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SDG 10: Reduced Inequalities
Contributes to achieving SDGs
Our result highlights
our story Turkish Parliamentarians set sights on new policies and a road map for ending violence against women in politics  image
our story Women’s leadership slowed by patriarchal norms in Kenya elections  image
our story Creando nuevas avenidas de resiliencia para sostener la paz desde las mujeres Kaqchikel, Q’eqchi’ y mestizas  image
our story Preventing violent extremism through women’s empowerment; results of the regional programme Empowered Women, Peaceful Communities image
our story Women spearhead climate change response in the South Pacific image

Turkish Parliamentarians set sights on new policies and a road map for ending violence against women in politics

Location Türkiye

With discussions focused on the importance of gender equality for empowering women – not just in politics but in all areas of life – and on developing policies to combat violence against women, UN Women Türkiye held a knowledge-sharing meeting in collaboration with members of the Committee on Equality of Opportunity for Women and Men (EOC) of the Turkish Grand National Assembly (TGNA) from 26–27 November 2022 in Sapanca, western Türkiye. Read more >

Women’s leadership slowed by patriarchal norms in Kenya elections

Location Kenya

A 16 per cent increase in women-held elective seats was one of the successes of Kenya’s 2022 General Election. But for many women aspirants, old practices and norms continued to undermine their campaigns. The contrast between progress and such norms were on full display in Kenya’s coastal region. 

“The next time you speak to me, it will be in the Governor’s office!” were Deputy Governor Fatuma Achani’s parting words to UN Women in 2021, referring to her ambitions to win the Governor seat in the 2022 elections in Kwale County. Her prediction was correct, becoming the first woman ever to do so in the county. Read more >

Creando nuevas avenidas de resiliencia para sostener la paz desde las mujeres Kaqchikel, Q’eqchi’ y mestizas

Location Guatemala

Aún después de la firma de los Acuerdos de Paz persiste la violencia contra las mujeres en Guatemala. Es más, las diferentes formas de violencia contra las mujeres, particularmente contra las mujeres indígenas, emergen y se intensifican, como demuestran los altos niveles de femicidio, desapariciones, maternidades infantiles forzadas y los ataques cibernéticos. Leer más >

Preventing violent extremism through women’s empowerment; results of the regional programme Empowered Women, Peaceful Communities

Location Bangladesh, Indonesia, the Philippines, Thailand

UN Women supports conflict prevention and building peace and resilience with a focus on preventing violent extremism through women’s empowerment. During the five phases of the regional Prevention of Violent Extremism (PVE) programme called "Empowered Women, Peaceful Communities" (April 2017 - March 2022), approximately 5 million individuals have strengthened their understanding of the role women can play to prevent violent extremism and gender dynamics of this threat, particularly in Bangladesh, Indonesia, the Philippines, Thailand, regionally and globally. This was achieved through innovative communication tools as well as capacity development, awareness-raising and knowledge-sharing efforts. More than 6,000 women from over 200 communities in the four countries have strengthened their capacity to generate income as a result of the project’s economic empowerment initiatives. They have become agents of change in their communities and promote peace and social cohesion, thereby preventing radicalization and violent extremism. Since the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, digital platforms and online spaces are being increasingly used to spread sexist, inaccurate, and dangerous rhetoric about women, inciting hatred and potentially provoking violence – online and offline. Through digital literacy training, 420 young leaders (408 women and 12 men, including indigenous peoples, transgender individuals, the urban poor and rural communities) in Bangladesh, the Philippines, and Thailand have strengthened their capacity to identify, protect against and report online hate speech, misinformation and disinformation, especially in the context of COVID-19. They also learned how to create and disseminate edutainment videos to promote gender equality and social cohesion through social media. At the regional level, UN Women is dedicated to consolidating the knowledge acquired through UN Women PVE programming to contribute to knowledge-building regionally and nationally. It also contributed to promoting good practice and lessons learned for PVE from a gender perspective through knowledge-sharing events among experts and stakeholders from South and Southeast Asia countries.

Read more:

The PVE programme webpage

National Colloquium on Learnings from the Women Peace Café Initiative in Bangladesh

Women spearhead climate change response in the South Pacific

Location Vanuatu, Fiji and Tonga

Rising global temperatures are increasing the frequency and intensity of deadly storms like TC Yasa. When disasters strike, the destruction can seem indiscriminate; but constituting most of the planet’s poor and disenfranchised, it is women and girls who face the greatest risks.

