Region:Asia Pacific
Current UN Women Plan Period Afghanisthan:2018-2022
outcome XM-DAC-41146-UKR_D_1.1
Outcome 1: Support provision of essential and gender-responsive services that are designed in response to expressed needs of communities, both in areas impacted by the conflict and in locations hosting displaced people.
UN Women Ukraine made good progress towards the outcome in 2023. UN Women’s capacity to collaborate on gender equality issues in the UN humanitarian response was improved significantly through UN Women’s transition from an observer to full member of the Humanitarian Country Team in February 2023. The Gender in Humanitarian Action (GiHA) Working Group, co-chaired by UN Women, grew and developed during the reporting year, as a key coordination platform with gender expertise influencing humanitarian efforts. UN Women’s contributions have been instrumental in embedding women’s voices and gender equality within the humanitarian response framework, reshaping existing strategies, creating paths for dialogue with women’s civil society organizations and setting a foundation for future gender-responsive approaches. Key results under this outcome include: More than 45,000 war-affected women and girls accessed humanitarian support. This included food and hygiene products, psychological support, legal aid, emergency cash assistance, evacuation support, medical help and referrals to social services. Specifically, women and girls from vulnerable and marginalized groups such as rural women, Roma women, women with disabilities and internally displaced women accessed this support. Of these women and girls, more than 39,000 accessed support through CSOs operating across the country in all regions, under the umbrella of the Women, Peace and Humanitarian Fund (WPHF). Contributing to this result, 40 local women’s organizations conducted a rapid and localized humanitarian response and developed their capacities to adjust to the rapidly changing context, with UN Women support and resources. Women and girls (especially from vulnerable groups) and their needs and priorities are covered by key humanitarian strategies and action plans. Women’s CSOs and technical gender experts provided key recommendations and input which were incorporated into humanitarian plans and strategies. This includes for example a dedicated chapter in the Humanitarian Needs and Response Plan (HNRP) on “Intersectionality, Gender, and Disability” and gender and age disaggregated data and analysis in the 2023 Multi-Sector Needs Assessment. 10 clusters and working groups (on Protection, Child Protection, Education, Food Security and Livelihood, Health, Shelter, Water, Sanitation, Hygiene, Accountability to Affected Population, Age and Disability, and Cash) integrated gender dimensions into their sectors’ work, for example through SADD indicators, analysis and activities. UN Women contributed to this result through the facilitation of dialogues and consultations with women’s organizations, technical gender expertise into the development of key plans and strategies, and capacity development initiatives. For example, humanitarian clusters accessed strategic and practical guidance to mainstreaming gender considerations into humanitarian efforts through sector specific gender-tip sheets developed by UN Women. Women and their organizations meaningfully participated in humanitarian planning and response. In 2023, women strengthened their meaningful participation in the humanitarian response at all levels. Women’s civil society engaged in a significant number of dialogues, consultations and advocacy events which took place in 2023, targeting those in frontline areas where women had the opportunity to advocate for their needs and priorities as well as influence key processes related to humanitarian action. Roma-women-led CSOs in particular strengthened their capacity and accessed opportunities in 2023 to actively speak out about their urgent needs and challenges in 3 dialogues with UN and partners. As a result, 11 Roma Women's organizations became GIHA WG members, and the Roma coordination group led by the Council of Europe Office was established. Civil society partners from across Ukraine and relevant duty bearers from the Government, UN agencies and other humanitarian/development partners facilitated these events in close collaboration with UN Women to ensure that the voices and experiences of women are heard. UN Women also contributed to this result by conducting capacity development initiatives for CSOs on Gender in Humanitarian Action, Humanitarian Ethics and Principles, the Application of IASC Gender Standards, and Result-Based Management. As part of the new SN to be developed in 2024, a new ToC will be developed to better reflect how UN Women will support the needs and priorities of women and girls in Ukraine, across the humanitarian-development-peace nexus. If, as anticipated, humanitarian actors prioritize gender mainstreaming into humanitarian processes, then the needs and priorities of women and girls will be well integrated into the humanitarian response, and could, within a few years, start to have a real impact on the lives and security of the estimated 16.6 million women and girls across the country. Plans for continued interventions for gender in humanitarian action should prioritize strategic consultations with local women, especially from vulnerable groups, into planning processes, and strengthening the roles of gender focal points across clusters.
