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Region:Asia Pacific Current UN Women Plan Period Afghanisthan:2018-2022
i-icon World Bank Income Classification:Low Income The World Bank classifies economies for analytical purposes into four income groups: low, lower-middle, upper-middle, and high income. For this purpose it uses gross national income (GNI) per capita data in U.S. dollars, converted from local currency using the World Bank Atlas method, which is applied to smooth exchange rate fluctuations. i-icon Least Developed Country:Yes Since 1971, the United Nations has recognized LDCs as a category of States that are deemed highly disadvantaged in their development process, for structural, historical and also geographical reasons. Three criteria are used: per capita income, human assets, and economic vulnerability. i-icon Gender Inequality Index:0.575 GII is a composite metric of gender inequality using three dimensions: reproductive health, empowerment and the labour market. A low GII value indicates low inequality between women and men, and vice-versa. i-icon Gender Development Index:0.723 GDI measures gender inequalities in achievement in three basic dimensions of human development: health, education, and command over economic resources.
i-icon Population:209,497,025 Source of population data: United Nations, Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Population Division (2022). World Population Prospects: The 2022 Revision Male:19,976,265 (9.5%) Female:189,520,760 (90.5%)
Map Summary
Colombia Banner Image 3

outcome XM-DAC-41146-COL_D_1.1

Former FARC combatants in the process of reincorporation and their families have access to a comprehensive and effective reincorporation with the support of the UN Country Team in coordination with the Presidential Council for Stabilisation and Consolidation and the Agency for Reincorporation and Normalisation, in addition to the efforts of the Colombian Government (UNSDCF 1.1)

In 2023, UN Women Colombia made significant progress on outcome 1.1 (on track). Thanks to UN Women contribution in partnership with MPTF, beneficiary women report a reduction of 13.3% of the time they use for care-work . Alongside, five (5) Territorial Spaces for Training and Reincorporation (AETCR) have updated Community Care Plans which include a Communitarian Care Network for the Prevention of GBV and a strategy for institutional strengthening. The methodology implemented in this project was shared with the team of the Care National System –as part of the Ministry of Equality—and to strategic partners that will be replicating the experience in three (3) pilots in rural areas of Colombia. The results regarding economic empowerment will be published as a result of UN Women’s coordination with the Kroc Institute. The CO has also incorporated the disability approach in its work with ex-combatants in reincorporation process thanks to a UN MPTF JP. Via an Integral Care Model with a community approach that promote the participation of persons with disabilities, 458 women, 357 men, 440 young persons, and 49 girls and boys now have a holistic understanding of care that goes beyond child related care-work. Finally, UN Women continued to support organizations of ex-combatant women in Cauca through the implementation of a small grant that strengthened the organizational, technical, and methodological capacities of the CSO.
outcome XM-DAC-41146-COL_D_1.2

Communities of the PDET municipalities prioritized by the National Government improve their well-being through the design and implementation of strategies within the framework of the PDET roadmap, with a differential and gender approach, and with the support of the UN Country Team as a complement to the efforts of the Colombian State (UNSDCF 1.2)

In 2023, UN Women Colombia made significant progress on outcome 1.2 (on track), empowering more than 5,200 persons (85% women and girls) through the strengthening of their advocacy, political and economic capacities thanks to the implementation of competitive funding mechanisms for civil society organizations (funded by WPHF and KOICA). With the support of KOICA , 12 CSOs have advanced in the implementation of 26 productive initiatives that promote rural women’s leadership in agricultural local businesses in the context of peace implementation, with a focus on PDET municipalities. The CSOs implemented a socio-demographic characterization that identified the training needs of 835 rural women (58% afro-descendent and 15% indigenous women). The identified characteristics and needs motivated the adaptation of training plans to better respond to the educational level and ethnic belonging of the women that will be benefiting from them. Alongside, KOICA has supported the capacity-building of 288 public servers of the Local Gender Offices on matters related to gender equality and women’s economic empowerment. Thanks to competitive funding mechanisms for civil society led by the Technical Secretariat of UN Women together with the programme team, 25 CSOs have been implementing projects as a part of the Women’s Peace and Humanitarian Fund (WPHF) call for proposals. As such, 25 CSOs (including 1 youth, 4 afro-Colombian, 2 rural and 1 transgender women CSOs) are implementing projects that benefited 4450 women and young women and men (including 370 afro-Colombian, 80 indigenous, and 62 transgender women). These include 10 small grants that are strengthening organizational capacities of local CSOs. Through the implementation of the WPHFs projects, 671 women have improved capacities to position the gender-equality and women’s rights agenda within local peace-building spaces, improving their communities’ access to formal and informal justice mechanisms. At the same time, 24 socio-political dialogue mechanism have been promoted, which has allowed women to established stronger strategies regarding the protection of the political participation guarantees in PDET municipalities. As a part of the specific projects, 154 women and 5 organizations are strengthening their productive capacities and income with agroecology, Market fairs and exchange with 104 entrepreneurs and more than 800 consumers were implemented at the local level, together with a Political School for Women to provide effective tools for the understanding of political spaces and advocacy, etc.
outcome XM-DAC-41146-COL_D_1.3

