Region:Asia Pacific
Current UN Women Plan Period Afghanisthan:2018-2022
outcome XM-DAC-41146-BDI_D_4.1
An environment for the implementation of WPS commitment is enable in Burundi through the participation and influence of key governmental and non governmental stakeholders
During 2023, partnerships were developed with two government institutions likely to play an important role in the implementation of WPS commitments: (i) the Ministry in charge of gender and (ii) the Ministry of the Interior, Community Development and Public Security the two government institutions were thus committed to closely monitoring the implementation of the action plan for Resolution 1325 2022-2027 thanks in particular to the project “Connecting the global to the local: strengthening women’s leadership for the localization of the Resolution 1325 of the United Nations Security Council in Burundi. Initiatives to disseminate the women's participation strategy as well as an evaluation document of the consideration of R 1325 in the PCDCs have been taken. (iii) an MOU was signed with the Association of Women Actors of Peace and Dialogue with a view to strengthening their involvement in supporting women leaders at the local level for their leadership in conflict prevention and resolution and empowerment economics of women
outcome XM-DAC-41146-BDI_D_4.2
Women, including those in refugees/ IDPS camps and other vulnerable situations, experience enhanced safety, security, physical and mental health, and their human rights respected in conformity with ratified regional and international instruments
Thanks to the continuous support of government service providers in the justice, health and social sectors, the media and civil society organizations, VAWG survivors, of whom around 96% are women and girls, continue to have improved access to coordinated, quality care services and more opportunities for socio-economic recovery across the country. This was made possible through the combined work of continued mobilization of key community actors to promote positive practices conducive to VAWG prevention, and capacity building of service providers and community members to provide community-based support for VAWG survivors. Thus, 2 more radio programs were broadcasted based on social norm change, awareness raising on GBV and reporting mechanisms for VAWG, and referral system, including community-based reporting mechanisms for VAWG. More than 850 men and women inclunding community leaders, repatriates and IDPs from Muyinga and Kirundo provinces participated in these programs. In addition, thanks to the partnership between UPV and CACEDEBU, 45 peace clubs and 45 women's and girls' cooperative groups, whose members have increased their capacity to manage community and family conflicts, are now conducting inter-community dialogues on ending violence against women and strengthening social cohesion. A total of 180 women members of these peace and cooperative groups also improved their skills in organizing community dialogues, conflict prevention and resolution, and ending GBV. As a result, 12 inter-community dialogues on ending VAWG and how to strengthen the community roles in supporting VAWG Survivors were organized by women from peace groups in the provinces of Kirundo and Bujumbura. Again with the aim of strengthening VAWG prevention through mindset and practices change that perpetuate VAWG, a total of 5 campaigns and other social mobilization events on women’s right implemented in close collaboration or partnership with the Ministry of National Solidarity, Social Affairs, Human Rights and Gender, UN agencies, and implementing partners led to a mobilization of government partners, women’s movements and networks, civil society and women's rights organizations, UN system, and individuals to show progress and to make commitments in EVAWG. These are: The international woman Day 2023 which brought together more thousands of women and men in the commemorative ceremonies. The 16 days campaign of activism against gender-based violence was launched under the leadership of the First Lady of Burundi: More than 2,000 women and men took part in the launching ceremonies celebrated were touched by calls for action to end VAWG in official speeches, dances, and other traditional artistic expressions. Two Media campaigns on EVAWG prevention and community referral mechanisms and support to VAWG Survivors which touched more than 850 women and men. A “café orange” mobilizing 45 representatives of donors and key diplomatic missions provided a space for sharing information and practices to prevention and response to VAWG. In providing quality services to VAWG survivors, eight civil society organizations namely UPV, AJAP, Saemaul Undong Burundi, APFB, AFAPD, FNF, AFM, and CACEDEBU, continue to deliver and to monitor community-based organizations in organizing intergenerational dialogue on ending VAWG, trauma healing, reconciliation and promotion of positive social norms and delivering goods for women.
