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Region:Asia Pacific Current UN Women Plan Period Afghanisthan:2018-2022
i-icon World Bank Income Classification:Low Income The World Bank classifies economies for analytical purposes into four income groups: low, lower-middle, upper-middle, and high income. For this purpose it uses gross national income (GNI) per capita data in U.S. dollars, converted from local currency using the World Bank Atlas method, which is applied to smooth exchange rate fluctuations. i-icon Least Developed Country:Yes Since 1971, the United Nations has recognized LDCs as a category of States that are deemed highly disadvantaged in their development process, for structural, historical and also geographical reasons. Three criteria are used: per capita income, human assets, and economic vulnerability. i-icon Gender Inequality Index:0.575 GII is a composite metric of gender inequality using three dimensions: reproductive health, empowerment and the labour market. A low GII value indicates low inequality between women and men, and vice-versa. i-icon Gender Development Index:0.723 GDI measures gender inequalities in achievement in three basic dimensions of human development: health, education, and command over economic resources.
i-icon Population:209,497,025 Source of population data: United Nations, Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Population Division (2022). World Population Prospects: The 2022 Revision Male:19,976,265 (9.5%) Female:189,520,760 (90.5%)
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outcome XM-DAC-41146-TJK_D_1.1

Women and girls, particularly those from vulnerable groups, increasingly benefit from gender-responsive governance

The Outcome was not achieved, but a significant progress made: The Third Alternative Report to the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW) prepared on status of Women Living with HIV (WLWH). The CEDAW will receive objective first-hand information on the status of WLWH: these women face high levels of stigma and discrimination, discriminatory laws, and barriers to services, including access to legal support. Sixty (60) women living with HIV, rural and urban, actively contributed to the report, justified by evidence, data and statistics with UN Women technical support. The report contains a set of concrete recommendations to the State. Forty-five (45) WLWH beneficiaries of the UN Women-delivered Transformative Leadership training (2021-2022) led this process. Office partnered with the Tajikistan Network of WLWH, the Network of Professional Lawyers, and NGO SpinPLus, whose key recommendations and inputs were factored in the Report. In the course of this work, UN Women has further strengthened its partnership with these CSOs. The Government submitted a List of suggested amendments to the Law on Prevention of Domestic Violence (DV) to the Parliament . The key recommendations include: define DV as a crime; provide access to services and means of legal protection to victims and appropriate punishment for the perpetrator; apply for compensation for material and moral damage caused by DV; use free of charge the medical services for victims; ensure the Prosecutor Office, Child Rights Commission; CoWFA, local authorities and health and social protection institutions have the authority to prevent violence; introduce referral services for victims, including more clarity on shelters; and introduce local coordinating bodies on prevention. These amendments are a result of continuous advocacy by UN Women and partners. Technical expertise was provided by Office in 2019-2022 to identify key gaps and bottlenecks in the existing legislation and provide policy advice, based on the international best practices in line with CEDAW recommendations. Three Government Working Groups engaged in joint advocacy work, done in the frames of the Spotlight Programme. Office partnered with UNDP, UNICEF, UNFPA, OHCHR, and prominent civil society actors, who provided joint recommendations and inputs. In the course of this work, Office has strengthened its partnership with the legal department of the Executive Presidential Apparatus and other government entities. Prominent civil society actors provided key recommendations and inputs as well. Tajikistan strengthened national Gender-Responsive Budgeting (GRB) through two projects: Financings SDGs in Tajikistan and Supporting Families Left Behind in Khatlon. This was accomplished through: i) development of the “Gender responsive budget analysis of pilot ministries programs and policies in Tajikistan”; ii) signing a Memorandum of Understanding with the Academy of Public Administration (APA) on mainstreaming gender equality and GRB; iii) establishing a Centre for capacity-building for talented women and women in decision-making; iv) development and institutionalization of the training module for civil servants on GRB; v) 17 trainers, 83 civil servants and 114 members