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Planned Budget (Total) Disclaimer
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Showing field-based data over the years: 2022
Field-based data
$537.18 M Planned Budget
$391.62 M Actual Budget
$145.56 M Shortfall
$294.49 M Expenses
Office IATI Identifier outcome result statement
Planned Budget Actual Budget and Shortfall expenses
XM-DAC-41146-RD_O_2 Enhanced effective communication and visibility of UN Women’s GEWE results through effective partnerships
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XM-DAC-41146-RD_O_3 A culture of results based management and evaluation is institutionalized to deliver, report and share GEWE results in Kenya
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XM-DAC-41146-RD_O_4 Enhanced capacity of UN Women Kenya Staff to deliver on GEWE priorities upholding UN Women rules and regulations
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XM-DAC-41146-RWA_D_1.1 A diverse cohort of women leaders is formed to lead in governance at local and national level
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XM-DAC-41146-RWA_D_1.2 Women are perceived as equally legitimate and effective leaders as men throughout all spheres of society
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XM-DAC-41146-RWA_D_1.3 Implementation of gender equality and women’s empowerment commitments strengthened at national and local levels
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XM-DAC-41146-RWA_D_2.1 New opportunities are unlocked for women to benefit from Rwanda’s expanding private sector markets
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XM-DAC-41146-RWA_D_2.3 Women farmers and cooperatives’ engagement in higher segments of the food and agricultural value chains is increased
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XM-DAC-41146-RWA_D_3.1 Communities and other stakeholders are better able to prevent and respond to violence against women and girls and deliver essential services to victims
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XM-DAC-41146-RWA_D_3.2 Attitudes and behaviours related to women's and girl's rights to enjoy spaces free from VAW improved
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XM-DAC-41146-RWA_O_1 Enhanced coordination, coherence and accountability of the UN system for commitments to gender equality and women’s empowerment
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XM-DAC-41146-RWA_O_2 Increased engagement of partners in support of UN-Women’s mandate
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XM-DAC-41146-RWA_O_3 High quality of programmes through knowledge, innovation, results-based management and evaluation
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XM-DAC-41146-RWA_O_4 Improved management of financial and human resources in pursuit of results
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XM-DAC-41146-SDN_D_1.1 More women of all ages fully engage with political and economic institutions and in leadership
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XM-DAC-41146-SDN_D_2.1 Women secure access to productive resources and engage in sustainable resources creation activities in rural, peri-urban, conflict, post-conflict and humanitarian settings.
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XM-DAC-41146-SDN_D_4.1 Commitments on women, peace and humanitarian action are implemented in coordination between the UN System and national stakeholders, with more women and gender equality advocates influencing the processes
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XM-DAC-41146-SDN_O_4 Improved management of financial and human resources in pursuit of results
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XM-DAC-41146-SEN_D_1.5 More men and boys and women and girls adopt attitudes, norms and practices that advance gender equality and women’s empowerment, including those that promote positive social norms
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XM-DAC-41146-SEN_D_2.3 Changes attributed to UN Women in skills or abilities and capacities of individuals or institutions and/or the availability of new products and services contributing to Women’s equitable access to services, goods & resources
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XM-DAC-41146-SEN_D_3.2 Changes attributed to UN Women in skills or abilities and capacities of individuals or institutions and/or the availability of new products and services contributing to Women’s voice, leadership & agency
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XM-DAC-41146-SEN_D_3.4 Changes attributed to UNWomen in skills or abilities and capacities of individuals or institutions and/or the availability of new products and services contributing to Production, analysis and use of gender statistics and sex.
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XM-DAC-41146-SEN_O_1 Assuring an accountable organization through principled performance
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XM-DAC-41146-SEN_O_2 Advancing partnerships & resourcing; Effectively influencing for impact & scale
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XM-DAC-41146-SEN_O_3 Advancing business transformation
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Showing 501 - 525 of 693
Disclaimer and notes
The boundaries and names shown and the designations used on this map do not imply official endorsement or acceptance by the United Nations.
References to Kosovo shall be understood to be in the context of United Nations Security Council resolution 1244 (1999).
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