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Region:Asia Pacific Current UN Women Plan Period Afghanisthan:2018-2022
i-icon World Bank Income Classification:Low Income The World Bank classifies economies for analytical purposes into four income groups: low, lower-middle, upper-middle, and high income. For this purpose it uses gross national income (GNI) per capita data in U.S. dollars, converted from local currency using the World Bank Atlas method, which is applied to smooth exchange rate fluctuations. i-icon Least Developed Country:Yes Since 1971, the United Nations has recognized LDCs as a category of States that are deemed highly disadvantaged in their development process, for structural, historical and also geographical reasons. Three criteria are used: per capita income, human assets, and economic vulnerability. i-icon Gender Inequality Index:0.575 GII is a composite metric of gender inequality using three dimensions: reproductive health, empowerment and the labour market. A low GII value indicates low inequality between women and men, and vice-versa. i-icon Gender Development Index:0.723 GDI measures gender inequalities in achievement in three basic dimensions of human development: health, education, and command over economic resources.
i-icon Population:209,497,025 Source of population data: United Nations, Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Population Division (2022). World Population Prospects: The 2022 Revision Male:19,976,265 (9.5%) Female:189,520,760 (90.5%)
Map Summary
Colombia Banner Image 3

outcome XM-DAC-41146-COL_D_1.1

Institutions, legal frameworks, and policies to advance women’s right to participate in decision making at national and local levels are reformed/adopted and implemented.

The result had a significant advance during the year 2021. Even though the Constitutional Court did not pronounce itself regarding the implementation of the approved Colombian Electoral Code –which include 2 two high-impact measures for the guarantee of the exercise of the political rights of women—advances have been made to advance women’s political participation. This, through the parity showcased in the lists of both national and territorial public corporations for the upcoming elections, the institutional approach to cases of violence against women in politics, and through the requirement of parity lists of candidates for the victims and civil society organizations that are interested in having 1 of the 16 seats created by the Legislative Act for the Special Temporary Districts of Peace after the elections of March 2022. The first elections for Municipal Youth Councils – a mechanism to promote the participation of young people between 14 and 28 years old in the decision-making spaces of municipalities in Colombia established by Law 1885 of 2018—also required parity lists. Lastly, this year the National Electoral Council (NEC) issued regulations to promote greater political participation of women, like the Resolution No. 8947 that address the prevention of cases of gender-based violence and aims to guarantee the right to vote in conditions of equality between men and women. UN Women contributed to these advances through its alliance with the NEC, particularly by providing direct technical assistance within the framework of the Memorandum of Understanding in order to implement the normative measures on parity, the prevention and care of Violence Against Women victims in Politics and strengthen gender equality within this institution. The role of UN Women was recognized by the president of the National Electoral Council in social media ( UN Women has worked in partnership with the National Congress, Women's Caucus, electoral bodies, the Presidential Advisor for Women Equality (CPEM)and 15 cooperation entities –including UNDP—to implement a Multi-stakeholder Strategy with the aim of promoting political parity and favoring the agenda of gender in the electoral and public management agenda in the pre-electoral context of the country. In 2021, this strategy adhered new actors, particularly the main media outlets in the country, that are committed to providing electoral coverage with a gender focus and monitoring the parity formation of the lists of candidacies. The incorporation of media outlets has contributed to a favorable opinion regarding the participation of women in politics that is expected to be reflected in an increase of women’s participation in the National Elections of March 2022.
outcome XM-DAC-41146-COL_D_1.3

Gender statistics are available, accessible and analyzed to timely inform policy-making, advocacy and accountability regarding gender equality and women’s empowerment.

