Women and men in target communities demonstrate support to survivors of violence and practice balanced power in their relationships
Extensive programs are carried out in communities to build and foster positive changes in social norms, attitudes, and behaviors that will prevent VAWG. Under this outcome, UN Women Fiji MCO is undertaking an intensive pilot project at the community level in in Fiji, Kiribati, and X which is going to look at the social norms, attitudes and behaviors that contribute to VAWG. The pilot is following the SASA model which is one of the approaches that has proven, evidence-based results in reducing incidences of violence at the community level, and stopping violence before it starts. The approach unpacks social norms around violence, power, control and gender inequality”.
Women and men in target communities demonstrate support to survivors of violence and practice balanced power in their relationships
Complementary indicators are identified as those in the results framework that are not repeated verbatim in the results framework of another United Nations entity, but are related or provide different but complementary lenses or insights into the same issue, high-level result and/or area of complementary work, such as a Sustainable Development Goal target.
ComplementaryUN Women reports on this indicator in a global scope, signified by "(Desk Review)" at the end of the indicator statement (see the Our Global Results page for the global result)
Common indicators are those that appear verbatim the same in at least two entities' results frameworks and are drawn, where possible, directly from other globally agreed frameworks.
CommonComplementary indicators are identified as those in the results framework that are not repeated verbatim in the results framework of another United Nations entity, but are related or provide different but complementary lenses or insights into the same issue, high-level result and/or area of complementary work, such as a Sustainable Development Goal target.
ComplementaryUN Women reports on this indicator in a global scope, signified by "(Desk Review)" at the end of the indicator statement (see the Our Global Results page for the global result)
Common indicators are those that appear verbatim the same in at least two entities' results frameworks and are drawn, where possible, directly from other globally agreed frameworks.
CommonGovernment partners and civil society organizations have increased capacity to develop and - implement national prevention strategies, policies and programmes to prevent VAWG, including social norms change.
Women and men in target communities demonstrate support to survivors of violence and practice balanced power in their relationships
Efforts to implement a transformative approach to promote gender equality and prevent VAWG at community level are progressing and are complementary to efforts undertaken through the Spotlight Initiative Samoa Country Programme. Primary interventions include implementation of the Get Into Rugby Plus (GIR+) programme, which expanded to the island of Savaii and solidified strong relationships between Lakapi Samoa and Ministry of Women, Children and Social Development (MWCSD). The GIR+ programme has demonstrated how pairing life skills curriculum with rugby can facilitate gender equality practices between girls and boys and challenge gendered norms within communities and families. Primary prevention efforts also focused on strengthening the skills and capacities of the Village Family Safety Committee s (VFSC) in partnership with Samoa's National Human Rights Institute (NHRI). These committees are set up in every village in Samoa, and implement community-based approaches as a means of bolstering systems of accountability for GBV and facilitating recovery and support for survivors. These approaches are serving three crucial functions in the communities: 1) educating community members and service providers, 2) offering support to victims, and 3) reinforcing institutional capacity. The VFSCs are also playing an important role in linking community members to service providers. The presence of VFSCs provides women and girls with reassurance of their protection and safety and their ability to pursue justice and other support. UN Women strengthened engagement with Nuanua Le Alofa (NOLA) , a national organization representing people with disabilities. NOLA has promoted the human rights of all women through prevention related messaging and increasing the knowledge and skills of women with disabilities on VAWG, their rights, how to access services while documenting recommendations on how to increase accessibility for people with a disability.Disclaimer and notes
References to Kosovo shall be understood to be in the context of United Nations Security Council resolution 1244 (1999).