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Planned Budget (Total) Disclaimer
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Showing field-based data over the years: 2022
Field-based data
$537.18 M Planned Budget
$391.62 M Actual Budget
$145.56 M Shortfall
$294.49 M Expenses
Office IATI Identifier outcome result statement
Planned Budget Actual Budget and Shortfall expenses
XM-DAC-41146-MYM_D_1.1 By 2023, the enabling environment for the implementation of the WPS agenda and the integration of gender equality in humanitarian, peace and development frameworks, programming and policies is strengthened.
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XM-DAC-41146-MYM_D_1.2 By 2023, the participation and leadership of women in decision-making and political processes across the humanitarian, peace and development nexus is increased
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XM-DAC-41146-MYM_D_1.3 By 2023, women and girls’ safety, physical and mental health and security are increasingly assured and their human rights increasingly respected
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XM-DAC-41146-MYM_D_1.4 By 2023, more women and girls, including the most vulnerable and marginalized groups, access, contribute to and benefit from relief and recovery efforts and have increased economic security and capacity to withstand the negative socio-economic impact of the crisis.
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XM-DAC-41146-MYM_O_2 Advancing partnerships & resourcing; Effectively influencing for impact & scale
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XM-DAC-41146-MYM_O_3 Nurturing an empowered workforce and advancing an inclusive UN-Women culture
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XM-DAC-41146-MYM_O_4 Effective normative, programmatic and coordination products, services and processes
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XM-DAC-41146-NER_D_1.1 Women’s leadership and political participation is promoted in the democratic governance system in Niger
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XM-DAC-41146-NER_D_2.1 Women agricultural producers have better access to productive resources adapted to the arid climate and to markets to improve their income in a sustainable way
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XM-DAC-41146-NER_D_2.2 Economic migration is safe and regular for migrant women and girls
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XM-DAC-41146-NER_D_3.1 Normative and policy frameworks are promoted and adapted in line with international standards and institutions have the commitment, knwoledge and capacities to legislate, plan, implement, and monitor policies to adress VAWG, GBV and HP
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XM-DAC-41146-NER_D_3.2 Increased access to essential services
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XM-DAC-41146-NER_D_4.1 Outcome 5: Women participate in and inform decision-making processes & responses related to conflict prevention, protection and peacebuilding in Niger
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XM-DAC-41146-NER_D_4.2 Humanitarian /crisis response planning, frameworks & programming are gender inclusive and responsive
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XM-DAC-41146-NER_D_4.4 An enabling environment for implementation of WPS commitments is created in Niger
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XM-DAC-41146-NER_O_1 Advancing business transformation
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XM-DAC-41146-NER_O_2 advancing partnership and resourcing effectively influencing for impact and scale
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XM-DAC-41146-NER_O_3 Nurturing an empowerment workforce and advancing an inclusive UN Women culture
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XM-DAC-41146-NER_O_4 Assure an accountable organization through principled performance
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XM-DAC-41146-NGA_D_1.1 Affirmative action policy and legislative frameworks and measures (Federal and State level) adopted and/or implemented in Nigeria, to promote gender balance in political leadership and decision making positions.
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XM-DAC-41146-NGA_D_1.2 A cadre of diverse and capable women leaders is established in Nigeria
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XM-DAC-41146-NGA_D_1.3 Women are promoted as leaders in gender-sensitive (Federal and State) legislative, political and governance institutions in Nigeria.
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XM-DAC-41146-NGA_D_2.1 Affirmative procurement policy, legislative and/or other enabling measures in place by 2022, to provide new opportunities for high-impact growth for women-owned businesses (WOBs) in Nigeria
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XM-DAC-41146-NGA_D_2.5 Relevant policies and laws (incl. statutory and customary) adopted, to facilitate women’s access to land and other productive resources, and effective engagement in agribusiness, by 2022
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XM-DAC-41146-NGA_D_2.7 Nigerian Women agribusiness owners (WOABs) have strengthened capacities in business and financial management, and knowledge of agribusiness opportunities and innovative technologies, to increase their access high-value markets, by 2022
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Showing 401 - 425 of 693
Disclaimer and notes
The boundaries and names shown and the designations used on this map do not imply official endorsement or acceptance by the United Nations.
References to Kosovo shall be understood to be in the context of United Nations Security Council resolution 1244 (1999).
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