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Region:Asia Pacific Current UN Women Plan Period Afghanisthan:2018-2022
i-icon World Bank Income Classification:Low Income The World Bank classifies economies for analytical purposes into four income groups: low, lower-middle, upper-middle, and high income. For this purpose it uses gross national income (GNI) per capita data in U.S. dollars, converted from local currency using the World Bank Atlas method, which is applied to smooth exchange rate fluctuations. i-icon Least Developed Country:Yes Since 1971, the United Nations has recognized LDCs as a category of States that are deemed highly disadvantaged in their development process, for structural, historical and also geographical reasons. Three criteria are used: per capita income, human assets, and economic vulnerability. i-icon Gender Inequality Index:0.575 GII is a composite metric of gender inequality using three dimensions: reproductive health, empowerment and the labour market. A low GII value indicates low inequality between women and men, and vice-versa. i-icon Gender Development Index:0.723 GDI measures gender inequalities in achievement in three basic dimensions of human development: health, education, and command over economic resources.
i-icon Population:209,497,025 Source of population data: United Nations, Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Population Division (2022). World Population Prospects: The 2022 Revision Male:19,976,265 (9.5%) Female:189,520,760 (90.5%)
Map Summary
Morocco Banner Image 3

outcome XM-DAC-41146-MAR_D_1.1

Public policies and budgets at national and local levels are gender sensitive and are enhanced by comprehensive and dynamic normative frameworks and standards

During 2022, outcome 1.1 was partially achieved. In terms of gender responsive budgeting (GRB), the 2022 gender analysis of the national budgets of 38 ministerial departments has indicated progress in mainstreaming gender equality in the strategic focus of budget programmes, objectives and indicators. Out of 396 objectives, 110 are gender sensitive (28 per cent), and 184 performance indicators are gender sensitive out of a total of 812 (23 per cent). While the number of gender sensitive budget programmes increased from 64 in 2020 to 68 in 2022, gender-sensitive indicator targets observed a varying degree of achievement, namely explained by the long-term repercussions of the Covid-19 pandemic. Moreover, significant progress has been made towards achieving gender sensitive local governance. In 2022, local authorities and locally elected officials of the different regions of Morocco were supported in the implementation of gender-sensitive local planning and budgeting. UNW Morocco CO technically supported the development of a methodological guide on gender sensitive local planning and budgeting that was institutionnalized and disseminated at national level to serve as a standardized framework for gender sensitive local governance.
outcome XM-DAC-41146-MAR_D_1.3

Strengthened production of gender statistics to enable the monitoring of national policies and reporting commitments under the SDGs

Significant progress was made towards the achievement of outcome 1.3 in 2022. Specifically, the High Commission for Planning has greater capacity to produce gender statistics, and policymakers and advocates for gender data have access to studies and data collection techniques which both provide current gender statistics and inform future gender statistics production. This strengthens stakeholder capacity to monitor national policies and reporting commitments under the SDGs. The production of gender statistics improved as a result of several key changes (i) the High Commission for Planning (HCP) data producers a increased their capacities and gender statistics knowledge and (ii) public policymakers and advocates accessed innovative studies and analysis which included gender-sensitive, evidence-based data to inform efforts to reduce persistent gender gaps, particularly in the area of women's economic empowerment. In 2022, UNW Morocco CO significantly contributed to these results by providing capacity building and technical support. For instance, the CO organized the first workshop of a series capacity building trainings aiming at reinforcing the gender knowledge and analytical competencies of data producers. Furthermore, the HCP developed a satellite account on unpaid household activities with UN Women support. This groundbreaking data collection in Morocco and the MENA region quantified and valued the unpaid work performed by Moroccan households and highlighted women's participation in activities not covered by national accounts. Gender-sensitive data presented in this satellite account will enable the monitoring of public policies and will be used as evidence to initiate advocacy actions to promote women's economic empowerment and inclusion. The HCP also conducted an analysis of the dynamics and evolution of social norms and relationships between women and men within Moroccan households with UN Women technical support. This innovative analysis measured the division of household chores while identifying (i) the evolution and constraints that affect the division of time spent on domestic work vs. time spent at work, and (iii) issues that need to be addressed to improve women’s economic inclusion. Moreover, The HCP conducted a study aiming at estimating the economic and social opportunity costs of rural women's economic empowerment and producing Gender-relevant SDG indicators. UN Women supported this study, expected to be completed by Q2 of 2023.
outcome XM-DAC-41146-MAR_D_1.4

Improved use of gender statistics by different players to inform advocacy, research, policies and programmes

