All people in Ethiopia enjoy the rights and capabilities to realize their potential in equality and with dignity.
The Government of Ethiopia, the UN system, and development partners have enhanced capacities and strengthened political will to advance gender equality principles and practices in all initiatives relating to expanding women and young women’s access to decent work and participation in civic life, and (humanitarian) decision making processes especially marginalised and disadvantaged young women
National and sub-national governments, the UN system, development partners, and civil society, produce and use evidence, have improved knowledge, capacity and resources as well as political will to develop, adopt, implement, and monitor legislation, policies, strategies, programs and systems to reduce gender inequality and combat VAWG in all its forms, including CRSV and other violence in crisis and conflict affected settings
National and subnational governments and civil society, including local women’s organisations and networks have capacity to design and implement gender-responsive policy and regulatory frameworks, strategies and tools that ensure equitable, safe, and dignified response and recovery mechanisms to enable women and girls who are affected by conflict, humanitarian crisis and displacement to rebuild their lives in sustainable ways, particularly focusing on those that are marginalised and vulnerable
All people in Ethiopia live in a cohesive, just, inclusive and democratic society.
Women’s leadership is increased at all levels through improved knowledge, capabilities, gender responsive policy and institutional frameworks, systems and tools that advance it at all levels, including women with disabilities and young women.
The GoE, its institutions, women’s organisations, humanitarian actors, and civil society have strengthened knowledge, evidence, capacities, resources, political will, mechanisms, and accountability frameworks and platforms to ensure women and girls’ rights and access to justice, and to provide protection and gender responsive services across the humanitarian-development-peace-security nexus
Gender and vulnerability responsive peace architecture at federal, regional and sub-regional levels prevent and respond to violations of women’s and girls’ rights in conflict, and women and their organizations have improved capacities to participate in conflict prevention, resolution, reconciliation, and peace building, in alignment with global normative frameworks.
Women’s movements, feminist civil society organizations and the media have evidence, strategies, resources, partnerships, skills, and tools that enable them to support women and girls to claim their rights and actively participate in political, economic and civic spaces.
All people in Ethiopia benefit from an inclusive, resilient and sustainable economy
The GoE at national and sub-national levels, and gender machineries and women’s civil society organizations, have increased capability, tools and political will to integrate, monitor and respond to gender inequalities in planning, financing and budgeting, including investments in micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs).
GoE, humanitarian actors and women’s civil society organisations have and use increased evidence, capacities, resources, approaches and political will to tackle discriminatory social norms, practices and legislation in formal and informal employment sectors, and expand women’s access to decent jobs, livelihood opportunities, and gender-responsive social protection, including young, vulnerable and marginalised women including as part of humanitarian and early recovery interventions
All people in Ethiopia live in a society resilient to environmental risks and adapted to climate change.
The GoE at national and subnational levels has capacity, evidence, and tools to develop and adopt gender and vulnerability responsive prevention, preparedness and disaster recovery legislation, strategies, and systems, to address climate and disaster risk adaptation, mitigation and environmental sustainability.
The GoE and women’s civil society organizations have capacity to strengthen normative frameworks, institutions, systems and capacities to promote gender equitable benefit sharing from the use of natural resources, and women and girls’ leadership in disaster risk management, environmental governance and climate related planning .
Assuring an accountable organization through principled performance
UN-Women is an accountable and trustworthy development organization that manages its financial and other resources with integrity and in line with its programmatic ambitions and fiduciary obligations.
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Disclaimer and notes
References to Kosovo shall be understood to be in the context of United Nations Security Council resolution 1244 (1999).