Region:Asia Pacific
Current UN Women Plan Period Afghanisthan:2018-2022
outcome XM-DAC-41146-TUN_D_7.1
In 2025, institutions, conducting effective and risk-sensitive public policies in partnership with economic and social actors, put the country's resources at the service of inclusive, sustainable, resilient socio-economic development that generates decent jobs, particularly for the most vulnerable. (UNSDCF Effect 1)
This outcome is partially achieved, as planned. Institutions made progress toward conducting effective and risk sensitive public policies in partnership with economic and social actors and put the country's resources at the service of inclusive, sustainable, resilient socio-economic development that generates decent jobs, particularly for the most vulnerable. Government institutions ensured a focus on SDGs and socio-economic gaps in one strategic plan and related public policies. First, the Ministry of Women launched its work to develop its new national strategy for the economic and social empowerment of women and girls in rural area. 93 executives (40 men and 53 women) from different ministries (Ministry of Women, Ministry of Interior, Ministry of Justice, Ministry of Education, Ministry of Employment, Ministry of Social Affairs, Ministry of Agriculture, Ministry of Health, Ministry of Culture, and Ministry of High Education) had strengthened their awareness towards the role of economic empowerment of women and theirs rights to decent work, in addition to the specific need of empowering women in rural area and exchanged how the national concertation platform will be used to improve the situation of rural women, in particular regarding decent transportation. According to some interviews recorded by different media during the workshop (national radio and some private radios), participants from different ministries reported increased knowledge on the needs of women in rural area. UN Women contributed to this by supporting the Ministry of Women to develop and operationalize the national strategy for the economic and social empowerment of women and girls in rural area 2022-2027. UN Women contributed to the organisation of the launch event by providing an expert and catering for all attendees. Second, 12 key ministries (Ministry of Family, Women, Children, and Seniors; Ministry of Justice; Central GBO Unit - Ministry of Finance; Ministry of Social Affairs ; Ministry of Higher Education; Ministry of Health; Ministry of Interior; Ministry of Tourism; Ministry of Defense; Ministry of Commerce; Ministry of Equipment; Ministry of Technologies of Communication) started using the updated Balanced Scorecard on Gender (BSG) sheets in their Annual Performance Reports 2024 which allow the integration of gender into each ministries’ budget for the year. UN Women contributed to these results by building the capacities of 22 women and 12 men representatives of the 12 key ministries on how to design, create and implement Gender-Responsive Budgeting (GRB) tools – in particular the new GRB sheet- and Law 2017-58 on Ending Violence Against Women. Workshops on the use of BSG sheets in Annual Performance Reports were conducted (in March and in July). UN Women provided the expertise and organizing the capacity-building workshops. The GBO unit co organized the workshops and provided the BSG sheets. Finally, 40 representatives of National Institutions, Ministry of Agriculture (include all regional rural women's support office), Ministry of Women and Ministry of Social Affairs (38 women and 2 men) have increased their knowledge of the basic concepts of target-based budget management, its impact on the government budget, and have increased their understanding of the GRB approach and its entry points in the budget process. Participants have also improved their understanding of the process of adapting the National Action Plan for the Integration and Institutionalization of the Gender Approach on Goal 3: Policies guaranteeing the economic and financial empowerment of women and their right to decent work and equal pay. The representatives of rural women’s support offices are now able to understand their right to decent work and to the equal pay according to the training report. This is a result of a collaboration between UN Women and the GBO Unit. UN Women contributed by providing the trainer, the accommodation, and the catering for participants while the GBO unit contributed by providing technical support.
outcome XM-DAC-41146-TUN_D_7.2
By 2025, health, education and social protection systems are resilient and ensure equitable access and quality services, especially for the most vulnerable, and effective engagement of the population (UNSDCF Effect 3)
The outcome is partially achieved. UN Women Tunisia made progress towards an effective engagement of the population. Four multisectoral and innovative approaches are dedicated to priority issues of health and well-being are implemented by the Scouts, the Institute of Higher Commercial Studies, and UN Women with the active engagement of the population and the participation of all stakeholders. One-hundred and seventy (170) Tunisians, including 30% men and young men, have increased knowledge of positive masculinity, social norms underlying gender inequality in Tunisia as well as equity in accessing quality services. During a 2-days conference, the first edition of the International Conference on Gender Studies – ICGS, men and young men were immersed in the concept of positive masculinity and other gender equality norms supporting women, young women, and girls in accessing health services and combating gender-based violence. According to the evaluation made by participants and included in the report, 94% of attendees felt that the objectives of the conference had been achieved, and 99% felt that the topics covered were relevant to them. UN Women contributed by co-organizing this multidisciplinary conference in partnership with the Institute of Higher Commercial Studies. In addition, UN Women provided all participants with the knowledge products presented by the researchers. the Institute of Higher Commercial Studies contributed by inviting the most relevant profiles to the conference, managing the communication with local media, and supporting logistics. In addition, 194 participants from the Scouts of Kef and Kebili regions, including 165 men (77.58% of them under 30 years), enhanced their capacities on gender equality, positive masculinity, and addressing gender discrimination. By the end of the four-day bootcamp entitled “Positive Masculinity: men and boys as strategic allies in female leadership”, participants improved their knowledge of gender discrimination (including its causes and consequences), the characteristics of male domination in society, fair social relations, and positive masculinities, and were ready to take action to prevent discrimination against women and girls, combatting gender-based violence and promoting positive masculinity in their communities. The results of the evaluation questionnaire reveal that almost 94% of participants fully understood the training objectives. These figures testify to a remarkable understanding on the part of learners, who were able to assimilate the key concepts presented during the activities. The evaluation questionnaire results also reveal that an impressive 75% of participants expressed their commitment to putting what they had learned into practice. UN Women contributed to this by co-organizing this bootcamp in partnership with the Tunisian Scouts and providing the needed expertise to accompany young men in a process of learning, changing attitudes