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Planned Budget (Total) Disclaimer
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Showing field-based data over the years: 2022
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$537.18 M Planned Budget
$391.62 M Actual Budget
$145.56 M Shortfall
$294.49 M Expenses
Office IATI Identifier outcome result statement
Planned Budget Actual Budget and Shortfall expenses
XM-DAC-41146-AFG_D_1.2 Women have improved capacity, access to resources/knowledge and agency to participate, lead and engage in political processes, including running as elective officials in Afghanistan
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XM-DAC-41146-AFG_D_2.1 Women in Afghanistan have increased access to income generation opportunities and income security
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XM-DAC-41146-AFG_D_3.2 Favorable social norms, attitudes, and behaviors are promoted at individual, community and institutional levels to prevent VAW
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XM-DAC-41146-AFG_D_3.3 Women survivors of VAWG have increased access to quality, comprehensive services
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XM-DAC-41146-AFG_D_3.5 Civil society organizations are able to advocate on, and prevent and respond to VAWG through support from the Women’s Peace and Humanitarian Fund & Spotlight Initiative Fund
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XM-DAC-41146-AFG_D_3.6 National and sub-national institutions and organisations have the commitment, knowledge and capacities to legislate, advocate, plan, implement and monitor policies to prevent and respond to SGBV and HP
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XM-DAC-41146-AFG_D_4.1 An enabling environment for the implementation of WPS commitments is fostered.
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XM-DAC-41146-AFG_D_4.2 Women are represented and meaningfully participate in all peace and security, peace-building, recovery and humanitarian processes, including formal and informal peace negotiations and forums
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XM-DAC-41146-AFG_D_6.1 The capacity of the government and stakeholders is strengthened to assess the progress in implementation of the Beijing Platform for Action, and other global normative and policy frameworks
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XM-DAC-41146-AFG_O_1 Drive more effective and efficient UN system coordination and strategic partnerships
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XM-DAC-41146-AFG_O_2 Institutionalize a strong culture of results-based management, reporting, knowledge management and evaluation
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XM-DAC-41146-AFG_O_3 Mobilize and leverage adequate resources
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XM-DAC-41146-AFG_O_4 Improved management of financial and human resources in pursuit of results
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XM-DAC-41146-ALB_D_1.1 By 2026, government institutions ensure increased and more equitable investment in people to remove barriers and create opportunities for those at risk of exclusion (UNSDCF Outcome A).
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XM-DAC-41146-ALB_D_1.2 By 2026, all persons benefit from, and contribute to, innovative and integrated policy solutions that accelerate sustainable, productive and inclusive development, enhanced climate change adaptation and mitigation and transition to a green and blue economy (UNSDCF Outcome B).
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XM-DAC-41146-ALB_D_1.3 By 2026, all persons contribute to, gender-responsive governance that strengthens equality and non-discrimination, promotes women’s empowerment and human rights, and reduces violence against women and children (UNSDCF C2).
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XM-DAC-41146-ALB_O_1 Assuring an accountable organization through principled performance
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XM-DAC-41146-ALB_O_2 Advancing partnerships and resources resourcing; Effectively influencing for impact & scale
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XM-DAC-41146-ALB_O_4 Nurturing an empowered workforce and advancing an inclusive UN-Women culture
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XM-DAC-41146-APA_D_2.1 Gender-responsive policy and legislative frameworks are developed and implemented to promote safe migration, decent work and sustainable development for all women workers, including migrant workers
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XM-DAC-41146-APA_D_2.2 More women lead, participate and have access to business opportunities to advance sustainable and inclusive growth (Outcome 7)
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XM-DAC-41146-APA_D_2.3 Needs of women are better addressed by climate change and disaster risk reduction actions for ensuring alternative climate-resilient livelihoods
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XM-DAC-41146-APA_D_3.1 An enabling legislative and policy environment in line with international standards on EVAW and other forms of discrimination is in place and translated into action
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XM-DAC-41146-APA_D_3.2 Favorable social norms, attitudes and behaviors are promoted at national, community and individual levels to prevent VAW
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XM-DAC-41146-APA_D_6.1 Governments and civil society are able to assess and inform progress in the implementation of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action, the SDGs as well as other global and regional normative frameworks
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Showing 1 - 25 of 693
Disclaimer and notes
The boundaries and names shown and the designations used on this map do not imply official endorsement or acceptance by the United Nations.
References to Kosovo shall be understood to be in the context of United Nations Security Council resolution 1244 (1999).
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