Judicial and non-judicial monitoring, control, clarification and investigation bodies and humanitarian response key stakeholders strengthen their capacities for care of prioritized population and the administration of justice with a differential approach, with the support of the UN Country Team for state efforts (UNSDCF 3.5)

In 2023, UN Women Colombia made significant progress on outcome 1.3 (on track). The Integral System for Peace (SIP) was strengthened , the Action Plan for the Program for Integral Guarantees for Women Leaders and Human Rights Defenders 2023 – 2025 was formulated, and 7038 persons (6331 women and 707 men) are empowered to develop community and self-protection mechanisms in the framework of the ProDefensoras Program (Norway). Alongside, 1.838 young women strengthened their leadership and advocacy skills to position their agendas in the civic spaces for peacebuilding that emerged after 2021’s social unrest. In alliance with Norway, UN Women supported the formulation of the Action Plan for the Program for Integral Guarantees for Women Leaders and Human Rights Defenders 2023 – 2025 , including specific indicators on gender-equality for the dismantlement policy. Alongside, as a part of a process facilitated bby the UN Women’s Technical Secretariat of competitive funding mechanisms for civil society, 15 civil society organization were selected to implement prevention and protection strategies for women leaders and human rights defenders, as well as initiative for the economic autonomy of ex-combatant women in the framework of the second phase of ProDefensoras. In 2023, UN Women continued its work with the institutions of the Integral System for Peace (SIP) for the mainstreaming of the gender and survivor-centered approach within the internal and external procedures of its institutions. Regarding the Special Jurisdiction for Peace (JEP), UN Women supported the enhancement of the technical capacities of the JEP to investigate and judge cases of GBV and sexual violence in 3 macro-cases [1] and provided technical inputs for the JEP to open macro-case No. 11 on Sexual Violence, Reproductive Violence and other crimes based on Gender, Sex, and Sexual Identity or Orientation [2] . UN Women –in alliance with the Embassy of Sweden—worked with the Truth Commission (CEV) on the finalization of the documentary “When the Waters Flow as One” –that showcases the contribution of Colombian women to the construction of peace in the last 20 years. The documentary was submitted to national and international film festivals. UN Women also strengthened the Gender Technical Roundtable –part of the legacy of the CEV that finished its mandate in 2022—as the instance for CSOs to engage in dialogue with the SIVJRNR. Finally, UN Women also supported the Search Unit for Missing Persons (UBPD) in the development of its gender workplace policy by providing technical and financial assistance. With the GYPI-PBF, 1838 young and diverse women increased their participation and have a higher impact on thirty (30) formal and informal decision-making processes regarding civic spaces in Nariño that emerged as a response to the increased social conflicts, protests, and dialogues related to 2021’s civil unrest in Colombia. Within this framework, 16 innovative initiatives for the care of life, non-repetition of armed conflict, and local peace management were implemented by 10 CSOs (one of them is an organization of women with disabilities) in Nariño, benefiting 24 networks and social processes of young and diverse women. Moreover, with the support of the CERF , UN Women delivered resilience kits to 134 women with disabilities affected by humanitarian crises. The CO has also incorporated the disability approach in its reincorporation JP financed by the UN MPTF for Sustaining Peace. Also, with the CERF, UN Women consolidated its role as the leading agency in mainstreaming the gender approach within humanitarian action, strengthening the technical capacities of 59 women from 31 local organization to implement tools for preventing, mitigating and responding to humanitarian crisis. With the support of the German Embassy, the technical capacities for risk management of 77 humanitarian workers from 28 entities (10 United Nations organizations, 10 international CSOs, 5 national CSOs, 2 local government institutions and 1 national instance) were enhanced. [1] Case 04 – Territorial situation of Urabá, Case 07 – Forced Child Recruitment, and Case 08 – Crimes Committed by Public Force and Paramilitary Forces. [2] The JEP opened this macro-case on July 11 th through Auto SRVR No. 103 of 2022.
outcome XM-DAC-41146-COL_D_2.1

