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European Commission - Spotlight Overview
$23.01 M Total contributions for 2022
$0.00 Regular resources (core) contributions for 2022
$23.01 M Other resources (non-Core) contributions for 2022
$23.82 M Other resources: Spent Expenditures can be higher than the revenue because revenue can be carried over from one year to another
Funding Partner Specific
Recipient Country IATI Identifier Outcome Description
Planned Budget Actual Budget Funds Shortfall
Funds: Contributed
flag Afghanistan
XM-DAC-41146-AFG_D_3.5 Civil society organizations are able to advocate on, and prevent and respond to VAWG through support from the Women’s Peace and Humanitarian Fund & Spotlight Initiative Fund
$1,921,764 $711,237 $1,210,527
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flag Afghanistan
XM-DAC-41146-AFG_D_3.6 National and sub-national institutions and organisations have the commitment, knowledge and capacities to legislate, advocate, plan, implement and monitor policies to prevent and respond to SGBV and HP
$3,338,641 $3,424,817 $0
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flag Argentina
XM-DAC-41146-ARG_D_3.1 Normative and policy frameworks are promoted and adapted in line with international standards, and institutions have the commitment, knowledge and capacities to legislate, plan, implement and monitor policies to address VAW and femicide
$472,822 $418,188 $54,634
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flag Caribbean
XM-DAC-41146-BRB_D_2.1 More productive and competitive business ecosystems designed to improve people’s standards of living (MSCDF Outcome 1)
$2,795,901 $501,164 $2,294,737
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flag Caribbean
XM-DAC-41146-BRB_D_3.2 Regional and national laws, policies, systems and institutions improve access to justice and promote peace, social cohesion and security (MSCDF Outcome 7)
$7,658,914 $47,234 $7,611,680
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flag Democratic Republic of the Congo
XM-DAC-41146-COD_D_4.9 By 2024, humanitarian organizations and government humanitarian organizations are providing a coordinated, rapid and effective humanitarian response to those affected by crises in accordance with humanitarian standards and principles to reduce the excess mortality and over-morbidity of those affected.
$910,931 $2,301,931 $0
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flag Ecuador
XM-DAC-41146-ECU_D_3.2 National institutions and partners develop strategic interventions to contribute to reducing femicide and prevent and respond to violence against women and girls in the country (Spotlight goal)
$791,346 $526,910 $264,436
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flag El Salvador
XM-DAC-41146-SLV_D_3.3 Outcome 3.3. of the SN aligned to Outcome 2 of the UNSDCF: By 2026, all people, especially those in situations of greater vulnerability, due to gender inequalities, increase their participation and inclusion in the political, social, and economic spheres and more fully exercise their right to a life free from violence and discrimination.
$1,065,481 $600,470 $465,011
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flag Haiti
XM-DAC-41146-HTI_D_1.4 The judicial system improves the efficiency of its procedures to reduce the delays in processing judicial cases
$162,690 $161,637 $1,053
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flag Haiti
XM-DAC-41146-HTI_D_1.5 The prison and judicial sector has operational capacities facilitating better coordination of the COVID-19 response
$183,809 $131,250 $52,559
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flag Haiti
XM-DAC-41146-HTI_D_1.6 Women's rights groups, social movements and CSOs, including those representing young people and groups facing multiple and intersecting forms of discrimination, have a more effective influence, and contribute to progress towards gender equality, women's empowerment, and the elimination of all forms of violence against women and girls, including sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV) and harmful practices
$1,307,999 $100,000 $1,207,999
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flag Haiti
XM-DAC-41146-HTI_D_3.1 The socio-cultural settings, as well as legislative, political, institutional and organizational frameworks are strengthened and structured to respond to domestic violence against women and girls
$1,468,173 $303,816 $1,164,357
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flag Honduras
XM-DAC-41146-HND_D_3.1 The State and the Honduran population reduce the violence and conflict that affects them, with particular attention to violence against women and youth.
$2,322,209 $0 $2,322,209
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flag Kyrgyzstan
XM-DAC-41146-KGZ_D_3.2 Service providers are better able to prevent VAWG and deliver essential services to victims and survivors of violence
$558,709 $134,660 $424,049
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flag Liberia
XM-DAC-41146-LBR_D_3.2 By 2024, the most vulnerable and excluded groups have improved quality of life with rights-based, gender sensitive ,inclusive, equitable access and utilization of essential social services in an environment free of discrimination and violence including in humanitarian situations.
$6,794,776 $1,610,092 $5,184,684
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flag Malawi
XM-DAC-41146-MWI_D_3.1 Social norms, attitudes and practices hindering women and girl’s rights are transformed at individual and community levels
$1,058,000 $206,486 $851,514
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flag Malawi
XM-DAC-41146-MWI_D_3.2 Spotlight Programme Outcome: Normative and policy frameworks are promoted and adapted in line with international standards, and institutions have the commitment, knowledge, and capacities to legislate, plan, implement and monitor policies to address VAWG
$1,782,732 $2,221,385 $0
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flag Malawi
XM-DAC-41146-MWI_D_4.2 More women play a greater role in and are better saved by humanitarian response and recovery efforts
$681,223 $621,343 $59,880
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flag Mali
XM-DAC-41146-MLI_D_3.1 By 2024, vulnerable people have improved access to social welfare services, including in humanitarian context.
$2,170,724 $1,337,745 $832,979
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flag Mexico
XM-DAC-41146-MEX_D_3.1 By 2025, the Mexican State effectively implements regulatory frameworks, public policies and quality mechanisms that prevent and sanction all forms and manifestations of violence, particularly against women, girls and adolescents, to while guaranteeing access to quality services for proper care and protection for victims.
$1,739,335 $1,112,735 $626,600
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flag Mozambique
XM-DAC-41146-MOZ_D_2.1 Strengthened economic and social participation of women farmers and young women in promising value-chains
$1,390,904 $805,910 $584,994
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flag Mozambique
XM-DAC-41146-MOZ_D_3.1 Favourable social norms, attitudes and behaviours are promoted at community and individual levels to prevent VAW
$1,425,525 $1,068,993 $356,532
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flag Mozambique
XM-DAC-41146-MOZ_D_3.2 Women and girls who experience violence are empowered to use available, accessible and quality essential services and recover
$61,607 $61,607 $0
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flag Mozambique
XM-DAC-41146-MOZ_D_6.1 The capacity of governments and stakeholders is strengthened to assess progress in implementation of the Beijing Platform for Action, and other global normative and policy frameworks
$220,200 $220,200 $0
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flag Mozambique
XM-DAC-41146-MOZ_O_2 To institutionalize a strong culture of results-based management, reporting, knowledge management and evaluation
$1,739,335 $1,112,735 $626,600
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Showing 1 - 25 of 35
Disclaimer and notes
Revenue recognition per management accounts reporting (as per Revenue Management Policy). 2022 figures are preliminary, pending final audit.
The boundaries and names shown and the designations used on this map do not imply official endorsement or acceptance by the United Nations.
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