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Contributes to achieving SDGs
Our result highlights
our story UN Women promotes interagency cooperation initiative for the economic empowerment of migrant women and refugees from Afghanistan in Chile image
our story When we join our efforts, we achieve more: More than 50 UN Officials from 22 countries in East and Southern Africa, empowered to implement the UNCT-SWAP Gender Equality Scorecard and move the needle for gender equality image
our story The United Nations Country Team in Bahrain builds its skills to mainstream Gender Equality and Leave No One Behind in its strategic planning for enhanced results image
our story Adoption of the Gender Equality Marker as the 7th UN Financial Data Standard image

UN Women promotes interagency cooperation initiative for the economic empowerment of migrant women and refugees from Afghanistan in Chile

Location Chile

The Tu Oportunidad (Second Chance Education) program seeks to provide training tools for the autonomy and economic empowerment of women and thus promote their social reintegration in the country.

UN Women, within the framework of the Tu Oportunidad programme, in collaboration with the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC), the Afghan-Chilean Institute of Culture Foundation and The Ascend Athletics Foundation presented an initiative to promote economic opportunities and support the social and cultural integration of refugee and migrant women from Afghanistan. Read more >

When we join our efforts, we achieve more: More than 50 UN Officials from 22 countries in East and Southern Africa, empowered to implement the UNCT-SWAP Gender Equality Scorecard and move the needle for gender equality

Location East and Southern Africa

When different parts of the UN system act together, they can deliver greater results—and maximize the use of scarce resources. Within the UN system, UN Women is mandated to lead, promote and coordinate efforts to advance the full realization of women’s rights and opportunities. The UN General Assembly has called on all parts of the UN system to promote gender equality and the empowerment of women within their mandates.

To this end, the UN Women East and Southern Africa Regional Office brought together more than 50 UN officials from 22 countries for a regional UNCT-SWAP Gender Equality Scorecard training for UN Country teams in East and Southern Africa. The UNCT-SWAP Gender Equality Scorecard is an accountability framework that promotes improved planning, coordination, programming and results for gender equality and women’s empowerment at the country level, tied to support to member states to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals. Read more >

The United Nations Country Team in Bahrain builds its skills to mainstream Gender Equality and Leave No One Behind in its strategic planning for enhanced results

Location Bahrain

On 4 and 5 October, the United Nations Country Team (UNCT) in Bahrain participated in a skills-based training exercise to strengthen its capacity to advance the Leave No One Behind (LNOB) principle in its country programming in Bahrain.

With the successful signature of the Strategic and Sustainable Development Cooperation Framework (SCF) in 2021, the UNCT is committed to advance the national development priorities of the Kingdom of Bahrain in alignment with the 2030 Agenda and the 17 Sustainable Development Goals. The four outcomes of the SCF address 1) environment, energy, and food; 2) quality, comprehensive social services; 3) economic diversification, public administration, and resilience; and 4) Bahrain among nations. Read more >

Adoption of the Gender Equality Marker as the 7th UN Financial Data Standard

In 2012 the Gender Equality Marker (GEM) was first included as a performance indicator in the UN-SWAP. Since then, the UN System Coordination Division at UN Women has undertaken advocacy efforts and collaborated with UN entities, the Multi-Partner Trust Fund (MPTF) Office, the UNSDG Fiduciary Management and Oversight Group (FMOG) and the UN Chief Executive’s Board for Coordination (CEB) to expand the use of the GEM. In addition, it has led the High-Level Task Force (HLTF) on Financing for Gender Equality, established by the Secretary-General in 2018, with the objective of harmonizing and extending GEM implementation. As a result of these efforts, the Gender Equality Marker is now set to become the 7th UN Financial Data Standard. 

Read more in the UN system coordination report by UN Women or the UN Data Cube page.

our story UN Women promotes interagency cooperation initiative for the economic empowerment of migrant women and refugees from Afghanistan in Chile image

Chile: Empowerment of Afghan women

Location Chile

The Tu Oportunidad (Second Chance Education) program seeks to provide training tools for the autonomy and economic empowerment of women and thus promote their social reintegration in the country.

