Region:Asia Pacific
Current UN Women Plan Period Afghanisthan:2018-2022
outcome XM-DAC-41146-IDN_D_1.1
Stakeholders adopt innovative and integrated development solutions to accelerate advancement towards the SDGs.
During this reporting period, this outcome was achieved. The Government of Indonesia, led by the Ministry of Planning, the Ministry of Finance, and the Ministry of Women's Empowerment and Child Protection has been revitalizing the institutional mechanism on gender mainstreaming. This effort by the government focuses on a better planning, implementation, monitoring and tracking the public/state budget for gender equality commitment. This is a fruition of a 2-year process of starting the discussion at the Ministry of Planning in 2021, with the plan to evaluate the implementation of gender responsive budgeting and proposing for a new presidential regulation to revitalize the previous regulation issued in 2000. However, due to the upcoming election, the draft presidential regulation to support this gender-mainstreaming effort will be discussed in 2024. UN Women has been supporting the government by providing technical assistance in integrating gender-mainstreaming strategies in the technocratic document for the newly developed Medium and Long-Term National Development Plan. In addition, UN Women has also supported in improving government capacity on Gender Responsive Budgeting (GRB) training to gain commitment from the government in allocating as well as monitoring or tracking budget expenditure for gender-responsive programmes within the line ministries.
outcome XM-DAC-41146-IDN_D_2.1
Institutions and people contribute more effectively to advance a higher value-added and inclusive economic transformation
2023 marked continued collaborative efforts and commitment to advance women's participation in the economy. There was notable progress at the policy and strategy level, such as through the development of the Care Economy roadmap, which aimed to foster the government's commitment to advancing the Care Economy. The investment in the care economy will increase female labor force participation and generate at least 10.4 million new job opportunities by 2035. Some key partners, including UN Women, were consulted in the process of road map development. The Ministry of Women's Empowerment and Child Protection, in collaboration with various partners, including UNDP, has developed technical guidelines for gender-responsive climate change budget tagging. Other government institutions, such as the Center of Government Investment (PIP) and the Ministry of Communication, Information, and Technology, are consistently working to strengthen inclusive economic growth in Indonesia. Their support includes enhancing women's entrepreneurial skills and improving their access to financing. In the private sector, efforts to create a more gender-responsive business environment also continued in 2023. While there has not been a significant increase in WEP signatories in 2023, initiatives for women's empowerment from the private sector persist. For instance, companies like Indosat, Ooreedoo, and Dana are implementing accelerators for women. Additionally, companies like Gojek contribute to the development of women's entrepreneurial skills by facilitating training implementation and material development. In the current year, UN Women Indonesia has reached over 3000 women entrepreneurs who reported improvements in business skills and a better understanding of gender equality, both within their families and communities. Women are more confident to engage in profitable economic activities as a result of these improved abilities. In the long term,the impact of this increased participation is expected to contribute to national economic growth. UN Women's Entrepreneurship initiatives consistently applied the principle of "none left behind" by giving access to groups such as rural women, migrant and former migrant women, single mothers, and other to participate in the activities.
outcome XM-DAC-41146-IDN_D_3.1
People living in Indonesia, especially those at risk of being left furthest behind, are empowered to fulfil their human development potential as members of a pluralistic, tolerant, inclusive, and just society, free of gender and all other forms of discrimination, and violence against women
The outcome is on track, and some progress has been achieved during this reporting period. The number of cases reported by the National Commission on Violence Against Women (NCVAW) in 2023 increased to 4371 from 4322 cases in 2022. This may indicate increased awareness of women and girls victims of GBV to seek help and report their cases, resulting from better access to coordinated quality services. During the reporting period, through UN Women's support, government and non-government organizations are able to enhance coordinated quality service provision for women and girls victims of VAW and trafficking. At the National level, the Ministry of Health is able to design measures of HIV/AIDS prevention and response that are gender-responsive after receiving technical support from UN Women to draft a bridging document of the HIV National Action Plan 2024 – 2026. This NAP contains recommendations to assess policies, programs, and services through a gender lens, to mainstream gender into program design and implementation, and to implement human rights principles. In addition, the knowledge and capacity of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Komnas Perempuan, Health Service Providers, and non-government organizations at the national and local levels have increased through various technical support provided by UN Women such as training, workshops, seminars, consultation meetings and awareness raising activities. Komnas Perempuan reported that their capacity to respond and handle in-coming VAW complaints is now better and more timely after enhancing their data system infrastructures and tools and increasing the number of their complaint officers (UPR) staff. It has also increased its capacity to improve the production of data on VAW, including femicide, VAW migrant workers, and those living with HIV. Regarding data on WLHIV who have experienced violence since 2023, Komnas Perempuan received the report from IPPI, the national WLHIV network, which UN Women also supported to produce this report from 10 provinces. The lessons learned from this initiative to document cases of violence against WLHIV and developing the DELILA reporting system at IPPI also indirectly enhance the use of enabling technology for women living with HIV, especially at IPPI as a women's organization and Complaint Receiving Officers in 10 provinces as well as the WLHIV subjected to violence have access to reporting their cases. IPPI is currently available in 28 provinces; there's potential to scale the documentation beyond 10 provinces to obtain more data regarding WLHIV subjected to violence. Apart from that, with the formation of Puan Lingkar HIV, there is potential to expand the capacity of more women's organizations in the HIV circle to be able to document cases of violence against women so that reports related to HIV issues can be enrich and contribute to VAW national data, especially at the National Commission on Violence Against Women and Ministry of Women Empowerment and Child Protection (MoWECP).
