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UN Development Programme (UNDP) Overview
$7.72 M Total contributions for 2022
$0.00 Regular resources (core) contributions for 2022
$7.72 M Other resources (non-Core) contributions for 2022
$5.17 M Other resources: Spent Expenditures can be higher than the revenue because revenue can be carried over from one year to another
Funding Partner Specific
Recipient Country IATI Identifier Outcome Description
Planned Budget Actual Budget Funds Shortfall
Funds: Contributed
flag Bangladesh
XM-DAC-41146-BGD_D_1.5 By 2026 more women and girls are empowered by gender responsive enabling environment, to exercise their agency and decision-making with improved access to protection, education, and socio-economic opportunities.
$8,040,158 $5,093,531 $2,946,627
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flag Caribbean
XM-DAC-41146-BRB_D_4.1 Caribbean people, communities, and institutions have enhanced their adaptive capacity for inclusive, gender responsive Disaster Risk Management and climate change adaptation and mitigation. (MSCDF Outcome 5)
$1,344,150 $280,718 $1,063,432
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flag Caribbean
XM-DAC-41146-BRB_O_4 Efficient programme management
$42,376 $0 $42,376
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flag Bosnia and Herzegovina
XM-DAC-41146-BIH_D_2.1 By 2025, people benefit from resilient, inclusive and sustainable growth ensured by the convergence of economic development and management of environment and cultural resources
$2,156,543 $273,784 $1,882,759
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flag Brazil
XM-DAC-41146-BRA_O_1 To drive more effective and efficient United Nations System coordination on gender equality and women’s empowerment
$2,795,901 $501,164 $2,294,737
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flag Burundi
XM-DAC-41146-BDI_D_4.3 Women and girls participate in and benefit from socio-economic recovery opportunities in the context of peace and resilience-building
$529,607 $542,736 $0
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flag China
XM-DAC-41146-CHN_D_2.3 (Link to SN Output 1.1 and 1.2) Relative poverty and multi-dimensional poverty are reduced, and more coordinated development leads to reduction in gaps between rural and urban areas and among regions, as more people in China, including left-behind groups, benefit from sustainable, innovation-driven and shared high-quality economic development, with enhanced access to economic opportunities arising through innovation, entrepreneurship and rural revitalization, enjoying decent work, sustainable livelihoods, and the right to develop equally for both women and men.
$785,276 $695,035 $90,241
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flag Ecuador
XM-DAC-41146-ECU_D_2.2 More women play a greater role in adaptation, mitigation and conservation initiatives and projects promoting sustainable development and climate change resilience. (Frontier Issue).
$749,242 $131,173 $618,069
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flag Ethiopia
XM-DAC-41146-ETH_D_1.2 All people in Ethiopia live in a cohesive, just, inclusive and democratic society.
$7,767,214 $1,703,482 $6,063,732
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flag Georgia
XM-DAC-41146-GEO_D_4.1 By 2025, conflict affected communities enjoy human rights, enhanced human security and resilience (UNSDCF Outcome 4)
$2,140,828 $944,940 $1,195,888
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flag Iraq
XM-DAC-41146-IRQ_D_8.1 Strengthened and effective inclusive, people centred, gender-responsive, human rights-based policies and national systems contribute to gender equality, the promotion of protection, social protection, social cohesion and peaceful societies, with focus on the most vulnerable populations, including women, youth and minorities
$3,213,820 $2,576,754 $637,066
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flag Kazakhstan
XM-DAC-41146-KAZ_D_1.3 By 2025, state institutions at all levels effectively design and implement gender-sensitive, human rights and evidence-based public policies and provide quality services in an inclusive, transparent and accountable manner (UNSDCF Outcome 2.2.)
$2,089,192 $552,564 $1,536,628
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flag East & Southern Africa RO
XM-DAC-41146-ESA_D_1.1 Regional actors in ESA have strengthened policies, programmes and practices on gender equality which challenge gender stereotypes and promote positive social norms
$35,003 $271,753 $0
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flag East & Southern Africa RO
XM-DAC-41146-ESA_D_2.2 Gender statistics, sex-disaggregated data and knowledge products are produced and used to inform policy making, advocacy and accountability for delivering results on gender equality and empowerment of women and girls in ESA region
$2,127,006 $177,311 $1,949,695
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flag Kenya
XM-DAC-41146-RD_D_1.1 Participation by women in politics and decision making increased
$1,556,935 $1,348,477 $208,458
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flag Kenya
XM-DAC-41146-RD_D_1.2 Increased budgetary allocation for GEWE at national and county level
$621,478 $391,146 $230,332
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flag Kenya
XM-DAC-41146-RD_D_2.1 Productivity of women in the agricultural value-chain increased
$2,511,987 $646,701 $1,865,286
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flag Kenya
XM-DAC-41146-RD_D_2.2 Access by women entrepreneurs to existing and emerging markets/procurement opportunities increased
$174,650 $127,679 $46,971
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flag Kenya
XM-DAC-41146-RD_D_3.1 Favorable social normal, attitudes and behaviors are promoted at communty and individual levels to prevent VAWG
$802,005 $750,934 $51,071
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flag Kenya
XM-DAC-41146-RD_D_3.2 Uptake of essential justice services by survivors VAWG increased
$779,949 $363,306 $416,643
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flag Kenya
XM-DAC-41146-RD_D_4.1 Women's and girls' participation in conflict prevention and peace and security processes increased
$3,244,056 $2,838,253 $405,803
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flag Kenya
XM-DAC-41146-RD_O_4 Enhanced capacity of UN Women Kenya Staff to deliver on GEWE priorities upholding UN Women rules and regulations
$0 0 $0
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flag Kosovo
XM-DAC-41146-KOS_D_1.2 Outcome 1.2 All women and men in Kosovo, particularly young people, vulnerable groups, and displaced persons, increasingly achieve gender equality and claim their rights and fulfil civic responsibilities (UNSDCF Outcome 5)
$663,910 $166,469 $497,441
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flag Lebanon
XM-DAC-41146-LBN_D_4.1 The Women, Peace and Security Agenda is implemented through an enabling environment that supports women's participation in conflict prevention
$3,068,859 $1,429,817 $1,639,042
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flag Lebanon
XM-DAC-41146-LBN_O_2 Increased engagement of partners in support of UN-Women’s mandate
$6,794,776 $1,610,092 $5,184,684
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Showing 1 - 25 of 44
Disclaimer and notes
Revenue recognition per management accounts reporting (as per Revenue Management Policy). 2022 figures are preliminary, pending final audit.
The boundaries and names shown and the designations used on this map do not imply official endorsement or acceptance by the United Nations.
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