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During the first year of its Strategic Plan 2022-2025, in collaboration with an expanded set of partners, UN Women worked to safeguard and advance the rights of women and girls across the humanitarian-development-peace nexus and achieved the following early results: 

Global normative frameworks and gender-responsive laws, policies and institutions 

Policies and Institutions.svg
of resolutions

adopted by the General Assembly, the Security Council and the Human Rights Council integrated a gender perspective

policies, strategies, and plans

adopted, that are national/local multi-sectoral and gender-responsive, across 42 countries and territories

Laws and Policy_Woman and Decree

across six regions adopted or amended to advance gender equality and women’s empowerment

Peace and Security_Group of Women Peacekeepers.svg
countries and territories

have adopted National Action Plans on women peace and security, and 90 of them have indicators to monitor progress

Financing for gender equality 

Laws and Policy_Woman and Decree
countries and territories

advanced gender-responsive fiscal laws, policies, budgets and systems enabling governments to better track and target public resources

Budgeting and Accounting_Woman With Calculator.svg
government partners

applied newly-obtained knowledge, technical skills and capacities to effectively mainstream gender into fiscal laws, policies and standards

UN Peacebuilding Fund.svg
of resources

were allocated to projects supporting gender equality and women’s empowerment by the United Nations Peacebuilding Fund, thereby exceeding its 30% gender funding target

Positive social norms, including through engaging men and boys

Violence Against Women and Girls_Lightning Bolt
countries and territories

advanced policies to end violence against women and girls, with a strong focus on prevention including addressing harmful social norms

Man and Boy.svg
programming initiatives

to prevent violence against women and girls developed and implemented across various settings to support positive changes around gender/social norms, including by engaging men and boys and faith-based institutions

Women’s equitable access to services, goods & resources

Refugees_Woman and Family at Camp

including survivors of violence and internally-displaced women and refugees, accessed information, goods, resources and/or services through UN Women supported platforms and programmes in relation to livelihoods, financial services, social protection and legal aid

VAW Physical_Shoulder Strike.svg
countries and territories

UN Women expanded work on preventing and responding to sexual violence in public and/or private spaces, with 31 countries and territories focusing on new multi-stakeholder initiatives on sexual harassment and adaptations to urban settings in 18 countries and territories

Women’s voice, leadership & agency

Leadership_Woman-Led Group.svg
global initiatives

launched to support women’s rights organizations, and youth and adolescent girls to lead the call for gender equality, disbursing approximately $59 million to civil society organisations working on gender equality and women’s empowerment, including through the UN Trust Fund and the Women's Peace and Humanitarian Fund

Danger or Caution_Woman with Caution Sign.svg
local and national women’s organizations

across 40 crisis-contexts supported to participate in humanitarian coordination and decision-making processes

Production, analysis and use of gender statistics and sex-disaggregated data and knowledge 

inter-agency coordination mechanisms

strengthened statistical systems contributing to increased data to monitor SDG gender indicators, up from from 42% in 2021 to 50% in 2022

Laws and Policy_Woman and Decree
countries and territories

demonstrated the use of SDG gender data for gender-responsive policy decision-making in statistical systems

Climate Change_Woman and Changing Weather
Women’s Resilience to Disasters Policy Tracker

was developed as a centralized database of gender-responsive frameworks and plans across 193 United Nations Member States on Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR), climate change and resilience, that allows monitoring and analysis of progress and enables replication of good practices

UN system coordination for gender equality

Peace and Security_Group of Women Peacekeepers.svg
peacebuilding processes

inclusive of young women supported in 9 countries and territories

Danger or Caution_Woman with Caution Sign.svg
of humanitarian response plans

of Humanitarian Country Teams (HCTs) that UN Women engaged with incorporated steps to advance gender equality outcomes (exceeding the milestone of 75%)

UN SWAP greyscale
United Nations Country Teams

implemented the United Nations Country Team-System-wide Action Plan (UNCT-SWAP) (up from 38 in 2020 and 61 in 2021)

Organizational efficiency and effectiveness

Transparency Portal

launched to deliver on UN Women’s commitments to international aid transparency and accountability

Negotiation_Woman Shaking Hands With Group

in the total number of partnerships, diversifying the Entity’s base of support and expanding its ability to drive lasting and impactful change 

of milestones

relating to the implementation of internal and external audit recommendations achieved

Progress against 2022 milestones

In the first year of its Strategic Plan 2022-2025, UN Women supported 98 countries and territories, including high-income countries, to advance gender equality and women’s empowerment. The Entity achieved good performance (reaching at least 90 per cent of the 2022 milestone) for 77 per cent of indicators with data available at the development results output level.

Please note: This figure excludes 40 indicators that are only monitored at component or disaggregated levels or that are not assigned a 2022 milestone. The Outcome indicators include a post-publishing correction of Figure 1 from the Annual Report of UN Women’s Executive Director. 




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