Women are not powerless victims of an ever-worsening climate emergency, however, nor are they passive recipients of disaster aid. In the Pacific region, as in other parts of the world, women are spearheading climate adaptation and mitigation strategies — something Sharon Bhagwan-Rolls, a second-generation Pacific Fijian feminist has championed throughout her three-decade journey in the women’s rights movement. Read more >

our story Turkish Parliamentarians set sights on new policies and a road map for ending violence against women in politics  image

Türkiye: Ending violence against women in politics

Location Türkiye

With discussions focused on the importance of gender equality for empowering women – not just in politics but in all areas of life – and on developing policies to combat violence against women, UN Women Türkiye held a knowledge-sharing meeting in collaboration with members of the Committee on Equality of Opportunity for Women and Men (EOC) of the Turkish Grand National Assembly (TGNA) from 26–27 November 2022 in Sapanca, western Türkiye. Read more >

our story Women’s leadership slowed by patriarchal norms in Kenya elections  image

Kenya: Patriarchal norms and elections

Location Kenya

A 16 per cent increase in women-held elective seats was one of the successes of Kenya’s 2022 General Election. But for many women aspirants, old practices and norms continued to undermine their campaigns. The contrast between progress and such norms were on full display in Kenya’s coastal region. 

“The next time you speak to me, it will be in the Governor’s office!” were Deputy Governor Fatuma Achani’s parting words to UN Women in 2021, referring to her ambitions to win the Governor seat in the 2022 elections in Kwale County. Her prediction was correct, becoming the first woman ever to do so in the county. Read more >

our story Creando nuevas avenidas de resiliencia para sostener la paz desde las mujeres Kaqchikel, Q’eqchi’ y mestizas  image

Guatemala: Sustaining peace

Location Guatemala

Aún después de la firma de los Acuerdos de Paz persiste la violencia contra las mujeres en Guatemala. Es más, las diferentes formas de violencia contra las mujeres, particularmente contra las mujeres indígenas, emergen y se intensifican, como demuestran los altos niveles de femicidio, desapariciones, maternidades infantiles forzadas y los ataques cibernéticos. Leer más >

our story Preventing violent extremism through women’s empowerment; results of the regional programme Empowered Women, Peaceful Communities image

Southeast Asia: Preventing violent extremism

Location Bangladesh, Indonesia, the Philippines, Thailand

UN Women supports conflict prevention and building peace and resilience with a focus on preventing violent extremism through women’s empowerment. During the five phases of the regional Prevention of Violent Extremism (PVE) programme called "Empowered Women, Peaceful Communities" (April 2017 - March 2022), approximately 5 million individuals have strengthened their understanding of the role women can play to prevent violent extremism and gender dynamics of this threat, particularly in Bangladesh, Indonesia, the Philippines, Thailand, regionally and globally. This was achieved through innovative communication tools as well as capacity development, awareness-raising and knowledge-sharing efforts. More than 6,000 women from over 200 communities in the four countries have strengthened their capacity to generate income as a result of the project’s economic empowerment initiatives. They have become agents of change in their communities and promote peace and social cohesion, thereby preventing radicalization and violent extremism. Since the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, digital platforms and online spaces are being increasingly used to spread sexist, inaccurate, and dangerous rhetoric about women, inciting hatred and potentially provoking violence – online and offline. Through digital literacy training, 420 young leaders (408 women and 12 men, including indigenous peoples, transgender individuals, the urban poor and rural communities) in Bangladesh, the Philippines, and Thailand have strengthened their capacity to identify, protect against and report online hate speech, misinformation and disinformation, especially in the context of COVID-19. They also learned how to create and disseminate edutainment videos to promote gender equality and social cohesion through social media. At the regional level, UN Women is dedicated to consolidating the knowledge acquired through UN Women PVE programming to contribute to knowledge-building regionally and nationally. It also contributed to promoting good practice and lessons learned for PVE from a gender perspective through knowledge-sharing events among experts and stakeholders from South and Southeast Asia countries.

Read more:

The PVE programme webpage

National Colloquium on Learnings from the Women Peace Café Initiative in Bangladesh

our story Women spearhead climate change response in the South Pacific image

South Pacific: Women lead climate change response

Location Vanuatu, Fiji and Tonga

Rising global temperatures are increasing the frequency and intensity of deadly storms like TC Yasa. When disasters strike, the destruction can seem indiscriminate; but constituting most of the planet’s poor and disenfranchised, it is women and girls who face the greatest risks.

Women are not powerless victims of an ever-worsening climate emergency, however, nor are they passive recipients of disaster aid. In the Pacific region, as in other parts of the world, women are spearheading climate adaptation and mitigation strategies — something Sharon Bhagwan-Rolls, a second-generation Pacific Fijian feminist has championed throughout her three-decade journey in the women’s rights movement. Read more >

Key achievements

During the first year of its Strategic Plan 2022-2025, in collaboration with an expanded set of partners, UN Women worked to safeguard and advance the rights of women and girls across the humanitarian-development-peace nexus and achieved the following early results:

Leadership_Woman-Led Group.svg
global initiatives
launched to support women’s rights organizations, and youth and adolescent girls to lead the call for gender equality, disbursing approximately $59 million to civil society organisations working on gender equality and women’s empowerment, including through the UN Trust Fund and the WPHF
Danger or Caution_Woman with Caution Sign.svg
local and national women’s organizations

across 40 crisis-contexts supported to participate in humanitarian coordination and decision-making processes


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