Region:Asia Pacific
Current UN Women Plan Period Afghanisthan:2018-2022
outcome XM-DAC-41146-FIJ_D_1.1
By 2027, people enjoy and contribute to more accountable, inclusive, resilient and responsive governance systems that promote gender equality, climate security, justice and peace, ensure participation, and protect their human rights. [CF Outcome 4]
This outcome is on track. The resolute commitment of political will and renewed focus demonstrated by Pacific Leaders has forged a pathway for the greater involvement and empowerment of women and girls throughout the Pacific, for the full realization of their rights. The Pacific Islands Forum Leaders Meeting committed to a revitalized Pacific Leaders Gender Equality Declaration (PLDGED) in November 2023, marking a significant stride towards placing gender equality in climate security, justice, and peace at the forefront of regional priorities. The revitalized PLGED is not a new instrument but rather is an extension of the first PLGED endorsed by Pacific Islands Forum Leaders in 2012. This high-level declaration outlines specific policy actions aimed at advancing gender equality across critical domains, including government programmes, policies, decision-making processes, economic empowerment, health, education, and combating violence against women. The revitalized PLGED demands heightened commitment across all levels and calls for forging new transformative partnerships and investments. Moreover, the new PLGED emphasizes the need for stronger leadership to enhance governance, ownership, and accountability of the Declaration. This will be facilitated through mechanisms such as the Pacific Islands Forum Women Leaders Meetings, annual Forum Leaders Meetings, and other ministerial gatherings at regional and international platforms. UN Women played a central role in refining the language of the revitalized PLGED during the Pacific Islands Forum Women Leaders Meeting (PIFWLM), through collaboration with the Pacific Islands Forum Secretariat (PIFS) and a Technical Reference Group. This demonstration of political will by Pacific Leaders has reaffirmed UN Women’s support across the Pacific for positive changes toward more accountable, inclusive, resilient, and responsive governance systems. These changes are marked by a commitment to promoting gender equality, justice, and peace while ensuring the protection of human rights and the safe and meaningful participation of women and girls. The transformative initiatives highlighted below show how these commitments are leading to more just, inclusive, and gender-responsive societies: Solomon Islands - Strengthening the Family Protection Act (FPA): In the Solomon Islands, efforts to strengthen the Family Protection Act (FPA) involved extensive consultations reaching more than 200 women, emphasizing diversity and grassroots inclusion. The review of the FPA identified gender disparities in the appointments of local-level Authorized Justices, dismantling discriminatory norms and practices, and exposing systemic barriers in the implementation of the FPA. The outcome of the review was transformative, propelling women into leadership roles. The Ministry of Justice, with UN Women’s support, has developed of a comprehensive policy paper advocating for increased women's representation as Authorised Justices in the local court systems. The paper awaits Cabinet approval and reflects a shift towards an inclusive justice system. Early signs of increased confidence in the system have seen an increase in the number of community members, led by women, utilizing these community justice services. Kiribati - Addressing Gender-Based Violence in High Court: In Kiribati, the Judiciary is committed to addressing gender-based violence, reflected in the willingness to implement new the High Court Civil Procedure Rules pertaining to claims or defence that also involve women and children. UN Women support played a crucial role in this process, contributing to the advancement of the Kiribati National Approach to Eliminating Sexual and Gender-based Violence Policy and National Action Plan. Tonga: Integrating Women's Empowerment and Gender Equality Policy - Tonga has made groundbreaking strides by integrating the Women's Empowerment and Gender Equality Tonga (WEGET) Policy into the national corporate planning process. Joint meetings between relevant departments and UN Women resulted in a comprehensive plan of action, strategically assessing gender-inclusive actions, budgets, and policies within government ministries. Fiji - Fiji Country Gender Assessment (FCGA): The Fiji Government launched the FCGA, the first of its kind in the Pacific region, providing a holistic analysis of gender issues across various sectors of Fiji’s society, including health, economy, education, environment, gender-based violence, social and cultural norms, leadership, and decision-making. More than a compilation of statistics, the FCGA embodies a commitment to the “Leave No One Behind” principle, aligning with Sustainable Development Goal 5 on gender equality. UN Women’s ongoing support includes identifying gaps in data landscapes and institutionalizing the FCGA across government ministries for evidence-based policy dialogues. Fiji- Voluntary National Review (VNR) and SDG 5 Reporting: Furthermore, Fiji took a proactive step by undertaking and submitting a Voluntary National Review (VNR) in 2023. In doing so, Fiji demonstrated its increasing commitment to ensuring progress towards implementing the global agenda, promoting accountability and cooperation and fostering