commitment to not only addressing GBV within its borders but also contributing to regional efforts. The active participation of new SAFENET members in training and support sessions underscored the network's dedication to expanding its reach and enhancing the capabilities of its members. UN Women funded and supported the facilitation and logistics for this event. Response and Readiness During the 2023 Pacific Games The strategic actions of SAFENET during the Sol2023 Pacific Games showcased an advanced institutional response and community protection against GBV. The network's preparedness provided immediate support to participants and attendees, marking a significant improvement in rapid response and service accessibility. Acknowledging the increased risk of GBV due to the substantial gathering, SAFENET 's strategic presence and comprehensive planning ensured that participants and attendees had immediate access to support services, underlining a performance change in rapid response and service delivery. The establishment of the SAFENET stall within the Games village, coupled with the effective distribution of informational materials, exemplified a proactive and preventive approach to GBV . This initiative not only provided immediate assistance and awareness but also underscored SAFENET 's commitment to fostering a safe and supportive environment during large-scale events, marking a significant shift towards more resilient and responsive GBV service structures in the Solomon Islands. The ToC and strategy remain unchanged for 2024. In summary, the year's achievements in the Solomon Islands represent a comprehensive and coordinated effort to combat GBV , strengthen institutional capacities, foster collaboration, and ensure the delivery of high-quality, survivor-centred services. These efforts not only reflect a commitment to addressing immediate needs but also demonstrate a strategic vision for long-term improvement and regional influence in the progress to end GBV .
outcome XM-DAC-41146-SLB_D_2.2
By 2027, the operational, normative and collaborative potential of the UNCT Cooperation Frameworks to contribute to greater gender equality is fully optimised by UN Women’s interventions
This outcome is on track. There has been some progress towards the realisation of the operational, normative, and collaborative potential of the Pacific United Nations Sustainable Development Cooperation Framework (UNSDCF) to contribute to greater gender equality and women’s empowerment in the Solomon Islands. The United Nations in the Pacific has committed to the rollout out of a comprehensive assessment of the United Nations System-wide Action Plan (UNCT-SWAP) Gender Equality Scorecard for a second time in less than 5 years. This commitment demonstrates willingness to being able to more concretely understand areas that need further joint action to progress gender mainstreaming and advance gender equality and women’s empowerment. The assessment will be undertaken across all three sub-regional United Nations Resident Coordinator Offices (RCOs) in a separate but coordinated manner as the RCOs come under one Pacific regional UN Sustainable Development Cooperation Framework (2023-2027). The Fiji RCO, overseeing the Solomon Islands Joint Presence Office, will be included in the UNCT-SWAP Gender Equality Scorecard assessment. In December 2023, the Government of the Solomon Islands signed the Solomon Islands Country Implementation Plan 2023-2024 (CIP), signifying a country-level agreement with the Pacific UNSDCF. The Solomon Islands CIP builds upon the Pacific United Nations Sustainable Development Cooperation Framework 2023-2027 (UNSDCF) developed by the United Nations (UN) and 14 Pacific Island Countries and Territories (PICTs). The Solomon Islands CIP is firmly anchored to country-level priorities and structures and defines the UN actions and deliverables in the Solomon Islands, including those of UN Women, to help achieve the outcomes of the Pacific UNSDCF. The CIP will guide the joint efforts, and the collective results expected will help the Solomon Islands to ensure all people are equal and free to exercise their fundamental rights, enjoy gender equality and peace, remain resilient to existential threats, and live in harmony. Throughout 2023, UN Women played a pivotal role within the Joint Programme Presence in the Solomon Islands to advance and ensure the inclusion of gender equality and women's empowerment throughout the Solomon Islands CIP. Capacity building of agencies through training and access to tools and guidance on gender responsive programming was undertaken which in turn has advanced joint action on gender equality in the Solomon Islands. UN Women’s overarching commitment focused on supporting the Solomon Islands’ national development priorities on gender, Sustainable Development Goal 5, and alignments with international standards such as CEDAW and the Beijing Platform for Action.Showing 1 - 3 of 3
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The boundaries and names shown and the designations used on this map do not imply official endorsement or acceptance by the United Nations.
References to Kosovo shall be understood to be in the context of United Nations Security Council resolution 1244 (1999).
References to Kosovo shall be understood to be in the context of United Nations Security Council resolution 1244 (1999).