Significant progress was made towards the achievement of outcome 1.4 in 2022. In 2022, the High Commission for Planning (HCP) developed, online platforms, infographics, communication material with the aim to make gender statistics more accessible and user-friendly, while also improving stakeholders use of these statistics. Morocco CO provided technical support to the HCP for the drafting of ToRs to recruit experts/consultants who developed a set of online tools and user-friendly knowledge products to enhance the accessibility and availability of gender statistics. For instance, the HCP (NSO), with the technical and financial support of UNW Morocco CO developed (i) an ergonomic platform dedicated to gender-sensitive statistics; (ii) Infographics of key results of household satellite accounts published in 2014; (iii) two videos to present the main results of the VAW survey (published both in French and Arabic to reach a larger audience) and (iv) a web platform and a video on the gender analysis. Here is the link to platform: This platform will also allow the HCP to monitor the progress of the use of statistics as it allows to generate accurate reports on the number of data users and producers having accessed the platform.
outcome XM-DAC-41146-MAR_D_1.6

Strengthened policy and financial environment to enable gender-responsive national adaptation and effective monitoring of the SDGs

Some progress was made towards the achievement of outcome 1.6 in 2022. UN Women supported the High Commission for Planning (HCP) in building capacities of statistics producers and in developing an interactive database on gender statistics and studies ("StatsGenre"). The database was officially launched within the framework of International Women’s Day on March 10, 2022 supported with infographics to create an enabling environment for data information and knowledge dissemination. Media coverage this initiative enabled a wider audience to access the work of the HCP on gender statistics and will influence gender-responsive national adaptation and effective monitoring of the SDGs.
outcome XM-DAC-41146-MAR_D_2.1

An enabling environment is established to promote economic empowerment and decent employment for women

Significant progress has been made towards the achievement of outcome 2.1 in 2022. During 2022, the Ministry of Solidarity and Social Inclusion, National Women's Machinery, continued the operationalization of Maroc-Attamkine – the National Integrated Program for Women’s Economic Empowerment (WEE) , developed in 2019 in partnership with UN Women Morocco CO, at the national and territorial levels. The National Commission for Women's Economic Empowerment, chaired by the Head of Government and coordinated by the national women’s machinery, formed as a result of Maroc-Attamkine. Fourteen (14) ministerial departments and national entities developed actions plans that include measures aligned with the areas of interventions identified in the multi-stakeholders National Program for WEE. This helps formalize the commitment of the different stakeholders towards WEE and facilitates the monitoring of Maroc-Attamkine. The women’s machinery, with the technical support of UN Women, enabled the inclusion of these WEE measures. . Two MoUs, developed with the support of UN Women, were signed at regional level to initiate the implementation of Maroc-Attamkine at the territorial level. Regarding gender-responsive sustainable finance , The Ministry of Economy and Finance (MEF) began a public-private partnership through the signature of an MoU on financing equality with the Women's machinery, the Moroccan Banking Association (GPBM) and a public guarantee fund (Tamwilcom). The aim of the MoU is to accelerate realization of governmental objectives on WEE and engage the private sector to commit to increasing women's economic inclusion in Morocco. The MoU constitutes an integrated multi-partner framework (PPP) for promoting financing for gender equality in Morocco. UN Women provided technical and advisory support to the development of this partnership and associated advocacy for the establishment of a national sustainable finance mechanism. Significant progress has also been made in the area of the care economy , a necessary part of the economy for women's employability and economic inclusion. Five (5) relevant ministerial departments increased their prioritization of the care economy as an intrinsic factor for WEE in their strategic planning following exposure to preliminary findings from two strategic studies. These studies highlighted the need for inclusive recovery policies and the potential of care economy, particularly the early childhood education and care (ECCE) sector. UN women carried out these studies in the reporting year. Building upon this momentum, a third study will be conducted in 2023, exploring the budgetary spaces available for public investments in the care sector. This will generate quantifiable data to further advocate for WEE through care economy. The MoU on gender-responsive sustainable finance is expected to be operationalized in 2023 and will develop a gender-sensitive guarantee mechanism as well as a gender-sensitive financial debt instrument that will have a real impact on women’s lives and significantly contribute to improving women’s economic participation. The production and use of data on the care economy will support advocacy initiatives aimed at enhancing women’s economic empowerment and inclusion through the care economy.
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Disclaimer and notes
The boundaries and names shown and the designations used on this map do not imply official endorsement or acceptance by the United Nations.
References to Kosovo shall be understood to be in the context of United Nations Security Council resolution 1244 (1999).
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