exchanges of best practices and mutual learning. UN Women played a crucial role in the VNR consultation, providing vital data and resources for the SDG 5 section of the report. Samoa - Integrating Gender-Responsive Policies: – Progress has been made in Samoa by integrating gender-responsive policies across various government ministries, led by the Ministry of Women, Community, and Social Development (MWCSD). Achievements include improved capabilities in gender-responsive budgeting within key ministries, such as Finance, Commerce, Industry, Labour, and Agriculture. The Ministry actively establishes connections between gender-responsive policies and ministerial budgets, using contextualized Gender-Responsive Budgeting (GRB) tools. Samoa: Building a gender-responsive media: Furthermore, a gender-sensitive media environment is emerging in Samoa. Through rigorous capacity building for media personnel and the provision of a Media Training Manual and the Samoan Glossary of Gender Terms, media practitioners are now equipped with essential tools for gender-sensitive reporting. This initiative is actively shaping a media landscape that is inclusive and reflects a heightened awareness and sensitivity towards gender issues, contributing to a more impactful and inclusive media environment. Technical guidance from UN Women continues to support these initiatives for a more comprehensive approach. In 2023, UN Women continued to advance gender-responsive governance through critical intergovernmental processes such as CSW67, COP28, and the High-Level Meeting on the Midterm Review of the Sendai Framework. This work involved extensive advocacy in preparatory work, engagements with Governments and coalition building. This support often leverages collaborations with Pacific regional organisations PIFS (Pacific Islands Forum Secretariat) and SPC (Pacific Community) and highlights a responsive and adaptive approach to facilitating engagement in transformative processes. Further to this, UN Women took the lead role in crafting confidential reports to the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW) for the Solomon Islands and Tuvalu. These reports were submitted on behalf of the United Nations Country Teams (UNCT). The joint presentation conducted by UN Women in collaboration with the Resident Coordinator’s Office reinforces the commitment to comprehensive reporting and accountability.
outcome XM-DAC-41146-FIJ_D_1.2
By 2027, the operational, normative and collaborative potential of the UNCT Cooperation Frameworks to contribute to greater gender equality is fully optimised by UN Women’s interventions.
This result is on track. The United Nations in the Pacific has demonstrated commitment to rolling out a comprehensive assessment of the United Nations System-wide Action Plan (UNCT-SWAP) Gender Equality Scorecard for a second time in less than 5 years. This commitment demonstrates willingness to being able to more concretely understand areas that need further joint action to progress gender mainstreaming and advance gender equality and women’s empowerment. The assessment will be undertaken across all three sub-regional United Nations Multi-Country Offices (MCOs) in the Pacific Framework in a separate but coordinated manner as they come under one Pacific regional UN Sustainable Development Cooperation Framework (2023-2027). The Gender Equality Scorecard assessment will be led by the team leads of the United Nations Resident Coordinator’s Offices for each MCO, with technical support provided by UN Women and the Pacific UN Gender Theme Group, which UN Women Co-Chairs, alongside UNFPA, and provides executive secretariat support (full-time Gender Group Coordinator). The Gender Group Coordinator and the team leads of the United Nations Resident Coordinator’s Office are developing a Scorecard assessment strategy that will ensure a coordinated rollout, given that several Scorecard indicators are regional (such as Indicator 1.2 on UNSDCF Outcomes) but some will now have a subregional focus (such as 3.1 and 3.2 on stakeholder engagement). This approach will highlight differences across each MCO where one may be exceeding minimum requirements, another MCO may only be approaching, and thus will lead to a more tailored action plan for each MCO. The last comprehensive UNCT-SWAP Gender Equality Scorecard assessment took place in the Pacific in 2020. At that time, the United Nations system in the Pacific worked on the basis of multi-country engagement led by two United Nations Resident Coordinators and a Joint United Nations country team linked across two MCOs as the regional hubs, with agencies operating regionally out of Fiji and Samoa. There was a Regional United Nations Pacific Strategy that presented a coordinated approach to support the 14 Pacific Island Countries and Territories. Thus, the Scorecard assessment in 2020 was an assessment of gender mainstreaming of the United Nations joint processes across all 14 countries to the extent as possible. Since that time, a third MCO has been established in the Pacific in the Federated States of Micronesia, and there is a more complex UNSDCF management structure that includes some regional and some subregional interagency groups. Annual reporting on the Gender Scorecard has become increasingly difficult to measure in a way that accurately reflected the context of each MCO. With the proposed approach and resulting tailored action plans for each MCO, the Gender Theme Group will be better placed to respond to the gender mainstreaming needs at the country and sub-regional level.