of the workings groups under the National Development Council increased their capacity on gender and financing SDGs; vi) development of the “Practical guide on GRB implementation”; and vii) providing recommendations on piloting GRB. Through these results, Office established itself as a key actor on GRB in Tajikistan and was included in the national working group (WG) on mainstreaming GRB and SDG marker. This WG at the Ministry of Finance (MoF) developed, with inputs from UN Women, the draft Law "On the State Budget of the Republic of Tajikistan for 2024" and instruction on the development of indicators for the State Budget 2023-2025. Twenty (20) state and non-state service providers and CSOs run an effective, confidential and gender sensitive SGBV response mechanism due to the UN Women-designed and piloted SGBV Localized Referral Mechanism rolled-out by Migration Programme. The Committee of Women and Family Affairs (CoWFA) developed the mechanism in the frames of the Spotlight Programme, which has proved to be a successful tool in providing client-centered services to the women and girls. Almost 320 women/girls applied to the local Department of the CoWFA and were referred for services since the mechanism’s operationalization in August 2022 which is now active in two pilot districts of the Migration Programme. The Government of Tajikistan increased its commitments to gender equality and women’s empowerment through policy development, coordination efforts, and practical initiatives to promote women’s rights. In particular, these commitments are now reflected in the draft National Migration Strategy which has been gender mainstreamed. The Government’s adoption and implementation of this Strategy 2030 will be an important political step for Tajikistan. The draft Strategy now responds to the needs of women, related to their social protection, support, and economic activities, with the Office’s support. It should be noted, the initial draft of the strategy was gender-neutral and relevant gender aspects were poorly highlighted in various sections. UN Women’s recommendations included: changes into the overall structure of the strategy to better reflect gender issues; gender analysis of key trends in the fields of labor migration; suggested gender disaggregated/or gender-specific indicators to the Monitoring and Evaluation Section; changed text from gender-neutral into gender-sensitive; introduced gender-specific actions. The Deputy Minister of Labor, Migration, and Employment of Population Minister (MoLMEP) recognized the role of UN Women in supporting the legislation at various stakeholders meetings. The Government is expected to adopted the Strategy in 2023. Office also partnered with United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), UNICEF, IOM, and FAO to ensure that the draft Strategy incorporated the multifaceted nature of women’s vulnerability and addressed them in a comprehensive way. Prominent civil society actors provided key recommendations and inputs to the draft Strategy. In the course of this work, Office has successfully strengthened partnerships with the above state and non-state partners. Women’s vulnerabilities were discussed and addressed through economic solutions at the Women’s Economic Empowerment Symposium. Representatives of relevant ministries and departments, business associations, private sector, development partners, experts, and media representatives participated in the Symposium which was held in the framework of Migration Project in close partnership with the State Committee on Investment (SIC) and Women’s Entrepreneurship TaskForce under the Government of Tajikistan. Over 120 women, especially from vulnerable groups, youth and people with disabilities, exchanged information and developed specific recommendations in order to create opportunities for promoting women’s entrepreneurship and discuss ways to overcome problems and obstacles in these areas. This was through a platform created by UN Women in partnership with UNDP, USAID, local financial institutions and CSOs . The Government of Tajikistan, the SIC, the Secretariat of the Advisory Council under the President of the Republic of Tajikistan, and the CoWFA recognized the role of UN Women in organizing the Symposium and its contributions to the development of women’s businesses. Report and recommendations from the Symposiums presented to the Government by the SIC in its annual report for 2022. Notably, under the guidance of the Regional Office, the new ToC 2023-2026 was developed in 2022. The new ToC informed by all good practices and lessons learned and reflects recent developments in the country and in the region.
outcome XM-DAC-41146-TJK_D_3.1

Normative and policy frameworks are promoted and adapted in line with international standards, and institutions have the commitment, knowledge and capacities to legislate, plan, implement and monitor policies to address VAWG and femicide.

