Region:Asia Pacific
Current UN Women Plan Period Afghanisthan:2018-2022
outcome XM-DAC-41146-IDN_D_1.1
Stakeholders adopt innovative and integrated development solutions to accelerate advancement towards the SDGs.
The government stakeholders, the Ministry of Women's Empowerment and Child Protection, the National Statistical Office, and the National SDG Secretariat have agreed on advancing data collection on gender data to monitor and accelerate the achievement of SDG Goal 5. This agreement was verbally stated during the National Dialogue on Data to Monitor SDG: Time-Use Survey that was conducted by UN Women in Jakarta on November 4, 2022.
outcome XM-DAC-41146-IDN_D_2.1
Institutions and people contribute more effectively to advance a higher value-added and inclusive economic transformation
Increasing number of private sector companies join forces as WEPs signatories with total of 177 companies (33 companies are qualified to join as WEPs signatories in 2022) and contribute more to the inclusive economic transformation through commitment to the promotion and implementation of WEPs in the world of work. More women entrepreneurs better run businesses as they apply increased entrepreneurship skills with gender perspective and strengthen their value added and market competitiveness. At the same time, they contribute to the economic empowerment of women and promoting their agency within the community through e.g., increased employment, stable income earning opportunity, improved welfare and decision making process in the household. UN Women contributes to the outcome by advancing enabling business environment through knowledge generation, capacity development, advocacy and awareness raising, often in partnership with multiple stakeholders which include public and private sectors, women network and CSOs on promoting women’s economic empowerment through WeEmpower Asia and Together Digital projects. The collaboration has resulted in i) A total of 505 women entrepreneurs have enhanced/strengthened entrepreneurial and digital skills with gender perspective through workshop organized in collaboration with MoWECP, ii) Another 244 male partners raised awareness through gender equality training held by UN Women, and iii) MoWECP and UN Women developed three guidelines each as part of the national dialogue process on GEWE with inputs from diversity of stakeholders. The three guidelines include 1) Guideline for Gender Responsive Business, 2) Guideline on the Prevention of Harassment or Violence in the Workplace based on ILO Convention 190, and 3) Guideline on Gender Reporting, adopting the Principles of Women’s Empowerment and the WEP Transparency and Accountability Framework. As finalized and launched in 2022, relevant stakeholders have access to these new tools that will guide enterprises and other businesses with actionable initiatives to advance GEWE in Indonesia. For the capacity building initiatives, UN Women’s role is to provide the training materials and trainers while key partners such as Ministry of Women's Empowerment and Child Proetction (MoWECP) coordinated with the local government to support this activity and to reach out the women entrepreneurs as beneficiaries. As for capacity building collaboration with the Government Investment Agency (PIP), UN Women has provided the training materials and has monitored the activity while the Government Investment Agency funded the Training of Trainer activities directly to the consultant. In capacity building collaboration with the British Council, UN Women has provided the gender training material that has been adapted by the British Council for the training and supported the TOE (training for women entrepreneurs), while the British Council supported the Training of Trainers. For the development of guidelines, the three guidelines that were initiated by UN Women, the role of partners such as i) ILO as the partner that co-developed the guideline, 11) the MoWECP as the expert partner, provided consultations and inputs on the guidelines. UN Women’s strategy by engaging MoWECP during guidelines development was to make MoWECP became the owner of the three guidelines to be implemented (after UN Women handed over the guidelines), in which MoWECP agreed to do so. The guidelines were launched together with MoWECP in June 2022.
outcome XM-DAC-41146-IDN_D_3.1
People living in Indonesia, especially those at risk of being left furthest behind, are empowered to fulfil their human development potential as members of a pluralistic, tolerant, inclusive, and just society, free of gender and all other forms of discrimination, and violence against women
Policies and regulations that promote a victim-centered approach to ensure coordinated quality services continue to be advocated at the National and sub-national level to ensure that women victims of violence have equal and better access to services. There has been an increased cases documented by Komnas Perempuan in 2021. It recorded 338.506 cases in 2021, 50% increase of the previous year (2020) with 226.062 cases. This is due to broader access for women to report their cases, particularly through the use of technology. There is no data yet on VAW prevalence in 2022, the prevalence data uses the last survey by MOWECP in 2021, mentioning that 1 out of 4 women aged 15-64 years have experienced physical and/or sexual violence perpetrated by a partner or non-partner during their lifetime. This figure is lower than 2016 ( 1 out of 3). UN Women, partnering with women machineries, such as Komnas Perempuan and women CSOs, conducted a series of activities, including public dialog, consultation meetings, FGDs and training to discuss the development, amendment and update of policy/regulation/SOPs of service provision for women victims of VAW, including women migrant workers and women living with HIV. During the reporting period, UN Women supported women CSOs (Women Crisis Centers) to provide hotline and psychosocial support to women victims of VAW and trafficking. With Indonesian Association of Women Living with HIV (IPPI), for example, UN Women has been strengthening IPPI’s role as intermediary organization and its online reporting system (DELILA), so women with HIV/AIDS and key population who are victims of VAW and discrimination have greater access to services that ensure their safety and rights. UN Women has also been supporting Komnas Perempuan to enhance its capacity to collect and analyze VAW administrative data by providing equipment, tools, software for data collection as well as adding more human resources to strengthen its reporting and referral unit (unit) in handling cases.