outcome XM-DAC-41146-FIJ_D_2.1
By 2027, more people, especially those at risk of being left behind, contribute to and benefit from sustainable, resilient, diversified, inclusive and human-centred socio-economic systems with decent work and equal livelihoods opportunities, reducing inequalities and ensuring shared prosperity [PCF Strategic Priority 3: Prosperity]
This outcome is on track. In 2023, efforts to enhance sustainability and resilience in marketplaces in Fiji became paramount, especially amidst diverse risks and challenges. Spearheaded by the Ministry of Local Government (MOLG) and thirteen Municipal Councils, initiatives within market operations and management showcase a dedicated drive towards compliance, diversification, and inclusivity. This concerted effort has cultivated more equitable marketplaces, offering enhanced economic opportunities for women. In addition, collaborative partnerships led by Market Vendors Associations (MVAs) underscore a steadfast commitment to advancing decent work and equal livelihood opportunities across the market and agricultural sectors, while nurturing social cohesion within vendor communities. Rooted in a human-centered approach, these endeavors champion fairness, inclusivity, and empowerment for all stakeholders, laying a sturdy groundwork for the resilience and sustainability of marketplaces in Fiji. The collaboration between the Ministry of Local Government (MOLG) and UN Women is shaping the policy environment of marketplaces in Fiji to be more gender inclusive. The review of market bylaws, with a gender and inclusivity lens, is leading to the creation of gender-responsive and disability-friendly marketplaces in Fiji. By prioritizing health, safety, and universal access standards, this approach considers the diverse needs of market vendors and the marketing public. Gender-responsive actions implemented in market administration and operations ensure that the rights and needs of all individuals, including those with disabilities, are considered and respected. The incorporation of features such as ramps, additional restrooms for women, and changing rooms for mothers and babies promotes inclusivity and equal participation. The upkeep of Women’s Accommodation Centres for rural women vendors continues to enable them to remain fully engaged in market activities, contributing to the economic development of rural communities, thus promoting broader socio-economic inclusion. Municipal Councils have also emphasized compliance with national building codes across markets in 2023, ensuring sustainable infrastructure capable of withstanding adverse conditions and ensuring the continuity of economic activities. There has also been enforcement of public health and environmental regulations, which exemplify a human-centered approach by prioritizing the well-being and safety of both vendors and customers and enhancing the resilience of markets against potential health crises and environmental hazards. MVAs have seen notable growth in their collective influence in 2023, progressively honing their leadership capabilities. They championed transparency, and accountability, and advocated for regulatory reforms while prioritizing the economic prosperity, well-being, and rights of vendors. Tailored initiatives, such as cervical cancer screenings and specialized training programs, address specific needs and empower women and marginalized groups. By providing access to essential healthcare services and skill-building opportunities, MVAs empower women to take control of their health and economic well-being, thereby enhancing their income security and economic autonomy. MVAs also lead on collaborative events which celebrate diversity, fostering social bonds and cohesion among vendors, thus contributing to more harmonious and vibrant marketplaces. Furthermore, market vendors are demonstrating the tangible benefits of capacity building, particularly in financial management and disaster preparedness, enabling them to take control over the decisions and actions that influence the outcomes of their businesses. Moreover, the promotion of cooperative models, diversification, and value chains amongst the vendor community is fostering collaboration and sustainability within the agricultural and market sectors, ultimately contributing to the economic empowerment and long-term success of women in these fields. Approximately 1,805 women market vendors across 13 markets in Fiji were reached to access information, education, key resources (finances, technological tools), services (including social assistance and insurance), and protective goods to advance their economic potential and adaptiveness in crisis. These initiatives ensure equal access to resources and opportunities, contributing to the diversification of income streams and market offerings. In summary, these initiatives have created an enabling environment for decent work and equal livelihood opportunities, fostering sustainable change within the market and agricultural sectors. Finally, the visit of four high-level international delegations from Australia, Canada, and New Zealand to Fiji markets in 2023 provided a unique opportunity to bridge the gap between informal small-market entrepreneurs and global stakeholders. These delegations, comprising government officials, policymakers, and international organizations, witnessed firsthand the entrepreneurship, innovation, and resilience displayed by vendors in their daily operations. These visits have elevated visibility and created opportunities for insights, expertise, and resources to support the development of these entrepreneurs, empowering them to seize opportunities for growth and support Municipal Councils in garnering national and international support for initiatives aimed at enhancing market infrastructure, promoting market access for marginalized groups, and improving market governance.