and even becoming agents of change themselves. In addition, UN Women provided the participants with a toolkit designed especially for them on the theme of "Positive Masculinity", which will enable them always to remember the concepts they learned and to follow the design-thinking process to establish impactful projects in their communities. The Tunisian Scouts contributed to this by supporting the moderation of the different sessions. Furthermore, during the Tunisian Book Fair on 3 and 4 May 2023, 32 participants (half of them men and 56% young people) raised their awareness of online violence and its impact on the lives of women and girls. Through a collaborative image-creation workshop (Roboteca), the participants expressed their perception of masculinities and shared among each other examples of masculine domination and gender inequality in their sphere and get their awareness raised about the difference they can make by adopting positive masculinity, notably in the online sphere. Finally, nearly 500 young men and women (2/3 of them are young men) from 19 Arab countries, including Tunisia, deepened their knowledge of gender equality and shared their comparative experiences on the subject. This 3rd Arab scout camp entitled "Scouting is a sustainable approach" was an opportunity to disseminate the experience of the Tunisian scouts detailed above and expand their networks to strengthen their role as strategic allies in women’s leadership. According to the on-site evaluation carried out at the end of each session, 70% of the total number of participants were very satisfied with the content of the sessions and the knowledge they gained from interacting with their peers and taking part in the various activities, 20% were satisfied. UN Women contributed to this by providing knowledge products and facilitating 5 sessions on December 16 and 18, 2023 with young people on Sustainable Development Goal 5: Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls. Arab Scouts, a strategic partner of UN Women, contributed to the logistical organization of the sessions and communications coverage. Based on the progress made, the strategy and theory of change are largely still applicable.
outcome XM-DAC-41146-TUN_D_8.1
In 2025, accountable institutions supported by a harmonized legislative framework and committed populations guarantee the strengthening of the rule of law, the protection of human rights and social cohesion and justice, especially for the most vulnerable, in accordance with international conventions and standards and in complementarity and interdependence with inclusive and sustainable development efforts. (UNSDCF Effect 3)
Progress towards this outcome has been made. First, progress was made into accountable institutions supported by a harmonized legislative framework through the establishment and operationalization of democratic institutions and the effective implementation of the legislative framework being consolidated in accordance with the provisions of the Constitution and international norms and conventions. 24 high-ranking officials in public administration from 19 governorates (13 women and 11 men) enhanced their skills in good governance, equal opportunities, and gender mainstreaming. They are equipped with the knowledge and tools necessary for the effective application of gender-sensitive approaches in their professional sphere. In addition, progress towards Actions Plans aligned with the goals of the National Plan for Gender Integration and Institutionalization (PANIIG) has been made by key Ministries. The PANIIG focuses on establishing an accountability system eliminating all forms of discrimination and increasing the representation of women in decision-making bodies; on increasing women’s participation in key positions at various levels of governance; on the economic empowerment of women; on eliminating gender disparities and enhancing gender integration in Tunisia. UN Women supported this by organizing a series of workshops in collaboration with the Budget Management by Objectives units. Finally, 19 young Tunisians (10 men and 9 women) developed innovative solutions to create an inclusive digital public service during the Hackathon "EnaHack4Equality" in June 2023. Participants included students from the National Administration School (ENA), young scholars, members of the Code of Performance Strategy, and start-up enthusiasts. The event was a resounding success, highlighting the innovation and creativity of the participants in the context of gender equality and an inclusive digital public service. Second , progress towards the outcome was made as women enhanced their role in social cohesion, mediation, and peacebuilding through one institutional mechanism for citizen participation, social dialogue, accountability, transitional justice, and the prevention of violent extremism. Further, civil society and populations, especially the most vulnerable, strengthened their capacities to contribute to these mechanisms, at the national and territorial levels. Members of the Network of women promoters of peace and social cohesion in Tunisia from Kairouan, Gafsa, Jendouba, Gabes, Great Tunis, Beja, and Medenine increased their understanding in conflict analysis and mediation as part of the capacity-building sessions for the network. UN Women organized sessions on early warning, risk assessment, and conflict prevention. Progress toward the outcome was also made as systems and actors in the justice and security sectors strengthened and modernized their capacities for greater efficiency, accessibility, and accountability in accordance with the principles of the rule of law and international human rights law. F our governorates of Tunisia improved their crucial knowledge o the protection of the rights of women and girls. Governates now have access to research about the reality of sexual and reproductive rights, family life, violence against women, violence against women in political life, equality at work, the right to education, in addition to recommendations to improve the legal framework for the protection of the rights of women and improve the synergy of work with civil society organizations. UN Women contributed to this by conducting the research using a participatory approach. In addition, 22 focal points from key ministries increased their capacity on law 58-2017 on the elimination of violence against women and girls; 23 female presidents and vice presidents of care centers for women survivors of violence improved their capacities in the application of law 58 for legal mechanisms for the protection of women victims of violence and; 14 female workers from the National Observatory to fight violence against women, working on the green number 1899 for listening and guidance of women victims of violence increased their capacity on the legal framework for the application of law 58, the available mechanism to protect and orient women victim of violence. To achieve these results, UN Women organized capacity-building workshops, including in partnership with the national observatory to fight violence against women. Based on the results, the theory of change remains largely applicable.Showing 1 - 3 of 3
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The boundaries and names shown and the designations used on this map do not imply official endorsement or acceptance by the United Nations.
References to Kosovo shall be understood to be in the context of United Nations Security Council resolution 1244 (1999).
References to Kosovo shall be understood to be in the context of United Nations Security Council resolution 1244 (1999).