Region:Asia Pacific
Current UN Women Plan Period Afghanisthan:2018-2022
outcome XM-DAC-41146-KGZ_D_1.1
Key national institutions are implementing international obligations and national commitments on gender equality and women’s empowerment in policy and budgeting processes, and are accountable for results, including through the coordination mandate of the country office.
States capacities to implement international obligations and national commitments on GEWE in integrated manner strengthened during the reporting period through access to a new tool , ‘Harmonised approach for International commitments on GEWE and Human Rights’. UN Women provided support in response to Government’s increased recognition of the need to work differently to effectively address recommendations in the concluding observations of the Treaty Bodies. The innovative tools on ‘Harmonised approach’ integrate recommendations from 11 Treaty bodies such as, the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW -2015, 2021), Universal Periodic Review (UPR -2015, 2020 ), Committee Against Torture (CAT – 2021), Committee on the Rights of the Child (CRC - 2014), Committee on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members of Their Families (CMW - 2015), Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (CESCR -2015), Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination (CERD - 2018), Committee on Human Rights (CCPR - 2014), Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP -2020), UN Population Fund, World Population Report (2020), Special Rapporteurs Recommendations (on everyone's right to access high standards of physical and mental health 2019, child trafficking, child prostitution and pornography 2013). This tool has been devised as an informational platform (grouped in line with 12 thematic areas of the Beijing Platform for Action and against relevant SDGs indicators). The members of the Inter-Ministerial Working Group noted the innovativeness and practical applicability of this tool, which breaks down institutional and policy silos, enables synergistic actions, facilitates identification of unintended negative consequences, and effectively manages unavoidable trade-offs across the respective line ministries and agencies. Moreover, group members recognised that, since the Harmonised Matrix displays recommendations over the last 2-3 reporting periods, it is possible to explicitly observe the repetitive nature of some recommendations. For example CEDAW concluding observations for the years 2015 and 2020 repeatedly urge the Government ‘to adopt comprehensive anti-discrimination legislation which prohibits discrimination against women on all grounds’. Furthermore, comparative analysis of the recommendations helped to identify recurring, related and cross-referenced recommendations across all 11 Treaty Bodies. To date the Matrix has been used in a pilot mode to inform the Government’s CEDAW response Action Plan. During the reporting period, the Kyrgyz Parliament, in its new convocation, created a new Council on Women and Children Rights and Gender Equality. This Council replaced the previous Council on Prevention of Domestic Violence, one of four major advisory councils under the Speaker of the Parliament. The Council, alongside civil society experts organized into three thematic groups, developed a strategy and action plan. The Council requested UN Women co-create the Council’s development strategy and action plan, in light of the Council’s expanded portfolio. UN Women set up the three expert groups along 3 thematic areas of the council (gender equality, women’s rights and children rights) to co-design and launch the process. The expert groups applied systems thinking as a mental model to see the interconnections among structures, behaviours, and relationships. Under facilitation of UN Women, the expanded expert groups, representing different CSOs, identified underlying causes and uncovered opportunities for creating positive change. Systems approaches to analysis provided a solid basis for broader strategic discussions with women MPs, their advisors, and CSOs regarding leverage points for change, potential areas for intervention, and technical and adaptive solutions. Further strategic conversations with members of the Council and a core expert group helped to refine the strategic priorities, including the role of the Parliament in brokering and initiating dialogue between the Government and CSOs on GEWE, to create a shared vision on GEWE within the broader context of sustainable country development.
