Active in Mexico since 2010, UN Women works to contribute to the United Nations Sustainable Development Framework 2020-2025, and supports national priorities on gender, in partnership with governments, civil society, academia, international institutions, and the private sector with our impact areas and thematic priorities:
Governance and participation in public life. National policy on gender Equality. Gender parity in politics. Eradication of political violence. Generation, analysis, and use of statistics.
Women´s economic empowerment. Local models of economic empowerment. The National Strategy and Policy on Care Economy and Global Alliance for Care (GEF). Gender focused innovative financing, such as social bonds.
Ending violence against women and girls. Prevention strategies. Legislative reforms. Capacity building of women’s and feminist organizations working with violence victims.
Women, peace and security, humanitarian action, and disaster risk reduction. National agenda on women, peace and security. Gender mainstreaming in human mobility and climate change.