UN Women, within the framework of the Tu Oportunidad programme, in collaboration with the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC), the Afghan-Chilean Institute of Culture Foundation and The Ascend Athletics Foundation presented an initiative to promote economic opportunities and support the social and cultural integration of refugee and migrant women from Afghanistan. Read more >

our story When we join our efforts, we achieve more: More than 50 UN Officials from 22 countries in East and Southern Africa, empowered to implement the UNCT-SWAP Gender Equality Scorecard and move the needle for gender equality image

East and Southern Africa: UNCT-SWAP Scorecard

Location East and Southern Africa

When different parts of the UN system act together, they can deliver greater results—and maximize the use of scarce resources. Within the UN system, UN Women is mandated to lead, promote and coordinate efforts to advance the full realization of women’s rights and opportunities. The UN General Assembly has called on all parts of the UN system to promote gender equality and the empowerment of women within their mandates.

To this end, the UN Women East and Southern Africa Regional Office brought together more than 50 UN officials from 22 countries for a regional UNCT-SWAP Gender Equality Scorecard training for UN Country teams in East and Southern Africa. The UNCT-SWAP Gender Equality Scorecard is an accountability framework that promotes improved planning, coordination, programming and results for gender equality and women’s empowerment at the country level, tied to support to member states to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals. Read more >

our story The United Nations Country Team in Bahrain builds its skills to mainstream Gender Equality and Leave No One Behind in its strategic planning for enhanced results image

Bahrain: Mainstreaming Leave No One Behind

Location Bahrain

On 4 and 5 October, the United Nations Country Team (UNCT) in Bahrain participated in a skills-based training exercise to strengthen its capacity to advance the Leave No One Behind (LNOB) principle in its country programming in Bahrain.

With the successful signature of the Strategic and Sustainable Development Cooperation Framework (SCF) in 2021, the UNCT is committed to advance the national development priorities of the Kingdom of Bahrain in alignment with the 2030 Agenda and the 17 Sustainable Development Goals. The four outcomes of the SCF address 1) environment, energy, and food; 2) quality, comprehensive social services; 3) economic diversification, public administration, and resilience; and 4) Bahrain among nations. Read more >

our story Adoption of the Gender Equality Marker as the 7th UN Financial Data Standard image

Gender equality in the UN Financial Data Standard

In 2012 the Gender Equality Marker (GEM) was first included as a performance indicator in the UN-SWAP. Since then, the UN System Coordination Division at UN Women has undertaken advocacy efforts and collaborated with UN entities, the Multi-Partner Trust Fund (MPTF) Office, the UNSDG Fiduciary Management and Oversight Group (FMOG) and the UN Chief Executive’s Board for Coordination (CEB) to expand the use of the GEM. In addition, it has led the High-Level Task Force (HLTF) on Financing for Gender Equality, established by the Secretary-General in 2018, with the objective of harmonizing and extending GEM implementation. As a result of these efforts, the Gender Equality Marker is now set to become the 7th UN Financial Data Standard. 

Read more in the UN system coordination report by UN Women or the UN Data Cube page.

Key achievements

During the first year of its Strategic Plan 2022-2025, in collaboration with an expanded set of partners, UN Women worked to safeguard and advance the rights of women and girls across the humanitarian-development-peace nexus and achieved the following early results:

Peace and Security_Group of Women Peacekeepers.svg
peacebuilding processes

inclusive of young women supported in 9 countries and territories

Danger or Caution_Woman with Caution Sign.svg
of humanitarian response plans
of Humanitarian Country Teams (HCTs) that UN Women engaged with incorporated steps to advance gender equality outcomes (exceeding the milestone of 75%)
UN SWAP greyscale
United Nations Country Teams
implemented the United Nations Country Team-System-wide Action Plan (UNCT-SWAP) (up from 38 in 2020 and 61 in 2021)

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