outcome XM-DAC-41146-KGZ_D_3.1
Women and men, especially youth, value social norms supporting gender equality and women’s empowerment at individual and community levels
During the reporting period, progress towards this outcome was significant compared to baseline data, which revealed deeply rooted discriminatory practices, attitudes, and gender stereotypes in target communities (ethnographic review in 2020). According to monitoring findings: After GALS, communities started to openly discuss the issues of violence, where before it was largely silenced as a strictly family matter. Families have begun to reflect on a possible reassessment of family values, a renewed sense of love for art, sports, and getting used to starting the day with positivity, saying polite and loving words to each other. 70% of the oblast champions have revised their attitudes towards the role of women and men in the family, with greater support for equal sharing of responsibilities and consideration of everyone's role. Families started to think about the need for a fair approach to child-rearing, regardless of the gender of the child, as well as rejecting ideas about division of work into male and female work. 30% of men are involved in education and upbringing process. Fathers started to take time for their children and not only for education, but also for their childcare (understanding their role in children's upbringing and that this is not only the duty of a mother to care for their children); 40% of fathers have improved communication with their families. They started to discuss family matters together, to value everyone's contribution, to be open to dialogue, and to openly discuss what matters to other family members. This improved a number of relationships (relationships: husband-wife, parents-children, father-daughter, mother-in-law-kin, among friends, among colleagues, and among neighbours). The needs of each family member are recognized and their interests are taken into account in the decision-making process. Champions have started to take more account of children's interests and needs, to prioritize children's development costs (both for male and female children) ). Champions have started to discuss the need to plan and distribute family budget and have started their own family business; Champions recognise that women can earn as much as men and can choose their professional activity. UN Women made significant contributions to these results by upscaling and replicating the Gender Action Learning (GALS) methodology, which was successfully tested through previous UN Women work on changing social norms and behavior. The work on GALS was done by the IP Education for Community Development (ECD). Success story and quotes as evidence of the transformation Changing social norms to end violence against women and girls in Kyrgyzstan (Success story was published on SI global website Database of GALS participants by levels and pilot villages can be found here Supporting documents: KGZ_D_3.1.1.21_ECD progress report_Jun-Sep2022_Russian KGZ_D_3.1.1.21_ECD progress report_Oct-Dec2022_Russian
outcome XM-DAC-41146-KGZ_D_3.2
Service providers are better able to prevent VAWG and deliver essential services to victims and survivors of violence
The work under this outcome has slowed due to the delays in the adoption of the amendments to the Law on protection and safeguarding from domestic violence. The Draft Law has been suspended and returned for additional public consultations and subsequent parliamentarian hearings. This delayed the approval of the Essential Service Package. This package will change in response to changes in the Draft Law, ideally such that respective amendments are integrated into SGBV services SOPs and strengthen services in a survivor-centric manner. Moreover, during the reporting period UN Women held consultations with one of the districts of Chui province to test SOPs from a survivor-centric approach perspective, based on algorithms earlier developed by an expert team. Within 7 months of 2022 - 167 cases on VAW were sent to court which is significant increase compare to 48 cases within the whole year of 2021. 449 women VAW survivors received medical support in First Aid clinics, 1397 women received medical support in hospitals, and 1901 women received medical forensic support after the registration of VAW cases. In 2022, 25 representatives: Ombudsperson on Children’s rights under the office of the President of Kyrgyz Republic, Deputy Plenipotentiary Representatives of the President of the Kyrgyz Republic in the regions, vice-mayors of Bishkek and Osh cities on social issues, representatives of ministries and crisis centers in the regions learned to apply innovative approaches to bring both government and CSO actors to discuss and understand the complexity of sexual and gender-based violence against girls (according to the statistics for 2022 there is observed growing tendency of violence against girls and minors) to come to a shared understanding of entry points for prevention and response. Moreover, they discussed the possibility of uniting efforts to develop a roadmap for the prevention and response to violence against girls, linked to the National Strategy and Action Plan to achieve gender equality in the Kyrgyz Republic. UN Women facilitated the sessions by applying innovative tools with a specific focus on survivor/human centric approach.Showing 1 - 3 of 3
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The boundaries and names shown and the designations used on this map do not imply official endorsement or acceptance by the United Nations.
References to Kosovo shall be understood to be in the context of United Nations Security Council resolution 1244 (1999).
References to Kosovo shall be understood to be in the context of United Nations Security Council resolution 1244 (1999).