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Showing country level data of 2023
UN Population Fund (UNFPA) Overview
$2.82 M Total contributions for 2023
$0.00 Regular resources (core) contributions for 2023
$2.82 M Other resources (non-Core) contributions for 2023
$1.41 M Other resources: Spent Expenditures can be higher than the revenue because revenue can be carried over from one year to another
Funding Partner Specific
Recipient Country IATI Identifier Outcome Description
Planned Budget Actual Budget Funds Shortfall
Funds: Contributed
flag Democratic Republic of the Congo
XM-DAC-41146-COD_D_3.1 Populations, especially the most vulnerable, enjoy equitable, quality and sustainable access to basic social services, including HIV/AIDS
$2,416,659 0 $2,416,659
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flag Iraq
XM-DAC-41146-IRQ_D_4.2 Iraqi government and stakeholders implement commitments on women, peace and security.
$0 0 $0
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flag Senegal
XM-DAC-41146-SEN_D_3.2 Changes attributed to UN Women in skills or abilities and capacities of individuals or institutions and/or the availability of new products and services contributing to Women’s voice, leadership & agency
$0 0 $0
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flag Uganda
XM-DAC-41146-UGA_D_1.1 Inclusive and Accountable Governance and Women’s Access to Justice
$8,879,735 0 $8,879,735
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flag Uganda
XM-DAC-41146-UGA_D_3.1 By 2025, people, especially the vulnerable and marginalized, have equitable access to and utilization of quality basic social and protection services.
$12,998,526 0 $12,998,526
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flag Uganda
XM-DAC-41146-UGA_D_3.2 By 2025, gender equality and human rights of people in Uganda are promoted, protected, and fulfilled in a culturally responsive environment.
$1,833,500 0 $1,833,500
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flag Viet Nam
XM-DAC-41146-VNM_D_1.1 SN Outcome 1 [CF Outcome 2] Climate Change Response, Disaster Resilience and Environmental Sustainability By 2026, people in Viet Nam, especially those at risk of being left behind, will benefit from and contribute to safer and cleaner environment resulting from Viet Nam’s effective and gender responsive mitigation and adaptation to climate change, disaster risk reduction and resilience building, promotion of circular economy, the provision of clean and renewable energy, and the sustainable management of natural resources.
$1,388,706 0 $1,388,706
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flag Viet Nam
XM-DAC-41146-VNM_D_2.1 SN Outcome 2 (CF Outcome 3). Shared Prosperity through Economic Transformation By 2026, people in Viet Nam, especially those at risk of being left behind, will contribute to and benefit equitably from more sustainable, inclusive and gender-responsive economic transformation based on innovation, entrepreneurship, enhanced productivity, competitiveness, and decent work.
$2,825,415 0 $2,825,415
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flag Viet Nam
XM-DAC-41146-VNM_D_3.1 SN Outcome 3 (CF Outcome 4) Governance and Access to Justice By 2026, people in Viet Nam, especially those at risk of being left behind, will have benefited from and have contributed to a more just, safe and inclusive society based on improved governance, more responsive institutions, strengthened rule of law and the protection of and respect for human rights, gender equality, and freedom from all forms of violence and discrimination in line with international standards.
$7,943,820 0 $7,943,820
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Showing 1 - 9 of 9
Disclaimer and notes
Revenue recognition per management accounts reporting (as per Revenue Management Policy). 2022 figures are preliminary, pending final audit.
The boundaries and names shown and the designations used on this map do not imply official endorsement or acceptance by the United Nations.
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