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Region:Asia Pacific Current UN Women Plan Period Afghanisthan:2018-2022
i-icon World Bank Income Classification:Low Income The World Bank classifies economies for analytical purposes into four income groups: low, lower-middle, upper-middle, and high income. For this purpose it uses gross national income (GNI) per capita data in U.S. dollars, converted from local currency using the World Bank Atlas method, which is applied to smooth exchange rate fluctuations. i-icon Least Developed Country:Yes Since 1971, the United Nations has recognized LDCs as a category of States that are deemed highly disadvantaged in their development process, for structural, historical and also geographical reasons. Three criteria are used: per capita income, human assets, and economic vulnerability. i-icon Gender Inequality Index:0.575 GII is a composite metric of gender inequality using three dimensions: reproductive health, empowerment and the labour market. A low GII value indicates low inequality between women and men, and vice-versa. i-icon Gender Development Index:0.723 GDI measures gender inequalities in achievement in three basic dimensions of human development: health, education, and command over economic resources.
i-icon Population:209,497,025 Source of population data: United Nations, Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Population Division (2022). World Population Prospects: The 2022 Revision Male:19,976,265 (9.5%) Female:189,520,760 (90.5%)
Map Summary

outcome XM-DAC-41146-MLI_D_1.1

people live in a rule of law, an environment of peace and accountability through strong public institutions, media and civil society exercising their roles and responsibilities for effective and inclusive governance (related to SP_D_1.1 : More women of all ages fully participate, lead and engage in political institutions and processes)

This outcome was partially achieved, so more actors were ready to ensure (1) their responsibility and role as incubators for the promotion of gender equality and human rights of women and girls in the functions of representation, control and legislative and to keep these issues on the agenda of the NTC; (2) monitoring and evaluation of the inclusion of gender equality and women's empowerment issues in the reforms and in the parliamentary work of the NTC; (3) strengthening of public speaking, oral questions, written questions and interpellations; and (4) identification of strong support strategies to ensure that the gender dimension is effectively taken into account in the political and institutional reforms. This result was achieved through capacity building. 115 members (41 women) of the National Transition Committee (NTC) were strengthened to better understand their roles and responsibilities in order to effectively defend the priorities of citizens in general, in particular those of youth, women, people living with disabilities and others. These sessions were held in the form of panels with the support of UN Women, NDI, UNDP, ARGA, NIMM. In addition, the community became aware of the importance of the voters' lists following capacity building sessions and a voters' list revision exercise. So, 250 new registrations and requests for modifications were made in Bamako, Segou and Mopti. The testimonies collected attest to the community's willingness to perform this civic duty. 1149 women and young people (322 men and 827 women) from the six communes of Bamako (749 including 211 men and 578 women), the cities of Segou (80 men and 120 women) and Mopti (31 men and 169 women) were informed and sensitized on the process of ordinary revision of the electoral lists, which has been underway since October 1 and will end on December 31 of each year. This is an opportunity to register on the lists or to change centers according to changes of residence. These sensitization activities in Bamako as well as in Segou and Mopti were covered and broadcast by the Union des Radios et Television Libre du Mali (URTEL) with the project's partner community radios to reach the largest number of people. The capacities of 120 members (men) of political parties were strengthened through an information and sensitization activity targeting political parties on positive masculinity as well as the roles and duties of men to participate in the promotion and protection of women's rights. These sessions allowed men to understand that they must contribute to the active participation of women in the management of their community and that this complementarity will undoubtedly ensure a harmonious and sustainable development. The capacities of 120 other members of political parties were strengthened on the different applications of law N°052 to the different elections (proportional voting, majority voting with two rounds and the different scenarios according to the size of the electoral districts etc.).These sessions allowed for an increase in the number of resource persons with a clear knowledge of the different applications of Law N° 052 and who will serve as a lever to continue the process of information and sensitization on the topic. 1149 women and young people (322 men and 827 women) from the six communes of Bamako (749 including 211 men and 578 women), the cities of Segou (80 men and 120 women) and Mopti (31 men and 169 women) were informed and sensitized on the process of ordinary revision of the electoral lists, which has been underway since October 1 and will end on December 31 of each year. This is an opportunity to register on the lists or to change centers according to changes of residence. The beneficiaries of these sessions have become aware of the importance of this exercise of revision of the electoral lists and testimonies collected attest to their willingness to perform this civic duty. 250 new registrations and requests for changes were made in Bamako, Segou and Mopti. These sensitization activities in Bamako as well as in Segou and Mopti were covered and broadcast by the Union des Radios et Television Libre du Mali (URTEL) with the project's partner community radios to reach the largest number of people. The capacities of 120 members (men) of political parties were strengthened through an information and sensitization activity targeting political parties on positive masculinity as well as the roles and duties of men to participate in the promotion and protection of women's rights. These sessions allowed men to understand that they must contribute to the active participation of women in the management of their community and that this complementarity will undoubtedly ensure a harmonious and sustainable development. The capacities of 120 other members of political parties were strengthened on the different applications of law N°052 to the different elections (proportional voting, majority voting with two rounds and the different scenarios according to the size of the electoral districts etc.).These sessions allowed for an increase in the number of resource persons with a clear knowledge of the different applications of Law N° 052 and who will serve as a lever to continue the process of information and sensitization on the topic.
outcome XM-DAC-41146-MLI_D_1.2