outcome XM-DAC-41146-UKR_D_1.2
Outcome 2: National capacities are strengthened and use data and evidence for efficient crisis response and recovery planning
UN Women Ukraine made strong progress towards the outcome in 2023. Key results under this outcome include: a) Women’s needs and priorities are better addressed through key legislation, strategies, policies and plans developed in 2023, that hold duty-bearers at all levels accountable for implementing GEWE commitments. Key developments include: The government drafted two legal amendments related to the prevention and response to CRSV and GBV , as part of their work to align Ukraine’s legislation with the Istanbul Convention and implementation of the Framework of Cooperation between Ukraine and UN on CRSV Response. If approved, these laws will ensure that survivors are better protected against violence in various forms. This included a Draft Law on Amendments to the Code of Ukraine on Administrative Offenses, which among others introduces GBV, including sexual harassment, as a separate administrative offense, and a Draft Law on the Status of Survivors of CRSV caused by the Russian aggression against Ukraine, to establish a normative basis for regulating a system of reparations and compensations. The Cabinet of Ministers approved the Strategy on Closing the Gender Pay Gap (along with its Operation Plan of Actions), which aims to improve legislation on equal pay, counteract workplace discrimination based on gender and facilitate the combination of family and professional responsibilities. The government increased it capacity to align with EU gender equality acquis by drafting a roadmap and mainstreaming gender in its contribution to the European Commission’s 2023 Enlargement Package. The government drafted a roadmap on implementation of the Convention on the Elimination of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW) and recommendation of the CEDAW 9 th periodical review showcasing its strong commitment to coordinate GEWE policy implementation. The State Emergency Service (SES) and the Ministry of Veterans Affairs (MoVA) revised and updated their respective Sectoral Plans linked to the National Action Plan on UNSCR 1325, for example ensuring a gender sensitive response to veterans and frontline workers. Various government institutions also demonstrated improved institutional capacity on integrating gender in their work. For example, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) approved its Action Plan on Ensuring Equal Rights and Opportunities , after conducting their second gender audit, to advance gender equality in the diplomatic service. At the local and regional level, the needs of women and girls were addressed through 4 regional and 10 local gender-responsive Action Plans on UNSCR 1325 , with heavy involvement and advocacy from local women. The Ministry of Community, Territorial and Infrastructure Development also mainstreamed gender and human-rights in the updated draft State Regional Development Strategy. The Government launched a comprehensive process on revision of the Law on Equal Rights and Opportunities in consultations with all stakeholders with meaningful engagement of women’s CSOs to reflect the new developments in the NWM and to ensure effective gender-responsive recovery and EU integration. UN Women contributed significantly to all these important results by providing technical and substantive inputs to the Government and various partners during the drafting and implementation of the key documents. In several instances this involved the contracting of gender experts to the ministries preparing the policy documents and laws. UN Women also compiled data and research to ensure evidence-based decision-making by duty-bearers and linking with international best practices. UN Women leveraged their strategic partnerships with the government, UN agencies and civil society to ensure a coordinated approach. B) Women from civil society have enhanced opportunities and capacities to actively participate in- and influence decision-making processes at all levels Women’s civil society organizations contributed to all key laws, policies, strategies and plans outlined above are underpinned , shared with duty bearers through multi-stakeholder consultations and working groups, facilitated by UN Women. This includes, women human rights defenders (WHRD) who participated in the Platform Responsive and Inclusive Recovery and the Working Group on Revision of the Law on Equal Rights and Opportunities, established under the Government Coordination Commission on Gender Equality Policy headed by the Deputy Prime Minister on European and Euro Atlantic Integration, and the Expert Council on Human Rights, Gender Equality and Diversity – a platform established by the MFA, where prominent human rights defenders, government representatives and other stakeholders can discuss and collaborative on initiatives. Representatives from women’s CSOs also participated in the Civil Expert Council on Equal Opportunities and Non-Discrimination established by the Ombudsperson Office. Representatives of CSOs continued active work as members in the Inter-Agency Working Group on CRSV Response to address one of the key 2023 priorities of Ukraine. UN Women contributed to these results by facilitating public consultations between duty bearers and women’s CSOs, including women from vulnerable groups. At the local level, this included for example supporting the active participation of women from local self-help groups in the design of local and regional Action Plans on UNSCR 1325. At the national level this included providing women CSOs expertise and facilitating their contribution to the development of the various laws and policies listed above, through consultations, dialogues and platforms. UN Women also supported the mobilization and capacity development of women’s civil society for their active participation in crisis response and planning processes. As part of the new Strategic Note (2025-2029) to be developed in 2024, a new ToC will be developed to further reflect how UN Women will support the needs and priorities of women and girls in Ukraine, across the HDP nexus, national recovery and EU integration. If, as anticipated, the government implements the laws, strategies and action plans listed above, then the needs and priorities of women and girls, in all their diversity, will be better addressed and could, within a few years start to have a real impact on the lives and security of the estimated 16.6 million women and girls across the country.
