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Planned Budget (Total) Disclaimer
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Showing field-based data over the years: 2022
Field-based data
$537.18 M Planned Budget
$391.62 M Actual Budget
$145.56 M Shortfall
$294.49 M Expenses
Office IATI Identifier outcome result statement
Planned Budget Actual Budget and Shortfall expenses
XM-DAC-41146-MDA_O_2 Partnerships
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XM-DAC-41146-MDA_O_3 High quality programmes
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XM-DAC-41146-MDA_O_4 Management
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XM-DAC-41146-MEX_D_1.1 By 2025, the Mexican State plans with territorial, population and gender perspective, inclusive strategies to generate shared prosperity that reduces inequality and poverty.
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XM-DAC-41146-MEX_D_2.1 By 2025, the population in conditions of greatest vulnerability has access to universal health, education and culture, food, social protection and a comprehensive quality care system.
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XM-DAC-41146-MEX_D_2.2 By 2025, the Mexican State has decent work programs to address labor market needs, including institutional strengthening, job training, formalization, women's economic participation, protection of rights, social mobility and labor justice.
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XM-DAC-41146-MEX_D_2.3 By 2025, the Mexican State strengthens its capacities for adaptation and resilience to climate variability and change through multisectoral policies, programs, tools and services, with a focus on the most vulnerable groups and territories; consolidating the perspectives of interculturality, human rights and gender, which consider the integral management of water, disaster risks and based on the sustainable management of terrestrial, coastal and marine ecosystems.
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XM-DAC-41146-MEX_D_3.1 By 2025, the Mexican State effectively implements regulatory frameworks, public policies and quality mechanisms that prevent and sanction all forms and manifestations of violence, particularly against women, girls and adolescents, to while guaranteeing access to quality services for proper care and protection for victims.
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XM-DAC-41146-MEX_D_4.1 Mexican State advance in the promotion, protection and respect of the full exercise of women human rights to access to justice and reparation for the entire population , especially that found in contexts of greater vulnerability, in conditions of equality and under the principle of leaving no one behind
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XM-DAC-41146-MEX_D_6.1 By 2025, the Mexican State has a comprehensive strategy for social development, combating multidimensional poverty and inequality, with an integrated approach to human rights, gender, interculturality, life cycle and territory, which incorporates re-distributive mechanisms without leaving anyone behind.
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XM-DAC-41146-MEX_O_1 Enhanced coordination, coherence and accountability of the UN system for commitments to gender equality and women´s empowerment
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XM-DAC-41146-MEX_O_2 Increased engagement of partners in support of UN Women’s mandate
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XM-DAC-41146-MEX_O_3 High quality of programmes through knowledge, innovation, results-based management and evaluation.
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XM-DAC-41146-MKD_D_1.1 By 2025, people in North Macedonia have universal access to rights- based quality social services – healthcare, education, and necessary social and child protection - rooted in systems resilient to emergencies (UNSDCF Outcome 2)
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XM-DAC-41146-MKD_D_1.2 By 2025, people in North Macedonia benefit from improved rule of law, evidence- based, anticipatory and gender responsive policies, greater social cohesion and effective service delivery by transparent, accountable and responsive institutions (UNSDCF Outcome 4)
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XM-DAC-41146-MKD_O_1 Assuring an accountable organization through principled performance
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XM-DAC-41146-MKD_O_2 Advancing partnership and resourcing
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XM-DAC-41146-MKD_O_4 Nurturing an empowered Workforce and advancing an inclusive UN Women culture
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XM-DAC-41146-MLI_D_1.1 people live in a rule of law, an environment of peace and accountability through strong public institutions, media and civil society exercising their roles and responsibilities for effective and inclusive governance (related to SP_D_1.1 : More women of all ages fully participate, lead and engage in political institutions and processes)
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XM-DAC-41146-MLI_D_1.2 By 2024, people live in a rule of law, an environment of peace and accountability through strong public institutions, media and civil society exercising their roles and responsibilities for effective and inclusive governance (related to SP_D_1.2 : More national and local plans and budgets are gender-responsive)
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XM-DAC-41146-MLI_D_2.1 “By 2024, Malian people, particularly the most vulnerable, participate in the economy and benefit from the benefits of strong, inclusive and resilient growth that creates decent jobs Related.
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XM-DAC-41146-MLI_D_2.2 By 2024, communities are managing natural resources and the environment in a sustainable and equitable manner and are more resilient to the adverse effects of climate change
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XM-DAC-41146-MLI_D_3.1 By 2024, vulnerable people have improved access to social welfare services, including in humanitarian context.
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XM-DAC-41146-MLI_D_4.1 By 2024, people are resilient to conflict, live reconciled and in harmony in a peaceful and secure environment that respects human rights and positive cultural traditions. (Related to SP_D_4.1 : More commitments on women, peace and security are implemented by Member States and the UN system, and more gender equality advocates influence peace and security processes)
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XM-DAC-41146-MLI_D_4.2 By 2024, people are resilient to conflict, live reconciled and in harmony in a peaceful and secure environment that respects human rights and positive cultural traditions. (Related to SP_D_4.2 : More women play a greater role and are better served by humanitarian response and recovery efforts)
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Showing 351 - 375 of 693
Disclaimer and notes
The boundaries and names shown and the designations used on this map do not imply official endorsement or acceptance by the United Nations.
References to Kosovo shall be understood to be in the context of United Nations Security Council resolution 1244 (1999).
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