Women and girls in Venezuela's migrant population, returned Colombian population and host communities receive humanitarian care in an integrated, differential, coordinated and quality manner; enjoy enabling environments; access quality and differentiated services; and access the labour market and entrepreneurship opportunities expeditiously and massively; in the framework of the combined action of state institutions, relevant non-governmental actors and other actors, with UN Women's contribution to the efforts of the National Government and in coordination with the UN Country Team (UNSDCF 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4)

In 2023, UN Women Colombia made significant progress on outcome 2.1 (on track). Thanks to UN Women contribution, an innovative model of a comprehensive response to the migrant population and host communities was consolidated in 8 cities (Barranquilla, Soledad, Riohacha, Maicao, Santa Marta and Cartagena in the Caribbean Coast, and Pasto and Ipiales in Nariño), benefiting more than 10.000 (85% girls and women). Out of these, 2.205 women positioned their leadership and advocated for the incorporation of their priorities and needs in the local gender equality agenda, and 2.091 women accessed entrepreneurship and employability strategies. The model also allowed for the strengthening of 8 civil society organizations, the management of 160 GBV cases, and the enhancement of 32 enterprises of migrant women and women from host communities. In addition, UN Women continued providing inputs and advocating for the inclusion of the gender approach and the importance of the prevention of sexual exploitation and abuse with GIFMM partners. As co-leaders of the socioeconomic integration sector, UN Women produced a Guideline for the Inclusion of the Gender and Diversity Approach in Socioeconomic Integration Activities for Refugees, Migrants and Host Communities . This document includes a virtual tool that allow members of the GIFMM to verify the extent in which they incorporate the gender approach in the design of their proposals, their implementation process and their monitoring and evaluation phases. UN Women also as co-lead the elimination of GBV sector and the PSEAs Taks Force that include 37 NGOs and 17 United Nations agencies.
outcome XM-DAC-41146-COL_D_3.1

The national government and local entities strengthen their capacities to accelerate the 2030 Agenda and the SDGs with the support of the UN Women, strengthening the production, analysis and use of gender statistics (UNSDCF 3.1)

In 2023, UN Women Colombia made significant progress on Outcome 3.1 (on track). In alliance with the Geographic Institute Agustín Codazzi (IGAC ), UN Women began the process to analyze the results of initiatives to produce recommendations for the mainstreaming of the gender approach in the Multipurpose Cadaster, the Cadaster Public Policy and the Integral Rural Reform through the use of qualitative and quantitative methodologies. The qualitative data was gathered through a series of in-depth interviews with participants of the key cadaster operations, which were facilitated by the German Cooperation Agency (GIZ). The quantitative data was obtained from a pilot developed during 2022 in the department of Boyacá, which was stored in the LADM-COL Model. A verification was carried out on the comprehensiveness and quality of the sex variable, identifying indicators to evaluate the quality of the information from the Multipurpose Cadaster. The results were compared with the applicable standards for the Multipurpose Cadaster, highlighting the strengths and improvement areas of the operations. Currently, UN Women has supported the analysis to provide a detailed view on the characteristics of the persons interested in the properties, segregated by sex and landownership, occupation, or possession. This information is vital for the decision-making process regarding the implementation of the Rural Reform. Through the co-creation of a pedagogic tool, UN Women engaged in capacity-building activities for the enhancement of the knowledge on the gender approach of the public-servers of the IGAC . The learning material includes six units that touch upon cross-cutting issues for the generation and diffusion of the Multipurpose Cadaster, been an articulated effort with the Intercultural Schools for Multipurpose Cadaster and the Regional Encounters with Rural Women developed by the IGAC. The articulation with these instances will allow for the knowledge transfer to national cadaster managers, achieving the understanding of the gender approach is vital to address the challenges that women face regarding their access to ownership and tenure of the land. Finally, UN Women also participated in the Data Festival of the Global Partnership for Sustainable Development Data held in Punta del Este (Uruguay) to position its work regarding disability-inclusive data. This, by socializing the results of a Rapid Assessment produced during the Inception Phase of the Disability project financed by the UNPRPD.
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The boundaries and names shown and the designations used on this map do not imply official endorsement or acceptance by the United Nations.
References to Kosovo shall be understood to be in the context of United Nations Security Council resolution 1244 (1999).
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