outcome XM-DAC-41146-UKR_D_1.3
Outcome 3: Early recovery interventions are effective in increasing inclusive human development, promoting a sustainable green economy and building a resilient society
UN Women Ukraine made good progress towards this outcome, especially in regard to women’s economic participation. While women are more economically vulnerable, especially women IDPs and single-headed households, the war has also created new spaces for women’s economic participation, with early recovery interventions promoting women’s economic empowerment. In terms of addressing root causes to discrimination and GBV, moderate progress has been made, as much more is needed considering the added protection risks due to the war. Key results under this outcome include: A) More than 56,000 women are economically empowered, through livelihood recovery support, skills development, business support, and access to employment. Women increased their economic opportunities, while companies, in particular those affected by the full-scale war, gained insights into the benefits that the private sector can gain from the involvement of women and female entrepreneurs. Women engaged in capacity development, mentorship programs and networking events, and showcased their skills, connected with employers, and strengthened partnerships between the private sector, government, and civil society through initiatives like “Women For The Future” and the “Women's Entrepreneurship Expo” platforms. The corporate sector, including both private and state-owned businesses, actively developed their capacity and commitment to implement and advocate for gender equality. Several companies demonstrated strong commitments for GEWE through the implementation of the Women's Empowerment Principles (WEPs) . In total, six new companies implemented nine internal gender policies while 8 companies passed self-assessments on WEPs, and one company developed a Gender Action Plan. These are key steps as part of the WEPs commitments to advancing gender equality through their company organization and value chains. Civil society has also played a key role, as sixteen national women's CSOs made substantial contributions to enhancing the agency and economic prospects of local women. For example, through some of their efforts over 2,800 women engaged in training programs for employment, business skills, and small business startups. Following the successful completion of these initiatives, 231 women secured new jobs, established businesses, or strengthened existing ones, significantly boosting their economic situation. UN Women played a pivotal role in fostering women's economic empowerment in Ukraine through diverse initiatives in collaboration with national women's CSOs and the private sector. For example, UN Women facilitated the creation of platforms like “Women For The Future” and organized the Women's Entrepreneurship Exhibition at the Expo Satellite Event, along with other networking and capacity-building events. UN Women also supported private sector companies in implementing the Women Empowerment Principles (WEPs), providing capacity development and technical advice. Through dedicated funding for CSOs to implement projects on women’s economic empowerment, UN Women supported local initiatives boosting women’s livelihoods. B) Women and girls in ten war-affected communities benefit from strengthened coordination and referral mechanisms to support timely access to GBV services. Ten communities heavily affected by the war in Poltava and Dnipro have improved coordination and referral mechanisms to support timely access to GBV services for war affected women and girls. The leaders of these communities mapped GBV service points in their respective communities, which can support women and girls to access justice and other GBV services. 100 women activists participated in this initiative and are involved in the community security groups in these communities. UN Women supported the women activists by conducting trainings on how to contribute to community recovery committees on gender and protection of women’s rights and safety, addressing prevention of GBV/CRSV and trafficking of women. With CSO trainings on effective community mobilization and advocacy, women activists can now also better engage local leaders on women issues, needs and priorities for inclusion in recovery. As part of the new Strategic Note (2025-2029) to be developed in 2024, a new ToC will be developed to further reflect how UN Women will support the needs and priorities of women and girls in Ukraine, across the HDP nexus and recovery efforts.Showing 1 - 3 of 3
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The boundaries and names shown and the designations used on this map do not imply official endorsement or acceptance by the United Nations.
References to Kosovo shall be understood to be in the context of United Nations Security Council resolution 1244 (1999).
References to Kosovo shall be understood to be in the context of United Nations Security Council resolution 1244 (1999).