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Submitted by hannah on
Our result highlights
our story Transforming to drive results image

Transforming to drive results

An important transformation in UN Women’s Strategic Plan 2022–2025 is the renewed determination to focus on field results and service delivery, ensuring resources, expertise and authority are available at the regional and country levels. UN Women met its 2022 milestones for the redistribution of posts to field offices, for cross-regional knowledge exchange initiatives and for business process improvements.

UN Women continues to demonstrate its commitment to delivering at the heart of the United Nations system by increasing the use of common premises shared with other organizations. 

our story Transforming to drive results image

Transforming to drive results

An important transformation in UN Women’s Strategic Plan 2022–2025 is the renewed determination to focus on field results and service delivery, ensuring resources, expertise and authority are available at the regional and country levels. UN Women met its 2022 milestones for the redistribution of posts to field offices, for cross-regional knowledge exchange initiatives and for business process improvements.

UN Women continues to demonstrate its commitment to delivering at the heart of the United Nations system by increasing the use of common premises shared with other organizations. 


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Your voice is crucial in this journey of growth and improvement. Thank you for being a pivotal part of our community. We are all ears and cannot wait to hear your thoughts and suggestions!

What type of institution do you identify with? Please select one.
Question 01