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SDG 4: Quality Education
SDG 10: Reduced Inequalities
Contributes to achieving SDGs
Our result highlights
our story Gender-Responsive Budgeting, a tool for financing initiatives to address violence against women and girls (VAWG) image
our story Türkiye and Albania exchange gender-responsive budgeting experiences during high-level study visit image
our story Gender Responsive Budgeting: Making budgets meet women’s needs image

Gender-Responsive Budgeting, a tool for financing initiatives to address violence against women and girls (VAWG)

Location Trinidad and Tobago

Gender responsive budgeting (GRB) is a strategy to achieve gender equality, where budgets or proposed spending is analysed and designed to ensure interventions to eliminate inequalities between women and men and boys and girls, are adequately financed.

Under the Regional EU-UN  Spotlight Initiative, budget planners, analysts and gender focal points were brought together for national workshops in Jamaica, Guyana, Trinidad and Tobago to enhance their analytical and technical skills for analysing public expenditures in different sectors to address violence against women and girls (VAWG). A regional session was also convened with senior leadership in finance, statistics and gender equality from nine CARICOM countries to improve their technical capacity to better understand and apply international GRB better practices in national budgeting processes. Read more >

Türkiye and Albania exchange gender-responsive budgeting experiences during high-level study visit

Location Türkiye and Albania

A high-level delegation involving several Turkish institutions recently conducted a five-day study visit to the Republic of Albania to learn about best practices and exchange experiences on gender-responsive budgeting (GRB). This unique opportunity to learn and share experiences face-to-face was made possible through the Implementing Gender-Responsive Planning and Budgeting in Turkey project, which is co-financed by the European Union and UN Women. Read more >

Gender Responsive Budgeting: Making budgets meet women’s needs

Location India

UN Women India supports the National and State Governments prepare their gender bud- gets. Gender budgets are budgets that plan and meet the needs of women. We have helped prepare gender budgets within sectors such as agriculture, urban development, and village council development.

Gender Responsive Budgeting initiatives can be carried out at the national, state and local levels and may cover the overall budget or selected parts. India adopted this kind of budgeting in 2005-06, with the publication of the Gender Budget Statement. Though there is no law to stipulate the development of these budgets, India now leads the globe on the use of this innovative tool to design and budget projects and schemes through a gender lens. Read more >


our story Gender-Responsive Budgeting, a tool for financing initiatives to address violence against women and girls (VAWG) image

Trinidad and Tobago: Gender-responsive budgeting

Location Trinidad and Tobago

Gender responsive budgeting (GRB) is a strategy to achieve gender equality, where budgets or proposed spending is analysed and designed to ensure interventions to eliminate inequalities between women and men and boys and girls, are adequately financed.

Under the Regional EU-UN  Spotlight Initiative, budget planners, analysts and gender focal points were brought together for national workshops in Jamaica, Guyana, Trinidad and Tobago to enhance their analytical and technical skills for analysing public expenditures in different sectors to address violence against women and girls (VAWG). A regional session was also convened with senior leadership in finance, statistics and gender equality from nine CARICOM countries to improve their technical capacity to better understand and apply international GRB better practices in national budgeting processes. Read more >

our story Türkiye and Albania exchange gender-responsive budgeting experiences during high-level study visit image

Türkiye and Albania: Knowledge exchange

Location Türkiye and Albania

A high-level delegation involving several Turkish institutions recently conducted a five-day study visit to the Republic of Albania to learn about best practices and exchange experiences on gender-responsive budgeting (GRB). This unique opportunity to learn and share experiences face-to-face was made possible through the Implementing Gender-Responsive Planning and Budgeting in Turkey project, which is co-financed by the European Union and UN Women. Read more >

our story Gender Responsive Budgeting: Making budgets meet women’s needs image

India: Making budgets meet women’s needs

Location India

UN Women India supports the National and State Governments prepare their gender bud- gets. Gender budgets are budgets that plan and meet the needs of women. We have helped prepare gender budgets within sectors such as agriculture, urban development, and village council development.

Gender Responsive Budgeting initiatives can be carried out at the national, state and local levels and may cover the overall budget or selected parts. India adopted this kind of budgeting in 2005-06, with the publication of the Gender Budget Statement. Though there is no law to stipulate the development of these budgets, India now leads the globe on the use of this innovative tool to design and budget projects and schemes through a gender lens. Read more >


Key achievements

During the first year of its Strategic Plan 2022-2025, in collaboration with an expanded set of partners, UN Women worked to safeguard and advance the rights of women and girls across the humanitarian-development-peace nexus and achieved the following early results: 

Laws and Policy_Woman and Decree
countries and territories

advanced gender-responsive fiscal laws, policies, budgets and systems enabling governments to better track and target public resources

Budgeting and Accounting_Woman With Calculator.svg
government partners

applied newly-obtained knowledge, technical skills and capacities to effectively mainstream gender into fiscal laws, policies and standards

UN Peacebuilding Fund.svg
of resources

were allocated to projects supporting gender equality and women’s empowerment by the United Nations Peacebuilding Fund, thereby exceeding its 30% gender funding target


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