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Planned Budget (Total) Disclaimer
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Showing field-based data over the years: 2022
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$537.18 M Planned Budget
$391.62 M Actual Budget
$145.56 M Shortfall
$294.49 M Expenses
Office IATI Identifier outcome result statement
Planned Budget Actual Budget and Shortfall expenses
XM-DAC-41146-TJK_D_3.1 Normative and policy frameworks are promoted and adapted in line with international standards, and institutions have the commitment, knowledge and capacities to legislate, plan, implement and monitor policies to address VAWG and femicide.
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XM-DAC-41146-TJK_O_1 Principled Performance
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XM-DAC-41146-TJK_O_2 Advancing partnership and resources
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XM-DAC-41146-TJK_O_3 Business Transformation
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XM-DAC-41146-TJK_O_4 Empowered people
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XM-DAC-41146-TJK_O_5 Products, Services, Processes
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XM-DAC-41146-TLS_D_2.1 By 2025, institutions and people throughout Timor-Leste in all their diversity, especially women and youth, benefit from sustainable economic opportunities and decent work to reduce poverty.
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XM-DAC-41146-TLS_D_3.1 By 2025, the most excluded people of Timor-Leste are empowered to claim their rights, including freedom from violence, through accessible, accountable and gender responsive governance systems, institutions and services at national and subnational levels (UNSDCF OUTCOME 5)
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XM-DAC-41146-TLS_D_4.1 WPS (UNSDCF Outcome 5) By 2025, the most excluded people of Timor-Leste are empowered to claim their rights, including freedom from violence, through accessible, accountable and gender responsive governance systems, institutions and services at national and subnational levels
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XM-DAC-41146-TLS_D_6.1 Government and non-governmental stakeholders’ capacities strengthened to assess and report on progress on the 2030 Agenda and other global normative and policy frameworks for GEWE and government accountability is strengthened (Contributes to UNSDCF Outcome 5)
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XM-DAC-41146-TLS_O_2 Increased engagement of diverse partners in support of UN-Women’s mandate in Timor-Leste
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XM-DAC-41146-TLS_O_3 Enhanced quality of programmes through knowledge, innovation, RBM & evaluation
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XM-DAC-41146-TLS_O_4 Improved management of financial and human resources in pursuit of results
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XM-DAC-41146-TON_D_3.1 Women and men in target communities demonstrate support to survivors of violence and practice balanced power in their relationships.
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XM-DAC-41146-TON_D_3.2 Women and Girls, especially from particular groups (with disabilities, rural, sexual and gender minorities) from target countries, who experience violence have access to quality essential services (health, social service, police and justice) to recover from violence
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XM-DAC-41146-TUN_D_7.1 In 2025, institutions, conducting effective and risk-sensitive public policies in partnership with economic and social actors, put the country's resources at the service of inclusive, sustainable, resilient socio-economic development that generates decent jobs, particularly for the most vulnerable. (UNSDCF Effect 1)
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XM-DAC-41146-TUN_D_7.2 By 2025, health, education and social protection systems are resilient and ensure equitable access and quality services, especially for the most vulnerable, and effective engagement of the population (UNSDCF Effect 3)
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XM-DAC-41146-TUN_D_8.1 In 2025, accountable institutions supported by a harmonized legislative framework and committed populations guarantee the strengthening of the rule of law, the protection of human rights and social cohesion and justice, especially for the most vulnerable, in accordance with international conventions and standards and in complementarity and interdependence with inclusive and sustainable development efforts. (UNSDCF Effect 3)
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XM-DAC-41146-TUN_O_1 UN Women is an accountable and trustworthy development organization that manages its financial and other resources with integrity and in line with its programmatic ambitions and fiduciary obligations.
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XM-DAC-41146-TUN_O_2 UN Women effectively leverages and expands its partnerships, communications and advocacy capabilities to increase support for and financing of the gender equality agenda, while securing sustainable resourcing for the delivery of its own mandate.
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XM-DAC-41146-TUN_O_3 UN Women strategically plans for and transforms its business model to deliver impact at scale, through agile and ethical leadership rooted in a continuous improvement culture.
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XM-DAC-41146-TUN_O_4 With its unique and inclusive culture, UN-Women is an employer of choice with a diverse and highly performing cadre of personnel that embodies UN values.
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XM-DAC-41146-TUN_O_5 UN Women efficiently and effectively discharges of all business processes that advance integrated delivery of its normative, operational and coordination mandate at HQ, Regional and Country level, including through shared services.
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XM-DAC-41146-TUR_D_1.1 Women and girls have improved and equal access to resources, opportunities and rights, and enjoy a life without violence and discrimination
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XM-DAC-41146-TUR_D_1.2 By 2025, Persons under the Law on Foreigners and International Protection are supported towards self-reliance.
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Showing 576 - 600 of 693
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The boundaries and names shown and the designations used on this map do not imply official endorsement or acceptance by the United Nations.
References to Kosovo shall be understood to be in the context of United Nations Security Council resolution 1244 (1999).
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