By 2024, people live in a rule of law, an environment of peace and accountability through strong public institutions, media and civil society exercising their roles and responsibilities for effective and inclusive governance (related to SP_D_1.2 : More national and local plans and budgets are gender-responsive)

The outcome was not achieved, however the level of participants was assessed from the following perspectives : (1) participation in the communities' ongoing CGDP development process; (2) participation in the communities' 2020 budget development process; (3) participation in a training session on the CGDP; (4) participation in a training session on the Budget; and (5) participation in a training session on Gender Responsive Planning and Budgeting (GRBP). Communal plans of the nine communes are gender sensitive (Urban Commune of Kayes, Rural Commune of Liberté Dembaya and Rural Commune of Samé Djongoma), Koulikoro (Commune of Wacaro, Commune of Kaladougou (Dioïla) and Commune of Koulikoro) and Ségou (Urban Commune of Ségou, Rural Commune of Pelengana and Rural Commune of Sébougou).This result was achieved through the holding of (03) training of trainers workshops on gender-sensitive planning and budgeting (3 days) in Kayes, Koulikoro and Segou with the support of UN Women. The level of participants was assessed in each of the target communes using an evaluation form.
outcome XM-DAC-41146-MLI_D_2.1

“By 2024, Malian people, particularly the most vulnerable, participate in the economy and benefit from the benefits of strong, inclusive and resilient growth that creates decent jobs Related.

The outcome was partially achieved. In accordance with UN Women's intervention, the strategic partnership for a more inclusive economy in Mali is progressing, enabling women-owned enterprises and also those in the informal sector to better develop. These strategic partnerships such as those with API, the World Bank, TFO Canada have enabled at least 400 women-owned businesses in the informal sector to organize, formalize and improve their potential access to targeted markets. In addition, another 54 women's businesses gained a better understanding of gender-responsive procurement (GRP) and acquired new skills in the process of responding to a UN system tender via the online procurement platform, and understood the challenges and partnership strategies for responding to tenders. 2,400 women organized into 25 cooperatives and 41 enterprises have improved their access to markets and finance through capacity building and access to adequate production equipment, with over XOF 26,000,000 in income generated and over XOF 13,000,000 in new finance acquired. More than 100 women-owned businesses received information on financing mechanisms and public and private market opportunities. To note that for women involved in formal entrepreneurship, 2021 was a year of continued challenges as many women-owned businesses are still struggling to recoup their losses and keep their businesses afloat in the midst of the ongoing Covid-19 crisis. Women's access to the various tax relief mechanisms and the relief guarantee fund has been rare and not incidental for many. UN Women, in collaboration with various partners and the government, has taken initiatives to improve women's organizations' access to markets and networks using ICT to enable them to expand their horizons and reach more profitable markets. UN Women Mali's women's entrepreneurship program initiatives have made it possible to establish and disseminate an in-depth diagnosis in the area of statistical production, which has made it possible to measure the effects of Covid-19 on women and their economic activities and to propose measures to mitigate the socio-economic effects of the pandemic. Thus, 153 people from several public administrations and institutions, public enterprises, social security organizations, financial institutions, development partners and civil society organizations contributed to the proposal of very interesting recommendations in terms of capacity building, production of statistics and national gender indicators, integration of gender in economic recovery plans and efforts, and measuring the effects of Covid-19 on women and their activities.
outcome XM-DAC-41146-MLI_D_2.2