outcome XM-DAC-41146-FIJ_D_3.1
By 2027, more people, particularly those at risk of being left behind, benefit from more equitable access to resilient, and gender-responsive, quality basic services, food security/nutrition and social protection systems. [PCF Strategic Priority 2: People]
The outcome is still on track. Significant strides have been made in enhancing the accessibility and quality of services for women and girl survivors of GBV in the Pacific. The coordination of referral and response services for survivors of GBV has significantly improved through adherence to the Fiji National Service Delivery Protocol (SDP). The Ministry of Women with support from UN Women, facilitated localised referral pathways awareness with stakeholders from the central and western division. And currently the three out of the four divisions in Fiji (central, western, norther and eastern), have successfully implemented the SDP/GBV working group and created a localised referral pathway. Efforts to provide enhanced quality responses to survivors of violence in the Northern Division of Fiji have been particularly impactful. Twenty-five police officers underwent awareness and training sessions, resulting in improved practices within the police force. These officers, now equipped with a deeper understanding, demonstrate respect to survivors, take their cases seriously, and act swiftly to support women and girls navigating the complexities of the justice system in Fiji. The new Gender-Based Violence Counsellor Training Package for the Pacific has been agreed by the representatives from crisis centers across ten Pacific Island countries. This innovative move marks a departure from the previous manual utilized over the region for over three decades, developed by the Fiji Women’s Crisis Centre. Following the agreement on the new GBV Counseling Manual, a two-week training session was conducted. Eighteen GBV counsellors from ten Pacific countries engaged in an intensive program aimed at refining their GBV counseling skills and knowledge. This effort is pivotal in ensuring that frontline responders are equipped with the latest methodologies and best practices in providing survivor-centered services. The Fiji Women’s Crisis Centre and UN Women facilitated this training . Based on the progress made to date, the original strategy and ToC for this outcome is largely still applicable. However, given that a formulation of the second phase of the Pacific Partnerships is underway, it is likely that the strategy may be modified depending on the process. Concerning the National Action Plan to Prevent Violence Against Women and Girls, the transition to a new government brings about the necessity to acquaint the incoming ministers and government officials with the intricacies of the NAP. This orientation is crucial to ensure their understanding and enthusiastic engagement with the ongoing initiatives.
outcome XM-DAC-41146-FIJ_D_4.1
By 2027, people, communities and institutions are more empowered and resilient to face diverse shocks and disasters, especially related to climate change, and ecosystems and biodiversity are better protected, managed and restored. [PCF Strategic Priority 4: Planet]
This outcome is on track. In the humanitarian and disaster risk reduction sector in the Pacific, institutions are restructuring their strategies to prioritize gender equality, protection, and inclusion to build resilience to disasters. This has involved policy reforms, fostering coordination and collaboration among stakeholders, engaging communities, building capacities, sharing knowledge, utilizing data, and advocating for change. These efforts have enabled stakeholders across the Pacific to address the multifaceted challenges of disaster risk reduction (DRR) and work towards sustainable resilience. Further to institutional strengthening, there has been a concerted effort in empowering women and girls and building supportive enabling environments through community engagement and other avenues. These efforts have addressed the specific vulnerabilities experienced by women and girls during crises. Indeed, the active involvement of women, girls, and diverse stakeholders in decision-making and implementation processes, institutions and individuals are paving the way for resilient and sustainable futures for Pacific communities. This shift towards gender equality and social inclusion not only improves disaster management practices but also fosters long-term sustainability in the Pacific region. These endeavors signify an important change towards more inclusive, gender-responsive, community-driven, and evidence-based approaches to disaster and climate resilience. The following are noteworthy: UN Women's leadership of the Pacific Humanitarian Protection Cluster (PHPC) has improved coordination and communication among cluster members. This leadership role has facilitated the mainstreaming of gender, social inclusion, and protection across various humanitarian clusters. The capacity of regional, national, and UN humanitarian organizations to integrate gender, social inclusion, and protection into their actions continue to grow through UN Women’s support. By working with Protection Clusters, Technical Working Groups, governments and civil society organizations, UN Women facilitates collaboration and knowledge-sharing to ensure that gender, social inclusion, and protection considerations are integrated into humanitarian and disaster risk reduction efforts. Capacity building on the Prevention of Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (PSEA) for partners has fostered ethical responsibilities and the importance