outcome XM-DAC-41146-IDN_D_4.1
ASEAN institutions and Member States promote WPS at the regional and national levels
The promotion of Women, Peace and Security (WPS) by ASEAN institutions at the regional level is advancing. The Regional Plan of Action on Women, Peace and Security (RPA WPS) was adopted by the ASEAN Leaders during the 40th and 41st ASEAN Summits in November 2022 as a key result during the term of Cambodia as ASEAN Chair. The RPA WPS was officially launched on 5 December 2022 in Cambodia. This builds on previous regional policy frameworks and the ASEAN joint statement on WPS of 2017. ASEAN also published the RPA WPS on the ASEAN WPS website. This was launched by ASEAN in partnership with UN Women on the 5th of December 2022 ( ASEAN Regional Plan of Action on Women, Peace and Security - WPS-ASEAN ). The Minister of Women’s Affairs also noted in her speech during the launch that; “The development of the ASEAN RPA on WPS is a major step forward to fulfil ASEAN’s vision in achieving gender equality. Promoting women’s roles and participation across all realms of peace and security ranging from conflict prevention, peacebuilding, preventing violent extremism and tackling emerging security risks such as disasters and pandemics in the region is imperative to reach our goal as an inclusive and people-centred Community. ASEAN is committed to continuing to forge ahead with advancing the WPS agenda and the ASEAN RPA on WPS will guide our ways.” Related to these achievements, UN Women Indonesia contributed significantly to developing the RPA WPS by providing technical expertise to the ASEAN WPS Advisory group during the drafting process and brokering knowledge sessions on a wide range of topics that relate to the WPS agenda. UN Women also facilitated a session to share information about the process of developing a Regional Plan of Action in the Pacific region. In total, four Technical Working Groups (TWG) and two Technical briefings were facilitated by UN Women and a PROSPECT-funded USAID project for the members of the WPS Advisory group. These contributed to strengthening the capacity of the ASEAN WPS advisory group members on WPS and drafting the RPA WPS. In addition, UN Women facilitated civil society’s engagement throughout the drafting of the RPA WPS, through its partnership with the Philippine Center for Islam and Democracy (PCID) from February to December 2022. In this occasion, UN Women organized multiple consultations with CSOs, including women organizations in the region. The consultations were conducted to identify the priorities on WPS, which resulted in the RPA WPS, including provisions on Civil society participation, collaboration, and partnership with governments and ASEAN on WPS. The consultations also focused on the enhancement of youth participation in the implementation of the WPS agenda. As a critical step in ensuring broad-based representation and inputs from civil society, UN Women conducted a mapping exercise of existing CSOs in the ASEAN region, working at national and regional levels on WPS. The mapping exercise was utilized by PCID to reach out to CSOs and consult with them about the WPS priorities in the region. The CSO regional consultations were designed as a parallel process to the TWG meetings and generated a policy brief, including concrete recommendations, for presentation at the 2nd Technical briefing. H.E Kheng Samvada, the Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Women’s Affairs of Cambodia and representative of the ASEAN Committee on Women Cambodia appreciated the technical support provided by UN Women to facilitate the discussions that contributed to an RPA WPS that is understandable, realistic, fits the local context, and doable by all stakeholders. UN Women has also partnered and has closely coordinated with USAID funded PROSPECT project to support the drafting and consultation process contributing to the progress made to date. UNDPPO DPA also provided inputs/comments to the draft and UN Women has coordinated the support of the UN to the drafting process. In the course of this work, UN Women has successfully established a strong partnership with ASEAN, including the member of the WPS Advisory group composed of eleven sectoral bodies and institutions across the three community pillars of ASEAN, the ASEAN secretariat and the ASEAN Committee on Women (ACW) led by Cambodia. If, as expected that the implementation of the RPA WPS is successful, the RPA will advance the implementation of the WPS agenda in the region. A few ASEAN Countries, including Vietnam and Cambodia, were inspired by the RPA WPS development and adoption. They have also expressed their intentions to localize the RPA WPS by developing first-generation National Action Plans on WPS. Both Vietnam and Cambodia have already requested technical assistance from UN Women. Finally, as requested by ASEAN Member States, UN Women is providing technical assistance to localize the RPA WPS. For instance, the Government of Thailand to assess the m easures and guidelines on WPS to develop a more effective WPS policy framework. Likewise in the Philippines, UN Women is supporting the government with the formulation of the 3rd Cycle of NAP on WPS. Plans for similar interventions should integrate strong advocacy and capacity-building components from the start to ensure a smooth implementation of the Plan.
outcome XM-DAC-41146-IDN_D_4.2
People living in Indonesia, especially those at risk of being left furthest behind, are empowered to fulfil their human development potential as members of a pluralistic, tolerant, inclusive, and just society, free of gender and all other forms of discrimination
Togetherness among local communities in the villages is improved. The living environment has become more harmonious. Women and youth are now being involved in the open dialogues between the locals, particularly to discuss the community insecurity in the villages, which has shown that the living environment in th evillages is more democratic. These resulted in decreasing political insecurity between the locals. Through Peace Village Project, local communities in Central Java, West Java, East Java, and South Borneo have raised their awareness and increased their knowledge of social cohesion, pluralism, tolerance, and inclusiveness. Village Action Plans have been designed in 20 Peace Villages through GUYUB Project, showing the empowerment of the local communities to improve their human development encompassing gender equality, women's empowerment, and human rights values. This awareness raising, which include capacity building through 'know your rights' trainings, and trainings including on PVE, social cohesion, GBV, and most importantly on misinformation and disinformation. This awareness raising also allows the community, and specially women to use that knowledge to contribute to community development and alleviate the issues social conflict. In the peace villages, this also works to encourage active citizenship to engage in provided effective protection/services for women victims of VAW.Showing 1 - 5 of 5
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The boundaries and names shown and the designations used on this map do not imply official endorsement or acceptance by the United Nations.
References to Kosovo shall be understood to be in the context of United Nations Security Council resolution 1244 (1999).
References to Kosovo shall be understood to be in the context of United Nations Security Council resolution 1244 (1999).