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Leaving No One Behind

UN Women’s Strategic Plan for 2022-2025 has a clear commitment to the principle of Leave No One Behind (LNOB). Over the course of the implementation of the strategic plan, UN Women will continue to further deepen and build capacity on how to integrate the LNOB principle at all stages of the programming cycle from planning, implementation, monitoring, and evaluation. 

UN Women has been leading an inter-agency effort to build the capacity of UNCTs to integrate the LNOB, gender equality, and human rights in the CCA/UNSDCF and launched an online course with the UN Staff College for UN staff. An online foundational course on UNSDCF guiding principles of HRBA, GEWE, and LNOB

Below are some examples of UN Women’s LNOB results in 2022: 

Disability Inclusion: 

During 2022, over 65 offices reported supporting initiatives to empower women and girls with disabilities by providing normative guidance, integrated policy advice, operational support, and capacity development. UN Women also initiated several country-level and cross-regional joint programs and policy advocacy initiatives together with other UN partners and Disabled persons’ organizations in Bangladesh, Colombia, Nepal, Panama, Rwanda Tanzania, Moldova, Georgia, Pakistan, Palestine (oPT), and Samoa. These were aimed at addressing stigma and discrimination against women with disabilities in different typologies of countries and supported by the UN Women Disability Inclusion and Intersectionality Facility and its dedicated Disability Inclusion Helpdesk.

Youth and adolescent girls:

UN Women effectively supported and worked with more than 10 000 young people and adolescent girls on a national, regional, and global level. Advocacy training and workshops were held with more than 5000 young people and adolescents from different regions.  More than 70% of UN Women regional and country offices reported engaging with different groups of young people including but not limited to those with disabilities, living with HIV/AIDs, indigenous, African descent, rural and LGBTQI+, ethnic and linguistic minorities, migrants, asylum seekers, displaced, and refugee young persons.


With UN-Women’s support, more than 4,000 women living with HIV have informed national policies, strategies, and law reforms that affect their lives: 

  • Women living with HIV in Ukraine successfully advocated for their priorities to be included in the country's rapid gender assessment and the humanitarian response by the UN system and other actors. 
  • In Indonesia, the national network of women living with HIV has participated in the development of the first-ever Sexual Violence Crimes Law that now acknowledges forced sterilization as a form of violence women living with HIV often experience. 
  • To turn the tide of the unprecedented HIV crisis among young women and girls, UN-Women built leadership skills of young women across 15 countries of sub-Saharan Africa, creating spaces for young leaders’ meaningful engagement and mobilizing female Ministers of Health, Gender Equality, Youth Affairs, and other women leaders for joint action. 
Minority/Indigenous women:

UN Women provided critical support for the inclusion and visibility of minority and indigenous women in more than 15 countries worldwide. 

  • In Colombia, UN Women has stressed the importance of diverse participation in peace talks with the last formally active guerrilla group in the country, ensuring that the negotiation will include the participation of women, young people, black and indigenous representatives, and environmental defenders. 
  • In Albania, awareness-raising activities and consultations allowed 500 vulnerable women and girls, many of whom are members of minority and indigenous communities, to raise their voices in local budgeting processes. 
  • UN Women engaged with 974 women owning or engaging in MSMEs in Sri Lanka, many of whom were minority or indigenous women, to strengthen their financial literacy through training, mentorship, and access to markets.
Output indicator LNOB disaggregation 

Below is a table of 3 output indicators that currently have LNOB disaggregation categories. Over the implementation of the Strategic Plan, UN Women intends to further expand and deepen this work.  


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