of maintaining community trust and well-being during crisis situations. The integration of gender and social inclusion across postgraduate courses at the University of the South Pacific demonstrates a proactive approach to educating future professionals in disaster management, thereby ensuring a cadre of knowledgeable and skilled individuals equipped to address complex challenges. More women are taking on leadership roles and effectively engaging in preparedness, response, and recovery efforts. This signifies a shift towards recognizing the importance of gender equality and inclusion in disaster management. At rural community level, organisations have adopted gender-responsive approaches by prioritizing the empowerment of women. This approach acknowledges historical exclusion and aims to address gender disparities by providing tailored training programs that cater to the specific needs and roles of women. Specific initiatives, such as refresher training for village-based Community Disaster and Climate Change Committees (CDCCCs) in Vanuatu, comprehensive training in food security and livelihoods in the Solomon Islands, and capacity-building workshops in several countries, target women and girls, equipping them with knowledge, skills, and tools to actively contribute to disaster resilience efforts. Furthermore, programs such as the menstrual health initiative by World Vision Vanuatu and the climate and disaster-resilient livelihood program by VANWODS in Vanuatu address specific needs of women and girls in disaster-prone areas. Furthermore, in the Solomon Islands, collaborations with the National Protection Committee is seeing the integration of GBV considerations into DRR efforts to mitigate the risks of violence faced by women and girls during disasters and contribute to building more resilient communities. By providing knowledge, skills, and resources tailored to their needs, these initiatives enhance the ability of women and girls to maintain health, dignity, and livelihoods during and after disasters. The empowerment of local leaders and stakeholders, particularly women indigenous leaders, has fostered inclusivity, ownership and sustainability of resilience-building activities. Initiatives like the 'Women-Weather-Watch' programme in Fiji are empowering women to take on inclusive and innovative leadership roles in disaster and climate resilience efforts. An advocacy video featuring female negotiators from Fiji, Kiribati, and Vanuatu highlights the importance of integrating Pacific women's priorities into post-COP27 actions. This video serves as a catalyst for gender-responsive DRR and climate resilience strategies by raising awareness among decision-makers and practitioners. The active participation and leadership of three key female national leaders from Fiji, Kiribati, and Niue in the discussions and events at COP28 gave prominence to their presence and engagement on the importance of gender perspectives in climate change discourse and the need for inclusive approaches to climate action. By speaking at different pavilions and side events, these female leaders contributed to raising awareness about gender-responsive climate financing, the changing landscape of climate financing in the Asia-Pacific region, and the intersection of gender and climate change. Their involvement also underscores the commitment of their respective countries and the Pacific region as a whole to addressing gender inequalities and promoting women's empowerment in climate change initiatives. Overall, their presence at COP28 signifies a significant step towards integrating gender considerations into global climate policy and action. The involvement of women-led organizations in disaster preparedness and resilience-building activities signifies a shift towards greater community engagement and participation. By actively involving local women in decision-making and capacity-building efforts, these initiatives are more likely to be contextually relevant and sustainable. Furthermore, the involvement of women groups, organisations for persons with disabilities and persons with diverse SOGIESC in policy development and review processes in Fiji reflects a commitment to inclusive decision-making and governance, ensuring that the perspectives and needs of marginalized groups are considered. Vulnerability assessments and analyses, such as the one conducted for older persons in Fiji and Vanuatu, have contributed to a deeper understanding of vulnerabilities and areas for improvement in disaster response and preparedness. The publication of Protection and Cluster-specific Tip Sheets by the PHPC serves as a valuable resource for advocacy and awareness-raising. These tip sheets provide practical guidance for incorporating protection into various response activities, including Cash and Voucher Assistance and Evacuation Centre Management. Moreover, initiatives like the development of circular economy models by ADRA in Fiji and the provision of solar home systems by VANWODS in Vanuatu showcase innovative approaches to building resilience. While addressing immediate needs these initiatives also contribute to long-term sustainability and adaptation to climate change.Showing 1 - 5 of 5
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The boundaries and names shown and the designations used on this map do not imply official endorsement or acceptance by the United Nations.
References to Kosovo shall be understood to be in the context of United Nations Security Council resolution 1244 (1999).
References to Kosovo shall be understood to be in the context of United Nations Security Council resolution 1244 (1999).