outcome XM-DAC-41146-IDN_D_4.1
ASEAN institutions and Member States promote WPS at the regional and national levels
After the adoption by ASEAN Leaders of the first-ever Regional Plan of Action on Women Peace and Security several ASEAN Member States (AMS) including Cambodia, Thailand and Viet Nam, expressed strong interest in localizing the WPS agenda and exploring the development of a National Action Plan (NAP) on WPS which started in 2023. Indonesia finalized the monitoring and reporting framework of its second generation of its NAP on WPS with technical support from UN Women, while the Philippines adopted a new cycle of its NAP on WPS and the Regional Action Plan on WPS in the Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao (BARMM) region. The government of the Philippines published the adopted WPS policies Philippine’s 4th gen action plan on women, peace, and security launched – PeaceGovPH and its progress widely in the media. UN Women contributed significantly to developing these WPS National and local frameworks by providing technical expertise to the ASEAN Member States brokering exchange in the region and developing in partnership with ASEAN a Localisation Toolkit and Guidelines for the ASEAN Regional Plan of Action on Women, Peace and Security ( ) that was launched in Phnom Penh, Cambodia. This Localisation Toolkit provides technical guidance on how to facilitate the implementation of the ASEAN Regional Plan of Action on Women, Peace and Security adopted by ASEAN leaders in November 2022, by adapting its key provisions to national contexts and the steps for ASEAN Member States to develop National Action Plans on Women, Peace and Security. “Women, Peace and Security Agenda is critical for the promotion of gender equality. Advancing WPS needs more than a regional commitment. We need to develop national plans of action to ensure that the regional commitment is translated into practical actions at national and local levels. Cambodia as the lead country for the development of the ASEAN RPA on WPS and now for the WPS Localisation initiative is committed to enabling the regional commitment to become a reality for all women and girls in ASEAN,” emphasized H.E. Ing Kantha Phavi, MD, Minister of Women’s Affairs of Cambodia during the launch of the Toolkit.
outcome XM-DAC-41146-IDN_D_4.2
People living in Indonesia, especially those at risk of being left furthest behind, are empowered to fulfil their human development potential as members of a pluralistic, tolerant, inclusive, and just society, free of gender and all other forms of discrimination
Implementation of Women Access to Justice (WA2J) program in Indonesia has achieved great strides of achievement during project period, including efforts to bridge informal to formal justice systems that facilitates increased women’s’ access to justice. Among significant changes that the project had impacted women empowerment and cultural shifts that challenge predominant norms of men and women power relations in several project locations. These changes have evidently led to increased access to justice for women and children. While the project has successfully created functional quasi-institution to put forward, it could consider moving towards building or creating linkages with strong institution and financial support to ensure sustainability of impact. UN Women collaborated with Wahid Foundation in building peace through the Women Participation for Inclusive Society (WISE) – GUYUB program (Phase II) with targets in 3 provinces including West Java (Bogor and Depok), Central Java (Solo Raya) and East Java (Malang Raya and Sumenep). UN Women provided technical assistance in introducing the Human Security Approach and technical support on communication and media.Showing 1 - 5 of 5
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The boundaries and names shown and the designations used on this map do not imply official endorsement or acceptance by the United Nations.
References to Kosovo shall be understood to be in the context of United Nations Security Council resolution 1244 (1999).
References to Kosovo shall be understood to be in the context of United Nations Security Council resolution 1244 (1999).