Region:Asia PacificCurrent UN Women Plan Period Afghanisthan:2018-2022
World Bank Income Classification:Low IncomeThe World Bank classifies economies for analytical purposes into four income groups: low, lower-middle, upper-middle, and high income. For this purpose it uses gross national income (GNI) per capita data in U.S. dollars, converted from local currency using the World Bank Atlas method, which is applied to smooth exchange rate fluctuations.Least Developed Country:YesSince 1971, the United Nations has recognized LDCs as a category of States that are deemed highly disadvantaged in their development process, for structural, historical and also geographical reasons. Three criteria are used: per capita income, human assets, and economic vulnerability.Gender Inequality Index:0.575GII is a composite metric of gender inequality using three dimensions: reproductive health, empowerment and the labour market. A low GII value indicates low inequality between women and men, and vice-versa.Gender Development Index:0.723GDI measures gender inequalities in achievement in three basic dimensions of human development: health, education, and command over economic resources.
Population:209,497,025Source of population data: United Nations, Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Population Division (2022). World Population Prospects: The 2022 RevisionMale:19,976,265 (9.5%)Female:189,520,760 (90.5%)
people live in a rule of law, an environment of peace and accountability through strong public institutions, media and civil society exercising their roles and responsibilities for effective and inclusive governance (related to SP_D_1.1 : More women of all ages fully participate, lead and engage in political institutions and processes)
The combined implementation of the different activities of the NGP, the national PBSG strategy, and the application of Law 052 have made it possible to create an environment where the rights of women and men are respected. The institutionalization of PBSG tools and the inclusion of gender at all levels (planning, program and policy development, budgeting process) allows for a better distribution of resources and a greater involvement of all segments of society in the country's development process.
By 2024, people live in a rule of law, an environment of peace and accountability through strong public institutions, media and civil society exercising their roles and responsibilities for effective and inclusive governance (related to SP_D_1.2 : More national and local plans and budgets are gender-responsive)
Several ministerial departments are able to take gender into account in their budgeting process as a result of the implementation of the PBSG strategy. Three PDSECs at the level of two district councils and one regional council are available thanks to the support of UN Women. To ensure its legitimacy, this process requires the involvement of all layers of the community, taking into account their specific needs. This involvement will facilitate the appropriation of the document and its implementation because everyone will feel responsible for the implementation of the activities selected in the plan.
“By 2024, Malian people, particularly the most vulnerable, participate in the economy and benefit from the benefits of strong, inclusive and resilient growth that creates decent jobs Related.
The year 2022 has been marked by the aftermath of covid with still ongoing negative impact on the private sector and especially Women evolving in the formal and informal sector of the economy. The ongoing socio-political crisis that the country is facing has had an impact of women and their businesses. To advance on reaching sustainable results, the program has used strategical partnership such as partnerships with API and World Bank in the operationalization of the Women Business Center, FAFE in the capacity building of women entrepreneurs and structures like Impact Her in advancing women’s access to digital solutions and in building their capacities.
The program has also applied the “leaving no one behind” concept throughout its interventions and more specifically by allowing more than 265 women evaluating in the informal sector to formalize their activities, hence allowing the capitalization of their contribution to the economy.
UN Women and its partners have enabled over 1853 women owned enterprises and cooperatives to access diverse opportunities allowing them to improve their structuration and organizational capacities, acquire more information and opportunities on accessing procurement opportunities both at national level and exporting markets and to better evolve in the formal economy.
Through strategic partnership, UNW has enabled different institutions to mainstream gender in their business model such as MINUSMA which is now actively engaged in putting into practice the gender responsive procurement principles. It has also enabled national structures to have a better understanding and take into consideration the needs of women owned businesses into two current reforms.