By 2024, communities are managing natural resources and the environment in a sustainable and equitable manner and are more resilient to the adverse effects of climate change

UN Women Mali's AgriFeD program has made real progress in achieving its objectives and targeted results in 2021, the final year of implementation of the first phase. The contributions, achievements and experiences of several partners have been leveraged according to their areas of expertise, including direct beneficiaries, the Government, UN Specialized Agencies (FAO, WFP, UNCDF and UNDP), civil society/NGOs and the private sector. Increased access to land and land security for rural women in Mali. The governance of land management is now sensitive in several communes of intervention of the agriculture program with the signature and beginning of implementation of 7 communal charters of land management that integrate women's land rights in the regions of Sikasso, Ségou. Koulikoro, Mopti and Kayes. Thus, 349.822 ha of agricultural land were acquired for 137 groups of 12,146 beneficiaries, of which 269.82 ha were secured for 125 groups of 10,742 beneficiaries. A strong sensitization and advocacy process contributed to the achievement of these results. To reinforce these achievements, 10 market gardening areas of 47 ha have been developed and benefit 10 groups of 1962 women and 521 men in the Sikasso region14668 women beneficiaries of the program have strengthened their resilience to climate change with the acquisition of new knowledge in agricultural practices through training and demonstration activities. At least 9 production technologies were introduced to beneficiary groups, including potato production, winter onion production techniques, reforestation systems with various types of plants, fascines, Zaï, stone barriers, production and use of organic manure from low walls, production of natural neem-based pesticide, and production of organic liquid fertilizer from animal waste.225,376,950 CFA francs of financing were acquired by the women's groups supported by AgriFeD. This result was obtained through support in terms of capacity building of the groups, which enabled them to access financial services through the opening of bank accounts. At least 4505 women farmers in 2021 generated income of more than 849,093,390 FCFA with 589,741,927 FCFA of profit margin.
outcome XM-DAC-41146-MLI_D_3.1

By 2024, vulnerable people have improved access to social welfare services, including in humanitarian context.

The outcome was partially achieved. The Ministry of Gender, through the national GBV abandonment program, has continued to implement advocacy activities for the promotion of women's rights and the elimination of GBV. Despite the socio-political and security context in the country as well as the Covid-19 pandemic, which had a negative impact on the implementation of some activities and the commitment of some key stakeholders during this year, there were significant changes in the GBV situation in Mali this year. This means that the dedicated theory of change as it mentioned in the SN remains in practice : " ... IF State structures and civil society organizations, at the national, regional and local levels, have the capacity to plan and effectively implement the decentralization of basic social services, with increased participation and ownership of women, adolescents and youth building on and complementing key results in other areas of UN-Women programme and results supported by other key partners; THEN vulnerable groups, including women, children, adolescents and youth, have more equitable access to quality basic social services, according to their age and gender-specific needs, including in humanitarian situation; BECAUSE institutions, communities and CSOs will have the capacity to address the root causes and factors that contribute to social inequalities that limit the access of vulnerable people to basic social service. "102,4517 people, including 1,36080 girls, 1,26639 boys, 4,495,41 women and 312,257 men were reached through behavior change communication through information and awareness sessions in the program's intervention areas, to improve their attitudes and practices towards the promotion of women's rights and the elimination of GBV. 1246 people, including 150 police officers (45 of them women), 49 journalists (33 men and 16 women) and 140 traditional communicators (men), 300 teenagers, 60 traditional and religious leaders (40 men and 20 women), 150 girls and 410 resource persons and others have improved their knowledge on human and women's rights, they will serve as permanent resources within communities in order to promote women's rights and eliminate GBV, mainly in the regions of Kayes, Koulikoro, Sikasso, Segou and the district of Bamako. 05 networks of women's and civil society organizations as well as regional coalitions of traditional and religious leaders actively involved in the prevention and management of GBV are established and functional. A platform of young people committed to the abandonment of GBV and actively mobilized to support the program's actions is also functional. These contribute to better coordinate actions and involve all key stakeholders within the community mechanisms for the prevention and referral of GBV cases to appropriate health services. These mechanisms have been set up in collaboration with traditional and religious leaders in the regions and the district of Bamako.
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The boundaries and names shown and the designations used on this map do not imply official endorsement or acceptance by the United Nations.
References to Kosovo shall be understood to be in the context of United Nations Security Council resolution 1244 (1999).
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