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Peacebuilding Fund Overview
$16.29 M Total contributions for 2023
$0.00 Regular resources (core) contributions for 2023
$16.29 M Other resources (non-Core) contributions for 2023
$2.97 M Other resources: Spent Expenditures can be higher than the revenue because revenue can be carried over from one year to another
Funding Partner Specific
Recipient Country IATI Identifier Outcome Description
Planned Budget Actual Budget Funds Shortfall
Funds: Contributed
flag Albania
XM-DAC-41146-ALB_D_1.3 By 2026, all persons contribute to, gender-responsive governance that strengthens equality and non-discrimination, promotes women’s empowerment and human rights, and reduces violence against women and children (UNSDCF C2).
$8,403,975 0 $8,403,975
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flag Cameroon
XM-DAC-41146-CMR_D_1.3 By 2026, youth, women, the most vulnerable groups, and people living with disabilities, including refugees and IDPs actively contribute to the efficiency of policies and the performance of public institutions at national, regional and council levels, and fully enjoy their rights (Outcome 3 /UNSDCF) .
$4,830,000 0 $4,830,000
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flag Colombia
XM-DAC-41146-COL_D_1.3 Judicial and non-judicial monitoring, control, clarification and investigation bodies and humanitarian response key stakeholders strengthen their capacities for care of prioritized population and the administration of justice with a differential approach, with the support of the UN Country Team for state efforts (UNSDCF 3.5)
$8,400,000 0 $8,400,000
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flag Democratic Republic of the Congo
XM-DAC-41146-COD_D_1.4 By 2024, the prevalence of violence and conflict is reduced, and the security of people and property improved, particularly for vulnerable people, including refugees, displaced persons, and young people.
$1,738,644 0 $1,738,644
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flag Democratic Republic of the Congo
XM-DAC-41146-COD_D_4.10 By 2024, the prevalence of violence and armed conflict is reduced, and the security of people and property is improved, particularly for vulnerable people, refugees/displaced persons, women, and young people (UNSDCF Outcome 1.1)
$1,575,000 0 $1,575,000
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flag Democratic Republic of the Congo
XM-DAC-41146-COD_D_4.9 By 2024, humanitarian organizations and government humanitarian organizations are providing a coordinated, rapid and effective humanitarian response to those affected by crises in accordance with humanitarian standards and principles to reduce the excess mortality and over-morbidity of those affected.
$450,000 0 $450,000
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flag El Salvador
XM-DAC-41146-SLV_D_4.1 Outcome 4.1. from SN aligned with UNSDCF Outcome 7: By 2026, people live in a more peaceful and secure environment, in which they are better protected against organized crime and violence in its various manifestations; They have greater access to a fair and effective justice system, and reparation for victims and social reintegration of people in conflict with the Law are guaranteed.
$2,970,060 0 $2,970,060
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flag Guatemala
XM-DAC-41146-GTM_D_4.1 By 2025, the strengthened State institutions will increase citizen security, access to justice, and the transformation of conflicts, seeking greater coordination at the national and local levels. (UNSDCF Pillar 4. Peace, security and justice. Outcome 4.1.)
$3,683,211 0 $3,683,211
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flag Honduras
XM-DAC-41146-HND_D_1.1 Civil society, especially groups in situations of exclusion, participate and influence actively on the exercise of their rights, leaving no one behind.
$1,435,500 0 $1,435,500
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flag Honduras
XM-DAC-41146-HND_D_4.1 The Honduran State implements policies, strategies and programs that allows strengthen the sustainability and resilience of their development.
$3,244,500 0 $3,244,500
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flag Liberia
XM-DAC-41146-LBR_D_1.2 By 2024, people in Liberia especially the vulnerable and disadvantaged, benefit from strengthened institutions that are more effective, accountable, transparent, inclusive and gender-responsive in the delivery of essential services at the national and sub-national levels.
$10,719,096 0 $10,719,096
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flag Liberia
XM-DAC-41146-LBR_D_4.2 By 2024, women, girls, men and boys in Liberia experience more sustained peace, inclusive and sustainable growth and development through strengthened formal and informal institutions providing access to effective and equitable justice and security services; promoting and protecting human rights; and strengthening social cohesion and reconciliation.
$2,700,000 0 $2,700,000
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flag Somalia
XM-DAC-41146-SOM_D_2.1 Somalis, particularly women and youth, benefit from and participate in functional, inclusive, accountable, and transparent democratic systems across all levels of government and governmental institutions.
$5,023,950 0 $5,023,950
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flag Somalia
XM-DAC-41146-SOM_D_4.2 Al-Shabaab is reduced and degraded, and respect, protection, and promotion of human rights, gender equality, tolerance, climate security, and environmental governance is sustained through strengthened security and rule of law institutions and improved accountability mechanisms and legal frameworks
$5,327,425 0 $5,327,425
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Showing 1 - 14 of 14
Disclaimer and notes
Revenue recognition per management accounts reporting (as per Revenue Management Policy). 2022 figures are preliminary, pending final audit.
The boundaries and names shown and the designations used on this map do not imply official endorsement or acceptance by the United Nations.
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