outcome XM-DAC-41146-BDI_D_4.3
Women and girls participate in and benefit from socio-economic recovery opportunities in the context of peace and resilience-building
With 2023, 13, 343 Women and girls participated in and benefited from socio-economic recovery opportunities in the context of peace and resilience-building. In terms of empowerment and income generating acticvities, the results achieved are: 213 Leaders, including 197 women and 16 men, benefited from capacity building in the fight against GBV, leadership, innovative entrepreneurship and positive masculinity. 147 women members of RMI solidarity groups operating in value chains have had their capacity to draw up business plans strengthened. 28 women leaders of the Association des Femmes Actrices de Paix et de Dialogue (AFAPD) were strengthened, notably in project development and resource mobilization for the network of women mediators. 316 members of social therapy groups in the project's communes received technical assistance. 1,429 resident women, 56 repatriated women and 29 displaced women have benefited from technical and economic capacity-building, notably in the development of micro-projects in agriculture, livestock breeding, trade and the processing of certain products. 1,750 beneficiaries, including 1,610 women and girls and 140 men, benefited from capacity-building on the laws governing cooperatives, in collaboration with ANACCOP. 60 people (30 men and 30 women) responsible for cooperatives/enterprises respectively in Commune Butihinda on the notion of good governance in cooperatives and the role of entrepreneurship in peacebuilding. 5509 members, including 4923 women and girls and 586 men and boys in 185 functional agricultural cooperatives have been supported for their income generating activities. 41 men and 92 women benefiting from IGAs to improve their livelihoods, often in a precarious economic situation, refugee women, girls, boys and men benefiting from these IGAs become more autonomous and improve their financial management systems. In terms of strengthening women, girls, men and boys' capacities to transform and add value to local food products for household consumption, the followings results are reached: 700 participants (600 women and girls and 100 men and boys) leaders have been mobilized by UN Women in collaboration with the Office of the First Lady OPDD Burundi, other United Nations agencies (WFP, UNICEF, WHO, UNDP, World Bank, UNFPA) contributed significantly to the organization of a high-level forum of women leaders through various presentations and panels, as well as messages shared with other women leaders from other countries, notably Rwanda, Zanzibar, Kenya, Cote d'Ivoire, Equatorial Guinea, China, Congo Brazzaville, not forgetting delegations from the regional offices of UN Women and Unicef. 446 people, including 243 women and 203 men, were trained, and made aware of good nutritional practices. In terms of humanitarian actions, the following results have been reached: 769 patients, including 430 women, 234 children under 5 and 105 men, were treated free of charge. 1,934 people (1,145 women and girls and 789 men and boys) were made aware of the importance of family planning, prenatal consultations (especially early ones), child immunization, good child nutrition, childbirth in a health-care setting, unplanned pregnancies, sexually transmitted diseases and breast cancer, the fight against malaria and diseases of the hands (intestinal parasites). 37 women and girl leaders from Bujumbura province have been integrated into the mixed security committees and can participate in developing humanitarian programs that integrate women's needs into the humanitarian response plans of their respective communes. These supports have helped the beneficiaries to recover from illness and then continue household's activities without any problem. For those who have been integrated in the committees, they will advocate for women's matters to be integrated at the communal planification. In terms of ICT, 102 young girls (17-25 years old) have been supported to increase women participation and action in ICT sector through AGCCI project within: All the 102 young girls within 7 Batwa girls have participated in two coding camps organized by UN Women in collaboration with 3 Ministries (ICT, Gender and Education) where they have been capacitated in: (i) raise their awareness of gender inequality issues and encourage them to become advocates for gender equality in the ICT sector, (ii) have acquired knowledge in computer science, coding, design thinking, the fourth industrial revolution including artificial intelligence, Machine Learning, Deep learning and robotics; (iii) have been made aware of the SDGs, digital issues and the positive use of social networks; (iv) have acquired an entrepreneurial spirit, a spirit of female empowerment and personal development and (v) have been sensitized to the notion of Eliminating Gender Stereotypes. The 6 best young girls’ project in the two coding camps (3 from each of them) received an award made of A laptop and a Samsung Galaxy Android to encourage them and allow them to continue their project. For all the 102 young girls, they received each one an Android cell phone which will allow them to stay in touch in the local platform and the regional one with their peer around the 10 involved countries in AGCCI Project and facilitate them to continue working on the development of their project. All of them have developed their own applications addressing different thematic areas from all the 17 SDGs and they will continue benefiting UN Women support to go ahead with their projects. This will lead to self-employment creation and estime and leadership. The trainings were given by a team of 6 trainers (3 women, 3 men) where, with UNW Laise Office in Addis Ababa support, they were recruited, and they contributed to implement the project by conducting these two round training coding camps. To allow the participation of many young girls to this programme, 4 multimedia centers have been equipped in for provinces of Burundi. This will reduce the young women access gap which exist between provinces and benefit to generations of young girls. These coding camps became a good opportunity of a good coordination of 4 Ministries (ICT, Gender, Education and Home Affairs) on one side, UN Agencies (UN Women, PNUD, WB, UNICEF) and Private sector (CBFIB-ICT Chamber) and advocacy for a better inclusion of young women in ICT domain and in labor market.Showing 1 - 3 of 3
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The boundaries and names shown and the designations used on this map do not imply official endorsement or acceptance by the United Nations.
References to Kosovo shall be understood to be in the context of United Nations Security Council resolution 1244 (1999).
References to Kosovo shall be understood to be in the context of United Nations Security Council resolution 1244 (1999).