In 2021, UN Women –in partnership with the National Administrative Department of Statistics (DANE) and the Presidential Advisor for Women Equality (CPEM)—contributed to the utilization of gender statistics through the provision of technical assistance and knowledge products to inform the public policy production cycle, especially two key policies: 1. First, the formulation process of the National Care Policy where the gender approach implies considerations related to closing gaps in women’s economic empowerment, particularly in the analysis of supply and demand structure of care services, the incorporation of the Duran scale to predict the burden of care to 2050 and the policy diagnosis from statistical evidence and models 2. The Gender Atlas Geovisor as a tool that allows a deeper analysis of the geospatial distribution of gender inequalities and achieve a better understanding of local inequalities in the country, as well as the structure and use of data under a geospatial logic. This, with an especial focus on the dimension of Women Economic Empowerment, as a tool for statistics dissemination and visualization. Also in 2021, UN Women –through the Women Count Program—supported the strengthening and consolidation of the Colombian Women Observatory (National), and of four (4) territorial gender observatories:, i) the Gender Observatory at Nariño Department, ii) Women Affairs Observatory at Cauca Department, iii) Women and Gender Affairs Observatory at Antioquia Department and iv) Gender Information and knowledge System at the city of Medellín. In November 25th, the Governorate Office of the Meta released, with support of UN Women, the gender profile of the department and signed the Decree to create the gender observatory in this department. Photos of the event are available on:
outcome XM-DAC-41146-COL_D_2.1

Women’s sustainable livelihoods enhanced by gender-responsive policies, services and access and control over means of production and resources

In 2021, UN Women advanced towards this result by supporting the National Planning Department (DNP) to conclude the formulation of the National Care Policy, the generation of technical inputs with CISOE to analyze in detail the impact of Covid-19 on care, and the guidelines to advance in micro-simulations of the care model general equilibrium including this economic sector. Advances have also been made in Nariño, where the models are being supported with the design and implementation of a georeferenced data viewer for the Public Care Policy decision-making at the local level. High-level technical support has been initiated for Cali, Pasto, Medellin, Antioquia and Villavicencio to strengthen their actions regarding the care agenda. On the other hand, the STEAM agenda continued to be promoted through the podcast “AquíHablamosTodas”, that looks forward to increasing the cultural positioning of these areas on the national agenda ( Likewise, the implementation of a prototype of technological innovation for monitoring and sales of cultivating women through the RetoLab strategy named “Women cultivating the field” was developed. Finally, technical assistance and articulation with the private sector have been contributed within the framework of the WEPs, a community that increased to 65 companies committed to gender equality and women's rights.
outcome XM-DAC-41146-COL_D_3.1

Women and girls who experience violence are empowered to use available, accessible and quality essential services and recover from violence