Outcome has not been achieved , but significant progress was made: State and non-state stakeholders, including UN GTG members accessed the Review of the National Action Plan (NAP) on Prevention of Violence in the Family (2014-2023) to assess progress, successes, gaps, and identify future priorities, conducted by UN Women. The Review results will contribute to the new comprehensive NAP on elimination of all forms of violence against women (beyond 2023) to ensure comprehensive gender sensitive approach and relevant survivor- centered provisions in the new NAP. Thus, the legislative and policy frameworks will be translated into evidence-based plans, in line with international human rights standards. This work is planned for 2023. UN Women partnered with United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), UNICEF, UNFPA, and local experts, who provided key recommendations and inputs throughout the process. In the course of this work, UN Women further strengthened its partnership with the CoWFa, as the main Government agency in charge of NAP. Women and Girls with Disabilities (WWDs) have improved access to Medical forensic and Crisis Centers’ services in six target districts during violence investigation process and violence cases. Twenty (20) medical forensic experts (MFE) increased their knowledge on and applied the Global standards of provision of services to respond to sexual and gender-based violence against women and girls with disabilities. Eighteen (18) employees of six target NGOs increased their knowledge and understanding of disability, human rights based approach in their work, legal and non-discrimination framework for people with disabilities (PWD) and improved their practical skills in daily case management and correct documentation of the facts of violence. The NGOs' specialists accessed practical information on understanding disability and rules and procedures of documenting the facts of violence against PWDs by applying the developed Guidelines on counselling and providing aid to WGWDs. Six Medical Forensic Departments and six target NGOs received material support in the form of computer equipment, semi-medical furniture - assistive hearing aids; medical screens 3-fold (Bolognese fabric) on wheels for functional zoning; indoor wheelchair; optical magnifiers for reading; handrails with ribbed non-slip surface; laptop; MFCs; software packages, gynecologic sets, and more. Thus, 611 citizens (48 girls under-18 (8%), 563 women (92%) and 3 men) subjected to different forms of violence, saught help and legal advice from trained NGOs. Of these citizens, 124 are women with disabilities, or is 20.2%. All women were provided with psychological support, legal advice or were referred to relevant structures and services. More than 3,800 people raised their awareness on existing assistance services to respond to and prevent violence against women and girls with disabilities by participating in information sessions/actions. This work was implemented by UN Women, responsible partner NGO AFIF, and six local CSOs in the frames of the Spotlight initiative. Ministry of Health and Social Protection was the key Government partner under this initiative. 10 CSOs servicing victims of VAWG developed and employed a unified, VAWG case registration database for the collection of data disaggregated by type of violence, perpetrator, categories of violence against women and girls; disaggregated by sex, age and relationship between victim and perpetrator, ethnicity of the survivors of violence, the number of complaints received, legal and other types of aid rendered, and outcome of the case/sentence imposed on perpetrators. Remarkably, service providers regularly collect and analyze the data related to VAWG as a result of the electronic database, in line with international standards. Thus, prevalence and incidence data on VAWG will be easy to analyze and be made publicly available to inform evidence-based decision making. This work was done by Office in consultation with the Regional Office under the Spotlight Programme. UN Women also provided training and needed equipment to database users. Spotlight UN and non-UN partners and other organizations working on VAWG in Tajikistan accessed the database for potential replication. Local CSOs and experts provided key inputs and recommendations during database development. A number of local CSOs developed with the Alternative CEDAW Report, which is justified by evidence, data and statistics and contains a set of concrete recommendations to the State, with UN Women support. As a result of this report, the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women will have access objective first-hand information on the status of women and girls in Tajikistan. UN Women partnered with the OSCE, United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), UNICEF, UNFPA, and local experts, provided key recommendations and guided local CSOs through the process. The National Action Plan on Security Council Resolution 1325 (NAP 1325) includes all of the important aspects of the Women, Peace, and Security agenda, has been prepared by the Government of Tajikistan, and will be further elaborated and adopted in 2023. As the previous NAP 1325 was adopted in 2019 till 2022, the Government of Tajikistan conducted four monitoring meetings with partners in 2022, including those representing CSOs (youth as well) in various regions of the country to assess the implementation of the NAP and identify main areas of interventions for the new NAP, as a result of UN Women advocacy. The outcomes of the monitoring visits and discussions demonstrated that, since 2019, peace and security agenda in Tajikistan and the region has been changed; interlinkage between climate change and security issues prioritized; the need to engage with the CSOs and youth organizations increased. UN Women established partnerships with OSCE and BOMCA project to better coordinate development and implementation of the NAP. Key state partners include: CoWFA, ministries of interior and defence, Committees on National Security and Emergencies, and local government actors. Civil society organizations, including Women Peacebuilders Network and youth organizations significantly contributed to this process. The UN Women was key in supporting the process through technical expertise, convening work, guiding the inclusion of climate change issues (in light of cross-border conflicts) and needs of returnees from Iraq and Syria, and facilitating regional WPS and NAP 1325 dialogs. The UN Women global WPS programm, core Office funds, and on-going Office's programmes on violence against women and governance contributed to the process. Further advocacy for finalization of the NAP and government funding allocations will be done in 2023. The approximate UN Women’s financial support to the development of NAP will be calculated upon completion of the process, and UN Women plans to intentionally engage with various groups at public discussions in 2023. Notably, under the guidance of the Regional Office, the new ToC 2023-2026 was developed in 2022. The new ToC informed by all good practices and lessons learned and reflects recent developments in the country and in the region.
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References to Kosovo shall be understood to be in the context of United Nations Security Council resolution 1244 (1999).
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