1.5.2 Gender coordination strengthen through dialogue, production and analysis for improved programming and financing for gender equality
1.5.2 Gender coordination strengthen through dialogue, production and analysis for improved programming and financing for gender equality
UN Women reports on this indicator in a global scope, signified by "(Desk Review)" at the end of the indicator statement (see the Our Global Results page for the global result)
UNCT and Development Partners Coordinated to promote accountability for the implementation of gender equality commitments within MDAs in Sierra Leone
In addition to results reported by UN Women field offices (shown here), results achieved in countries and territories through the United Nations Trust Fund to End Violence against Women (UNTF) are included in a non-duplicative manner in the global reporting on this indicator (see the Our Global Results page).
1.5.2 Gender coordination strengthen through dialogue, production and analysis for improved programming and financing for gender equality
The UN Partnership for gender mainstreaming in Government Ministries (GiM) is the first-ever ground-breaking multi-stakeholder Joint partnership of UN WOMEN, UNICEF, UNDP, UNFPA and IRISH Aid, supporting the government of Sierra Leone in advancing the rights of women and girls and accelerating gender equality. The Government of Sierra Leone’s Gender Equality and Women's Empowerment (GEWE) Policy was a strong driver to addressing gender inequalities at national and community levels. Thus, with UN Women’s support in mainstreaming has led to effective gender sensitive programs in the government line ministries through the setting up and capacity strengthening of gender focal points and desks. The United Nations Agencies and Development partners, in support of the transformational strategic vision, decided to create a pool fund to enable the implementation of the strategy. The partnership has given UN Agencies a competitive advantage to work together as one UN to support the passing and implementation of the GEWE policy and the GEWE Act 2022. The establishment of the UN Partnership Secretariat, housed in the UN Women Country office, was created to act as a conduit between MDAs and development partners for the implementation of all joint activities to promote gender equality as outlined in the GEWE Policy, GEWE Act 2022 under the framework of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG). Gender issues were mainstreamed into public policies, strategies, programmes and projects to promote the implementation of the GEWE policy and the GEWE legislation in sierra leone through UN Women Partnership intervention in establishing and strengthening the institutional capacity of Gender Units in 28 Government Ministries as mandated by the GEWE Act 2022 (see the attached document). Additionally, through UN Women, the UN Partnership secretariat established the groundwork for gender mainstreaming, strengthened the structures to function as catalysts for gender equality and propelled the rights of women and girls by providing technical expertise, developed strategies for increased public awareness and providing access to tools for effective implementation of gender policies and legislation. The secretariat also strengthened working relationships to promote gender-sensitive commitments, enforcement of the law and mainstreaming gender issues into policies. . Capacity-strengthening workshops allowed 60 participants fFrom 30 government ministries to conduct preliminary assessments of their respective ministries and develop action plans for gender mainstreaming using a synergized institutional approach. Through coordinated engagements with government MDAs, CSOs, the private sector and women in leadership, The private sector consultations on the tenets of the GEWE Act increased their knowledge of the GEWE law and introduced them to the UN Women WEPs program, a tool designed to assist companies in identifying and addressing institutional gaps to achieve gender parity which have resulted to fifty of the top companies in Sierra Leone committed to the implementation of the law and work towards achieving 30% women representation in their institutions. For a behavioral and transformative shift in gender equality and women's empowerment, UN Women partnership amplified the voices of women and girls through enhancing coalition for increased community actions for the GEWE policy implementation using a two-pronged approach of direct implementation and gender mainstreaming emphasizing on family-life balance to address gender equality. The regional engagements with stakeholders in Bo, Makeni, Kenema and Port Loko have significantly contributed to transforming social norms for women and girls in Sierra Leone. The HeForShe campaign with Paramount chiefs, religious leaders, women Leaders, Mammy Queens and CSOs working on women's rights to transform male leaders and traditional leaders into becoming advocates to support women's empowerment and the reduction of SGBV in their communities. Afterwards, the Paramount Chiefs developed actions to support community-led initiatives and committed to modeling positive masculinities in their spheres of influence. The male involvement strategy and messaging were cascaded in the communities in a culturally acceptable manner, adopting positive masculinity to promote women's empowerment. Engagement with over 2000 School children and adolescent girls in 4 communities have increased understanding and awareness of gender equality and women's empowerment and engagements. In co-educational schools, male-students were encouraged to support female-students to excel and advocate for gender equality. UN Women’s Regional GEWE popularization consultations have influenced community stakeholders to align their mandates as community influencers with the GEWE Act and outlined some of the barriers preventing them from achieving the benefits of the GEWE Act. The Mamie Queens appealed to UN Women to continue to build their capacity to promote the GEWE act as they are the custodians of women's rights in their communities. The religious leaders gave excerpts from the Holy Koran and the Holy Bible that supported the promotion of women's empowerment and developed an implementation strategy to incorporate Gender Equality and Women Empowerment into their teachings.Disclaimer and notes
References to Kosovo shall be understood to be in the context of United Nations Security Council resolution 1244 (1999).