The result had a significant advance during the year 2021. Among the results, it should be mentioned the strengthening of public institutions at national and local levels, the production and dissemination of knowledge products on gender-based violence (GBV), and the strengthening of initiatives led by civil society. UN Women contributed to the strengthening of the Women Free of Violence Strategy of the Presidential Council for Equality for Women (CPEM) through technical assistance in three areas: 1. the implementation of the “Coordinating Mechanism for Comprehensive Approach to Violence for Reasons of Sex and Gender” (Coordinating Mechanism) at the national and territorial level. At the territorial level, UN Women also contributed to the implementation of the "Coordinating Mechanism" in two departments and eight municipalities (Antioquia, Medellin, Meta, Villavicencio, Acacias, Granada, Mesetas, Puerto Lopez, Uribe and Puerto Gaitán). In Meta, the "Coordinating Mechanism" was adopted through Decree 282, for which UN Women offered technical assistance. UNW also contributed to the adoption of the local model More justice, less barriers, by departmental institutions in Antioquia for the training of officials and application in operational processes that improve the quality of service by reducing barriers to access to justice. Likewise, it contributed to the Institutional Strengthening of the Comprehensive Protection Strategy for victims of GBV "Purple Team" of the Women's Secretariats of Popayán and Cauca, and the strengthening of the Tables for the Eradication of Violence Against Women (VCM) of Mesetas and Granada and supported the construction of the Public Policy for the Women of Mesetas, which was approved by the Council of that municipality. 2. Supporting the implementation of the Prevention, Attention and Protecion Measures for women victims of violence established by Law 1257 of 2008 in the 32 departments of the country. 3. Monitoring cases of women at risk of femicide in Meta, Villavicencio, Antioquia, Medellin and Cauca. It contributed to the strengthening of the Attorney General's Office and the National Institute of Legal Medicine (INML) through the development of a proposal to harmonize the femicide risk assessment scales of these two entities. Likewise, it offered technical assistance to the INML for the preparation of the "Guidelines for the elaboration of safety plans for women assessed by the femicide risk identification protocol" and logistical support for the elaboration of MASATUGO, a publication that systematizes information from the administrative records of that entity regarding VAW in Colombia in the five-year period 2015-2019. UN Women contributed to the strengthening of 5 cities of the Safe Cities Program (Medellin, Bogotá, Cali, Popayan, Villavicencio) for the design and implementation of the Work Plan and the creation of Technical Advisory Committees. In addition, in three of these cities (Cali, Medellin, Bogotá) UN Women promoted the tables and/or committees of existing universities. Regarding civil society, in 2021 UN Women contributed to the strengthening of the advocacy and oversight agendas for the prevention of GBV and the strengthening of the institutional response of the EICOS Women's Platform and the Yo Puedo Women's Movement, made up of 26 Women's Organizations from the department of Meta. UN Women continued to contribute to the strengthening of the Comunitar organization for the implementation of the Educational Strategy for the prevention of GBV and co-responsible masculinities through the Tsiunas video game. In 2021, the strategy reached 9 educational institutions in Caldono, Timbio, Patia and Popayan. Likewise, UN Women continued to contribute to the Campaign "Our house is a safe place with THEM", developed by the National Women's Network. Similarly, UN Women maintained an alliance with the National Association of Advertisers (ANDA) to update and disseminate the "Responsible Advertising Footprint" tool, which is used by advertisers associated with that guild to measure their commitment to sustainability. In total, UNW contributed to the visibility and prevention of GBV through the generation of 11 knowledge products on the subject, including the final evaluation of the multi-year program to prevent and eradicate GBV funded by USAID that highlight the results achieved.
outcome XM-DAC-41146-COL_D_3.2

Favorable social norms, attitudes and behaviors are promoted at community and individual levels to prevent VAW

In 2021, UN Women made significant advances towards the transformation of social norms, attitudes, and behaviors to prevent Violence Against Women (VAW). This year, the Third Measurement of the Study on Social and Institutional Tolerance to VAW was published, shared with public officials as a sensibilization strategy(, and presented in events that showcased its results to more than 600 participants (including women organizations). Five regional events (Cauca, Meta Antioquia, Nariño and Caribbean Coast) were also included in the communication strategy, that achieved 14 press notes in virtual and physical media outlets. These advances were made due to UNW alliances with CPEM and USAID, that facilitated the elaboration of the Measurement and its divulgation. Regarding the UNETE campaign to end VAW, in 2021 UN Women contributed to the sensibilization and rejection of VAW through the development of a commemoration strategy that included a digital component, events in different regions of the country, and the establishment of alliances with the UNCT and external allies. These alliances allowed the orange illumination of 11 building in 7 cities, and the development of several activities (forums, marches, care and services fairs, publication launches, inter-institutional committees, among others) at national and local level, including 5 departments (Medellín, Popayán, Villavicencio, Quibdó, Pastó), their capital cities and other 5 cities in the Caribbean region (Maicao, Santa Marta, Riohacha, Barranquilla and Cartagena).Results achieved are also highlighted in the final evaluation of the multi-year program to prevent and eradicate GBV funded by USAID.
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The boundaries and names shown and the designations used on this map do not imply official endorsement or acceptance by the United Nations.
References to Kosovo shall be understood to be in the context of United Nations Security Council resolution 1244 (1999).
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