China’s international financing, investments and business engagements, including through connectivity initiatives, programmes and projects, contribute to SDG attainment in partner countries
Complementary indicators are identified as those in the results framework that are not repeated verbatim in the results framework of another United Nations entity, but are related or provide different but complementary lenses or insights into the same issue, high-level result and/or area of complementary work, such as a Sustainable Development Goal target.
ComplementaryUN Women reports on this indicator in a global scope, signified by "(Desk Review)" at the end of the indicator statement (see the Our Global Results page for the global result)
Government bodies, research institutions and private sector entities in China have increased knowledge and capacity in gender-sensitive financing, and be able to advance gender equality through gender responsive financing tools, guidance and practices.
In addition to results reported by UN Women field offices (shown here), results achieved in countries and territories through the United Nations Trust Fund to End Violence against Women (UNTF) are included in a non-duplicative manner in the global reporting on this indicator (see the Our Global Results page).
A cross-cutting regional alliance of champions and thought leaders from technology and innovation sector, is established to facilitate knowledge exchange, skills transfer and mentorship opportunities in promotion of digital empowerment of women.
Enhanced coordination, coherence, and accountability of the UN system for commitments to gender equality and women’s empowerment
UN Women reports on this indicator in a global scope, signified by "(Desk Review)" at the end of the indicator statement (see the Our Global Results page for the global result)
UNCT has adequate guidance and capacity in place to implement a gender responsive UNSDCF.
UNCT takes actions (e.g. issuing policies/guidance or conducting training for UN staff) that promote gender equality and women's empowerment and prevention of sexual harassment and abuse in the workplace, with the support of UN Women.
Increased engagement of partners in support of UN-Women’s mandate
Effective partnerships between UN Women and major stakeholders, including government, civil society, women's rights organizations, private sector, regional and international organizations.
Resources base is expanded and diversified to meet the demand for UN Women catalytic and technical support and strategic grant-making.
UN Women China effectively leverages and expands its communications and advocacy capabilities to increase support for gender equality agenda.
High quality of programmes through knowledge, innovation, results-based management, and evaluation.
UN Women reports on this indicator in a global scope, signified by "(Desk Review)" at the end of the indicator statement (see the Our Global Results page for the global result)
Programming practices reflect systematic application of a result-based management approach (RBM), strategic thinking, and effective use of the Result Management System (RMS).
UN Women is recognized for innovative approaches and hub of knowledge on achieving gender equality and women's empowerment in China.
Improved management of financial and human resources in pursuit of results
UN Women China office has adequate offfice capacity to deliver results in gender equality and women's empowerment.
UN Women China office has effective management on its financial and other resources with accountability, efficiency and transparency.
With UN Women China office transited to a full pledged country office, advancing standard and streamlined business operations and administration to deliver results.
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Disclaimer and notes
References to Kosovo shall be understood to be in the context of United Nations Security Council resolution 1244 (1999).