By 2024, communities are managing natural resources and the environment in a sustainable and equitable manner and are more resilient to the adverse effects of climate change
In 2022, the achievements of the first phase of the Agriculture program were reinforced. This has materialized with the funding of the roadmap and investment plan of the revised Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) and with the mobilization of other donors to benefit from additional funding to make beneficiaries benefit from the support of our annual work plan for increased community resilience to the effects of climate change. Better positioning of UN Women at the UNS level in thematic groups, with government structures and the private sector. At least 10 meetings were attended in UN clusters and 2 high-level workshops during which positive contributions were made. UN Women provided co-leadership to the Sustainable and Inclusive Economy Thematic Group (SIE TG) and contributed to the facilitation of the group. In addition, the support process for one of the important components of our work is triggered in synergy with other agencies like UNFPA. This is the support for the research and dissemination of data on unpaid domestic work. This has helped to highlight the challenges related to the inclusion of the monetary value of unpaid work by women farmers in national accounts.
At the operational level, 176 women in the Mopti region acquired a production space equipped with a solar system to strengthen their resilience to the effects of the security crisis and climate change through a joint partnership with the FAO. In addition, 150 actors in charge of groups in the Niafounké circle in the Timbuktu region have strengthened their resilience to the effects of climate change through the transfer of new skills on Water and Soil Conservation (WSC) and Soil Defense and Restoration (SDR), livestock farming, fish farming, fodder farming and dune fixation techniques. At least 620 producers acquired 12 tons of improved rice and sorghum seeds and more than 1,580 beneficiaries strengthened their resilience to climate change with the provision of vegetable seeds. In addition, 3,600 beneficiaries acquired 8 wells to strengthen their economic activity with increased access to water. In addition, rural women's access to ICTs has been strengthened with 35 members of shea groups acquiring new capacities to use the BFW platform and on digital marketing. Girls' access to ICTs for youth has been triggered by the launch of the first call for applications to recruit 50 girls who will benefit from the regional project on African. Girls Can Code. Mali was selected as one of the 11 countries that benefit from this initiative.
1100 women farmers benefited for the first time from crop insurance to protect their crops from losses due to drought and floods. UN Women Mali in partnership with UNCDF and with support from WACARO led to the development of a new crop insurance product for a female-dominated value chain (groundnut), the creation of new jobs for rural women in a non-conventional sector such as the insurance value chain, and the development of gender-sensitive training materials for insurance agents to enable them to better understand the specific needs and constraints faced by women.
Resource mobilization challenges have limited the implementation of our work plan, however, actions are underway to solicit other donors interested in Mali and the economic strengthening component. 4 concept notes have been proposed, 1 of which is funded to scale up the initiative on the provision of gender sensitive agricultural insurance services for approximately US$200,000
By 2024, vulnerable people have improved access to social welfare services, including in humanitarian context.
UN Women's actions in the field of eliminating violence against women and girls have contributed to a gradual change in people's mentality regarding the perception of GBV, especially traditional and religious leaders through national and regional coalitions.
Alliances of women's rights defenders have been set up to carry out actions in favor of GBV prevention, harmful practices, the promotion of RH rights and emergency assistance to survivors in the communes of Bougouni, Kolokani, Kati and Sélingué.
About forty civil society organizations, including women's and youth associations and community-based organizations, provide information on women's political and social rights and on services for GBV victims and survivors.
Thanks to these different actions, hundreds of women and girls have a better understanding of prevention and protection measures against GBV and of menstrual hygiene management. 23 groups of women and girls facing multiple forms of discrimination have been trained in IGAs.
The capacity building of hundreds of traditional chiefs and religious leaders in the regions of Koulikoro, Segou, Kayes, Sikasso and Bamako has allowed them to become more involved in prevention and protection activities. They regularly undertake information, awareness-raising and mediation activities and promote gender equality and the fight to eliminate GBV in their respective communities.
In terms of access to legal assistance, many improvements have been observed at the level of the national police department, which is the entry point for survivors. GBV sections have been created in the different units of the national police department and capacity building has been carried out with the support of UN Women, through training and the provision of computer equipment.
The boundaries and names shown and the designations used on this map do not imply official endorsement or acceptance by the United Nations.
References to Kosovo shall be understood to be in the context of United Nations Security Council resolution 1244 (1999).